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Xbox boss Phil Spencer asks fans not to "weaponise" games for "battles between platforms"


Gold Member
A company that was mis-managed that was slowly going down the shitter that will hopefully get its management gutted and replaced with competent and experienced people. I don't really care about trying to paint a picture or fit a narrative, but this is my own speculation. I also speculate that most games will remain multi-plat with new IP being exclusive. You don't just consume a company the size of Activision that owns Blizzard, King and MLG and simply keep it to yourself when you don't own the market. It makes no financial sense.
Nah, they would have restructured a few things, but nowhere near “in trouble and needed bailing out” narrative.

Sega Orphan

The retarded fanbois are s small % of gamers.
However this gen has offered so many self owns to them you would have thought that they might pull their heads in.
PS5 was only software Ray Tracing. Owned.
XSX 12 tflops were GCN flops and not RDNA 2 flops. Owned.
Insiders saying PS5 was more powerful than XSX. Owned
Github was bullshit. Owned
PS5 has overheating issues. Owned
Xbox has no games. Owned.
Sony believes in generations. Owned.
Sony won't release games on PC. Owned
SSDs makes a consoles graphics better. Owned.
Sony can't afford to spend billions on a developer. Owned
MS can't afford to keep Bethesda games exclusive. Owned

I could go one but the point is made.
You fanboys have had your arses handed to you time after time this gen. Just give it a rest already.
While the fanboys are indeed retarded, never forget that competition is key. Without Xbox Sony wouldn't be making the same effort they are now. Without Sony kicking MS arse last gen MS would most likely have continued in that same direction.
The content war now means more games will get developed. More money will be spent of opening new studios.


The retarded fanbois are s small % of gamers.
However this gen has offered so many self owns to them you would have thought that they might pull their heads in.
PS5 was only software Ray Tracing. Owned.
XSX 12 tflops were GCN flops and not RDNA 2 flops. Owned.
Insiders saying PS5 was more powerful than XSX. Owned
Github was bullshit. Owned
PS5 has overheating issues. Owned
Xbox has no games. Owned.
Sony believes in generations. Owned.
Sony won't release games on PC. Owned
SSDs makes a consoles graphics better. Owned.
Sony can't afford to spend billions on a developer. Owned
MS can't afford to keep Bethesda games exclusive. Owned

I could go one but the point is made.
You fanboys have had your arses handed to you time after time this gen. Just give it a rest already.
While the fanboys are indeed retarded, never forget that competition is key. Without Xbox Sony wouldn't be making the same effort they are now. Without Sony kicking MS arse last gen MS would most likely have continued in that same direction.
The content war now means more games will get developed. More money will be spent of opening new studios.
The internet gave them voice now. Before it was just small forums. Now, they have big platforms, to send their messages.
  • Thoughtful
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No Silksong? = Delivering the pain.
It’s just virtue signaling. Businesses that large and in such lucrative industries aren’t holding hands and singing kumbaya. Competition between game consoles is a tradition going back 40 years.

I can agree that obvious shilling and willful ignorance could Be knocked down a peg though.



Choose a side. One day there will be a great war. Two juggernauts will collide. Nintendo will get trampled, PC master race will continue to list reasons why we should buy a PC (with lists of components), and surrounded by their battling armies Phil (maybe) and Jim (maybe) will seek each other out in the middle of chaos (Braveheart gif style) and solve the issue once and for all.

Where will you be and what side will you choose?


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Please game pass on ps. And everything will be ok
That's a request you should send Jimbo not Spencer
These words are hard to believe considering Greenberg is still on that job position. Seems Phil is only posing for PR.

Glad he awares that his loyal fans are the worst.
Given your title here i really didn't realise you were a green rat until now.
im just jk.
No you weren't, you are just trying to weasle yourself from being reported.

Dr Bass

It's not worth belaboring this point necessarily, but I just wanted to drop this small write up I found from several years ago, way before any of this happened, that explains the importance of Crash to the PS platform back in the days. It absolutely did feel like an "unofficial" mascot for PlayStation. During the PS1 days I actually worked at Software Etc. (which is what became our modern GameStop) so I was selling these games to people. I knew what Crash meant to the PS platform. Just wanting to show I am not pulling this from my rear. Again, I do not care what company does what, and don't care about this game series in the slightest. I've never liked it. Just saying it is what it is. Posting the Crash character doing the Xbox "sign" along with yourself, as an MS exec, was done very purposefully. Even though Greenberg denies it.



It's not worth belaboring this point necessarily, but I just wanted to drop this small write up I found from several years ago, way before any of this happened, that explains the importance of Crash to the PS platform back in the days. It absolutely did feel like an "unofficial" mascot for PlayStation. During the PS1 days I actually worked at Software Etc. (which is what became our modern GameStop) so I was selling these games to people. I knew what Crash meant to the PS platform. Just wanting to show I am not pulling this from my rear. Again, I do not care what company does what, and don't care about this game series in the slightest. I've never liked it. Just saying it is what it is. Posting the Crash character doing the Xbox "sign" along with yourself, as an MS exec, was done very purposefully. Even though Greenberg denies it.

