Fuck Russo. Never.
Fuck the guy that helped save the WWE when they were in a similar position in 1997. Just based on what he did for them then, he should get a 3 month try out.
Fuck Russo. Never.
Lost me there. If there was one person they buried responsibly, it's Zack Ryder. He sucked.
Lost me there. If there was one person they buried responsibly, it's Zack Ryder. He sucked.
Good or not, he was over, he could have been a good solid upper mid carder for a few years with the fan support he had. But they tried to bury him for a few months, pushed him when they had to because his chants would interrupt other peoples matches. And then squashed and buried him right away almost as if to say this is what you get for getting over with out our permission. You could also see something similar happening with Bryan after Mania when he got put in that feud with Kane and made to look like a joke.Lost me there. If there was one person they buried responsibly, it's Zack Ryder. He sucked.
That ain't happening. Hell, they could offer that exact arrangement to Heyman and he would refuse.The only way I see this getting out of the gutter is if Vince fires the current writer staff and puts a guy like Heyman to run creative with Vince as the final say so. Give Paul a filter like he had back when he was running Smackdown. Heyman is a fucking genius in this business and could be doing so much more than just cutting promos.
The only way I see this getting out of the gutter is if Vince fires the current writer staff and puts a guy like Heyman to run creative with Vince as the final say so. Give Paul a filter like he had back when he was running Smackdown. Heyman is a fucking genius in this business and could be doing so much more than just cutting promos.
But Vince is part of the problem, at 70 years old he needs to retire.
I wonder if PG is what's keeping them afloat, slowly killing them, or both?
Vince dying is the only way he'll give up control.Have to give the man a cookie. I am trying to come up with a realistic scenario, not one that would require Vince dying for him to give up control.
I don't want to see any of those things... and, if I did, I know how to access RAW highlights from the late 1990s and early 2000s.People want to see attitude era content. They want to see people showing up at peoples fake houses and tossing them through a window because of infidelity. They want to see a lunatic putting people on a cross. People want to see the guy that represents their asshole boss in their real life get the shit beat out of him in a hospital and something shoved up his ass.
I wonder if PG is what's keeping them afloat, slowly killing them, or both?
Vince dying is the only way he'll give up control.
Vince giving up control is the only thing that will prompt the WWE to change anything with its current formula of directionless, "push nobody" booking.
Well, either that or fans no longer throwing their money at the WWE because of workrate... or their back library... or because folks on NXT show promise because Vince hasn't had a chance to ruin them yet... or, even worse, because they think that if they stick with RAW long enough some meaningful change will happen.
I don't want to see any of those things... and, if I did, I know how to access RAW highlights from the late 1990s and early 2000s.
They are better off without the excesses of the attitude era. The content of that time destroyed advertiser's confidence in pro wrestling even to this day, and you can kiss their deals with Mattel and Susan G away if they went back to that.
Why doesn't anyone discuss the fact that professional wrestling is dying?
Types of entertainment die all the time.
I'm not disputing that at all. In fact, I agree with you completely on that. The WWE's obsession with long matches on TV is a serious problem. We need more creative and wacky angles that are completely out there and nuts. I just don't want to see "the same things" from the Attitude era rehashed. I want to see new stuff. Not more people being crucified and bosses being anally raped in their hospital gowns. In fact, they can be creative while still not deviating from their PG branding or alienating their sponsors. They just haven't bothered to try.Well, most wrestling fans do. Wrestling isnt for technical nerds who want to argue about if a match was a 4 or 5 star match. Its low brow entertainment.
Lost me there. If there was one person they buried responsibly, it's Zack Ryder. He sucked.
I'm not disputing that at all. In fact, I agree with you completely on that. The WWE's obsession with long matches on TV is a serious problem. We need more creative and wacky angles that are completely out there and nuts. I just don't want to see "the same things" from the Attitude era rehashed. I want to see new stuff. Not more people being crucified and bosses being anally raped in their hospital gowns. In fact, they can be creative while still not deviating from their PG branding or alienating their sponsors. They just haven't bothered to try.
They didnt get the Mattel contract until 2010 and there attitude era toys sold well. Susan G doesnt give a shit.
The fact is, the attitude era was the last time that wrestling grew.
I agree that that was complete bullshit. He was champion to me, dammit.I still begrudge them for not having made Ambrose champion when he fought Rollins for the title awhile ago, he won the match and they decided that since a ref was pushed it didn't count. That kinda set the mood for me from that point on.
That's happened?You have to be like Xavier Woods in the New Day and get permission from creative to get over on your own, telling them they can fire him if it doesn't work out.
I still begrudge them for not having made Ambrose champion when he fought Rollins for the title awhile ago, he won the match and they decided that since a ref was pushed it didn't count. That kinda set the mood for me from that point on.
That's happened?
They most certainly give a shit, unless you think the rapid shift away from male on female interaction in the ring and the elimination of the raunchier stuff was just a coincidence and a shift to tv-14 will bring all that back.
Source?It's the only way anyone gets creative control. Pretty much anyone who ever did anything of note in WWE staked their job on it working out.
Then again they had WCW.
Lol. Why the hell is Rating Killer Seth Rollins there with actual draws?Rock is too busy with Baywatch
Batista is too busy being in movies
Cena is too busy doing movies and TV and wanting to take a break
Bryan is injured
Seth is injured
Orton is injured
Basically almost all the fallbacks are out. And Vince is paying the price.
Lol. Why the hell is Rating Killer Seth Rollins there with actual draws?
I wonder if PG is what's keeping them afloat, slowly killing them, or both?
If you think Susan G will leave WWE and the constant cash because of some raunchy behavior, youre wrong. Little kids arent getting breast cancer. Susan G would love an adult female kickass version of Stone Cold.
The product is the problem. You could put Stone Cold, Ric Flair, and the Undertaker on the same episode of Raw and it still wouldn't draw right now. Hypothetically of course. I'm sure that would never happen and still go unwatched.
Sure, replaying the same exact scenarios would be stupid. What I mean was they need to push the boundaries. And if they went to an adult orientated show, and were successful, the sponsors wouldnt leave. Controversy sells.
Dude, that totally would not have reeked of awesomeness.I'm not a long-term watcher of recent wrestling, but i've seen enough of the WWE now to know nothing interesting is going to happen. Cena gets the authority out of power by winning a match? Guest hosts for Raw until Rollins gets the authority back in power to continue a boring direction by threatening to kill a guy in a ring. Cena should have let that guy die.
When did WWE become PG? Wasn't it 2004 or 2005, well after the boom had ended?
And the ratings slide continues.....
Raw Viewership for 11/23:
8pm: 3.190
9pm: 2.990
10pm: 2.712
Avg: 2.964
Heyman is a guy you use as a pt consultant if you do use him.Nah Heyman has no interest in creative stuff anymore. He's said how much he loves working the Brock schedule and doing his own thing with Heyman Hustle.
WWE had a good run