The Albatross
With a plurality of the audience skewing older (e.g., 24 and up seemingly), I don't think that this means that they need to drop the PG or PG-13 story lines and that'll "fix" their story line problem. As a 30-something, if I were watching the Attitude era and post-Attitude era "R Rated" storylines, I'd turn it off immediately. Seeing grown men make dick jokes, a stable's theme be based entirely on sucking someone's dick, and storylines involving characters rape or take advantage of each other sexually... Those are cringe-worthy, "I'm embarrassed to watch this garbage" story lines that appeal precisely to the average 15-year-old male, not the 30-something year old male. Back when I was 15, I thought they were hilarious and awesome, but the reason I watched wasn't because HHH told someone to suck their dick, but because they also had compelling story lines underneath it and realistic rivalries that made you care about the matches. As a 16 year old I'd hoot and holler to see Sable's boobs at a show and then talk about a pimp-wrestler's hoes at school the next day, but the real reason we'd watch was to see how Vince would use another crony to do his bidding against Austin. Those undercurrent storylines were what were interesting in these feuds, not the "R-Rated" filler that they wrapped around it.