Shin K Dash
whenever people use "Grounded" for superhero films, it just makes me roll my eyes...
You have an almost god-like entity of pure power. Grounded is not going to work.
EwWe're never getting a true X-Men film are we? The closest thing I've seen was Deadpool and that's sad lol.
I wish they would give the rights back to Marvel/Disney, but that's not going to happen since so many people still go out and watch those turd films. Eh, at least we have the animated series.
you can make a grounded movie in space.
if i wanted to see a mediocre CGI fest in space
Cool but don't use the Dark Phoenix sagaThe original Bryan Singer X-Men was also pretty grounded for it's time, and it worked out great. Even X-Men 2 was somewhat grounded compared to First Class/DofP/Apocalypse. No reason pulling away from the cheesiness can't work.
i guess folks are saying "it's in space" because there's no ground there not understanding you can make a grounded movie in space.
the best parts of the x-men series have been the character moments. the boring CGI fight fests were always the most mediocre of the bunch. it's smart to play to that angle because that's literally this series strong suit.
if i wanted to see a mediocre CGI fest in space i'd watch gotg 1 & 2 but i actually want good acting and dialogue (most of the time).
watchmen would like to have a word
you can have implausible things happen and still be grounded. grounded doesn't mean realistic, it just means more sensible.
whenever people use "Grounded" for superhero films it just makes roll my eyes...
Agreed then need to give the license back to Marvel already.
That's a bad assumption.
watchmen would like to have a word
you can have implausible things happen and still be grounded. grounded doesn't mean realistic, it just means more sensible.
speaking of eye rolling
Almost 20 years after the 1st film and we're still doing this black leather bullshit
If you want make a grounded X-Men Movie, why don't you take a grounded X-Men Story as basis instead of Dark Phoenix
I mean there's been several good films out of franchise well regarded both critically and commercially. Hit and miss sure but to so say they can't use the ip doesn't seem to hold up to any asking them to give the ip to someone who can actually use it well is eye rolling?
lol asking them to give the ip to someone who can actually use it well is eye rolling?
naw you misconstrued.
I mean there's been several good films out of franchise well regarded both critically and commercially. Hit and miss sure but to so say they can't use the ip doesn't seem to hold up to any scrutiny.
So I take it Jean won't be eating stars and killing off solar systems?
There's only 1 good film in X-franchise, and it's Logan. Then there's couple of others that give an illusion of quality by good casting choices.
Grounded seems to either mean more character driven or unambitious and cheapI love grounded super heroes, but somehow when a marketing team says it, all I can think of is boring.
Nah she'll use her powers to kick down some cardboard boxes instead.
The Shi'ar aren't even going to be aliens. They're going to be a Eurotrash biker gang.
Agreed they need to give the license back to Marvel already.
Spiderman: Homecoming 3, featuring Hugh Jackman as Aunt MayGive the X-Men universe to Sony and then they can give Fox the Spider-Man rights so if they are ever pulled over by the cops they have each others Marvel properties and the cops are going to be all like whaaaaaat?!
Is this why the X-men costumes are always so bland and boring.
What the fuck is Jean Grey even wearing there?
Black leather body armour?
No matter the colour scheme, the X-Men just can't move away from (p)leather.Bleh.
Is this why the X-men costumes are always so bland and boring.
What the fuck is Jean Grey even wearing there?
Black leather body armour?
Can we just recast Jean Grey? Sophie Turner was goddamn atrocious in the role. Her American accent was the worst.
Can we just recast Jean Grey? Sophie Turner was goddamn atrocious in the role. Her American accent was the worst.