Shin K Dash
No matter the colour scheme, the X-Men just can't move away from (p)leather.
"What Would You Prefer, Yellow Spandex?"
No matter the colour scheme, the X-Men just can't move away from (p)leather.
Logan also had Hugh Jackman . . . legendary actor
I mean there's been several good films out of franchise well regarded both critically and commercially. Hit and miss sure but to so say they can't use the ip doesn't seem to hold up to any scrutiny.
lol why?
Go to your room X-Men: Dark Phoenix, you're grounded!
In the same fucking Vancouver forest Fox always uses.
Shi'ar and Grounded in the same movie does not match
The original Bryan Singer X-Men was also pretty grounded for it's time, and it worked out great. Even X-Men 2 was somewhat grounded compared to First Class/DofP/Apocalypse. No reason pulling away from the cheesiness can't work.
The first and most obvious reason is because giant multimedia companies don't just give up licensing rights to other ones, especially when those licensing rights lead to very large sums of money coming into the company. The idea that one should just give up those rights to another media conglomerate is fucking ridiculous
The second reason is that the studios in question are just that: studios. They're not a person. They're certainly not a person making the movies. Mac Fox isn't the guy writing the movie, Dennis Fox isn't the guy shooting it, Deandra Fox isn't the woman acting in it, etc. etc. Simply "giving the rights back" doesn't guarantee that Jeff Disney is going to write anything better, or that Jenny Disney is going to direct it to your personal satisfaction, either.
There have been good X-Men movies. Those movies were made for 20th Century Fox. That this movie might turn out bad isn't the greatest reason to suggest 20th Century Fox just... give up their rights to Walt Disney Pictures. Because it's very likely Marvel Studios would not have approved of something along the lines of X2, or First Class, or Days of Future Past, or Logan, or Deadpool. And what you might have gotten in exchange wouldn't be guaranteed to be that good, either.
Also, it's not as if Marvel Studios even wants the X-Men, and trying to fold that shit into what's currently going on over there would be a fucking nightmare of logistics, I'd bet. I'm sure if someone over there had a foolproof, strong-as-Colossus idea on how to make near a billion a film, every film, for the next 5 films with the X-Men, someone would have pitched that, and Marvel might have a reason to go and make a ridiculous deal with Fox to get those rights back. But it seems like nobody's got that idea, and nobody's made that pitch, and Marvel's certainly not trying to get the rights back so..
...yeah, asking for 20th Century Fox to just give up the rights to a studio that doesn't seem all that concerned with acquiring them and wouldn't necessarily do what you want them to do even if they did have them doesn't seem all that well thought out, which is why I roll my eyes at what isn't much more than superhero cinema port begging.
Maybe this'll be like the Amazing Spider-Man 2. It'll convince Fox to just let Marvel make their movies for them.
to be fair its alot more miss then hit and i dont think anyonecan deny marvel adding them to the MCU would open up more opportunities
No matter the colour scheme, the X-Men just can't move away from (p)leather.
Let me get this straight. You think Marvel doesn't want the X-Men back? One of their most popular properties, one of their top 3 franchises along with Spider-Man and Avengers? Yeah...
Deadpool should have shown fox that you can have a color costume that resembles the comic.
They apparently do not. Certainly not enough to actually do anything about it. They seem more than satisfied with what they have.
What makes you think they do? What can you point to that shows Feige and the rest of the braintrust is thinking about ways to get X-Men back in the fold?
I agree. if anything Fox should just copy guardians of the galaxy.
Marvel would give up the rights to Ant Man, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Dr. Strange etc in an instant if it meant they could have the X-Men back.
Marvel would give up the rights to Ant Man, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Dr. Strange etc in an instant if it meant they could have the X-Men back.
Deadpool IS Fox.
the problem isnt the studio. Its the filmmaker.
Tim Miller wanted that costume.
Bryan Singer doesn't.
Fox isnt either of those people
We're never gonna see Corsair in a live action film, are we
So the story where one of the X-Men merges with a space god that takes the form of a fire bird, then is kidnapped and brainwashed by a one-percenter S&M club with a Hamilton fetish, then turns evil and destroys an inhabited star system for funsies. Then a bounty is placed on her head by and alien empire, and the X-Men must participate in gladiatorial combat for he life against Not-The-Legion-of-Superheroes on the moon? The story that ends with suicide by giant space laser?
Yeah, have fun grounding that.
I swear to god if Corsair shows up.
Xmen been spotty for so long it's pretty much trash status to me at this point.
Someone with a little clout and a fully-formed pitch is gonna have to take a meeting with someone in production before that even begins to be a possibility.
Although all that someone really has to say is "you guys realize you already have the rights to a better version of Guardians of the Galaxy, right?"
Because when I think "Dark Phoenix", I think "This is the kind of character who should be more realistic".
I don't even want to BEGIN to think about how current Fox would handle the Summers family.
NGL it gives me no small amount of joy that Bryan Singer is tethered forever to a property that he hates. While his career tanked outside of the funny book movies.
Like yeah it's shit for the franchise but MAN does it hit my square in the schadenfreude.
Literally the best X-Men film ever made just came out this year.
How is that "trash status"
She just drives around in a Firebird..
sansa looks so damn good though as Jean Grey. whew.
but yeah all the actresses from Game of Thrones save for Cersei and Brienne suck.