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WWE Vengeance spoilers

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First tragedy, then farce.
Thanks God. I know its not going to last too much longer.. but Benoit still has the strap... he's really been a very good champ in my opinion, and has put so many people over he deserves a nice long run.. was a pretty good match, especially given Flair, Batista and Eugene interference. No orton though, and now that he is without a belt, I forsee Eugene somehow being the downfall of Evolution.

and now that Edge is saddled with the IC title, either he isnt going to feud with trips or hunter is going to be knocked down off of the main event.

More than anything, Im pumped that Hardy took out Kane. I was expecting a beat down of magnificent proportions.. but it didnt happen... and V1 hit the twist of fate, which I havent seen in a while.. as far as a no DQ match goes though, it was pretty tame. I imagine Mattitudes bumb knee can be thanked for that. I have confidence after Kane throttles him at Summer Slam and he gets his surgery he will come back and be jumping off 30 foot ladders in no time.
Not happy its in the title as I was eagerly wanting to watch the replay later tonight !!!! But hey at least he still has the strap for a while longer.


Junior Ace
Orton helped the IC title more than the IC title helped him, and in my opinion, he wasn't done helping it yet. Edge just hurts the belt more than anything.


Yeah, I thought if they were gonna have Orton drop the strap it made more sense to him doing it last month when he fought Benjamin since you know, Benjamin had momentum and everything.

Heck, the fans were cheering for Orton more than Edge in the match, but who can blame them. I found Edge to be real boring since his return.

Even though I doubt it, would be funny if the main event leads to a Triple H/Eugene match at SummerSlam, if just so Benoit can fight someone else and keep Trips from the gold for a month longer.

On a whole though, I thought the PPV was eh.


There is no discernible reason for Edge to be on RAW whatsoever. His prescence is completely superfluous and is keeping Shelton Benjamin from a damn good roster spot. Ship Edge's sorry ass back to Smackdown, he can be King of the Middle Card Rejects Masquerading as Main Eventers over there.
edge is just one dimensional and it shows now, while christian was in the same rut he really stepped out while edge seems stuck in the year 2000


First tragedy, then farce.
bah, they need to repair edge and christian, rehire Jeff Hardy and bring the Dudleys back to Raw, and just have a TLC match every week.. last team living wins the belts.
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