NXT uses people with a good look or gimmick on TV in a limited fashion they know they are capable of pulling off, while continuing to develop them, and give them longer matches at untelevised events. I think Baron is doing just fine where he is and I think without that earlier TV time, he wouldn't be as comfortable in his character as he is right now.
It's better to use someone in a limited fashion on screen until they're ready. Remember what happened with Roman when they tried to use him for singles matches before he was ready for them? It sucked compared to the hot tag role he played in the shield.
In NXT over the last couple of years, I've seen a number of people find themselves on screen. Carmella, Alexa Bliss, Jason Jordan, Bull, Baron, even Dana... all at one time or another were doing short one sided matches. It gave them all time to get comfortable on screen.
Throw her into a longer match before she can go, and she's only a few botches away from finding herself in a much harder hole to crawl out of.