Sony had alot of chances to buy the IP from activision. They wasted alot of time not getting that IP. This is like MS passing gta3 exclusivity.


Well... that thought that some gamers should not "weaponise" the games... Well, there is no need anymore. As much as there is no need for consoles for me, for instance.

Well... what make me buy a console is it's exclusives. My PS3 was bough because inFAMOUS, Gran Turismo, Uncharted, Neptunia, God of War, MGS4, Folklore and others. The same could be applied to 360, where I recently get if based in some exclusives as Dead or Alive 3 and 4, Forza, Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon and others.

If I can get any game anywhere, well... I just don't need a console anymore. I'll just wait for instance, GT7 gets a PC release and any Xbox game can be played at PC nowadays. The fun thing is that both plataform's holders games might be possible to play in the Steam Deck and that could be really amusing (probably at lowest settings, yet could be amazing).

To me, both, Ryan and Spencer are trying to kill console market. I can understand Microsoft doing it to bring all to Windows. There is a huge reason for that when you are Microsoft. The same can't be said about Sony.

That being said, now I don't need anymore an overpriced piece of plastic to play some games. And I'm ok with that.
Phil's speaking more and more against console war, i think because he wants gaming fanbase to see it from different perspective, he wants Xbox to be seen as neutral brand....I think he's going to bring gamepass gaming portal to Sony and Nintendo devices.....Just like Netflix, how it is hardware agnostic
I think it's a safe bet the first few posters wrote their zany one liners because saw Phil Spencer's name in the subject.

Sorry Phil, asking for decorum from folks on the internet isn't gonna be as easy as you think.

Look at this monster posting about an IP they own now.

What a weaponizing piece of shit ..

Just like this guy ....


but returnal never released on xbox... crash is an iconic playstation character, even if sony never owned it.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
but returnal never released on xbox... crash is an iconic playstation character, even if sony never owned it.

And now it's an MS owned IP.

Final Fantasy was also once an iconic Nintendo franchise before it pivoted into an iconic PlayStation franchise.

It means nothing unless you own the IP.

Disappointment Reaction GIF by Yle Areena

Did 3 months ago disappeared from your memory?

And he was literally asked to give a message to fans by an interviewer.

I swear, some folks here get so personally offended any time Phil says something, it's like he killed their grandmas and reposessed their homes or something ..
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They don’t have anything interesting releasing for this year until Starfield in November at the moment.

Of course things might get announced soon but that looks unlikely.
According to the Nvidia Now "leak" Microsoft was going to publish like 16 AAA games this year.
Its hypocrisy, because 3rd party games have been exclusive by other systems before, while blocking access to other system. This was going before xbox joined the game.

Noooo. Hypocrisy is saying something while doing something else. It doesn't matter what Sony has done, if they're not saying shit that contradicts their own actions it's not hypocrisy.

You don't get to change the definition of words to to make an argument work.

And as for making sure more gamers play the game, he did exactly what he said. He opened his platform to PC. He made cloud streaming, which will reduce the need for the console. I can play any xbox exclusive on a browser. I can play xbox games on my android phone, or browser on my ipad/iPhone.

If Sony wants those games, there is 1 thing they can do. Get the complete gamepass package on their system. Phill will be happy by that decision. It's all on Sony hand.

Nah, they would have restructured a few things, but nowhere near “in trouble and needed bailing out” narrative.
I didn’t say they needed a bailout, yet, but every major hit is delayed. Diablo 4, Overwatch 2, Call of Duty and so on. When Call of Duty is delayed a year, something is wrong.


Phil Spencer says "We want to make games available to more players"
He opened xbox to other platforms, which nintendo and sony arent doing it.

Meanwhile, he buys publishers who make games for all platforms and then proceeds to restrict the number of platforms said publisher launches their games on.
You can play those games on PC. You dont need to buy xbox to play them. If sony bought those studios, you will have to buy PlayStation consoles to play them.
I can pay $15 and play them on a browser through cloud streaming.

Plus 3rd party games were always restricted from other platforms. Xbox players cant play persona series aside of few titles. FF7R is exclusive to PlayStation. Nintendo has bayonetta 3 exclusive to its platform.

This isnt something, which Phil is limiting. This has been happening all through out the industry. You just want to hold standard to xbox only, while ignoring other platforms.

Were you asleep for the past two years?
I guess you have been sleep through out the gaming industry history. Or from 2015-2020 went out of your memory, where xbox lost some iconic 3rd party games.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
According to the Nvidia Now "leak" Microsoft was going to publish like 16 AAA games this year.

The leak didn't put dates on anything, and those that did were mostly wrong (see reddit post below) and it didn't have 16 things for any single studio ...

Here's the full list:

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He opened xbox to other platforms, which nintendo and sony arent doing it.

You can play those games on PC. You dont need to buy xbox to play them. If sony bought those studios, you will have to buy PlayStation consoles to play them.
I can pay $15 and play them on a browser through cloud streaming.

Plus 3rd party games were always restricted from other platforms. Xbox players cant play persona series aside of few titles. FF7R is exclusive to PlayStation. Nintendo has bayonetta 3 exclusive to its platform.

This isnt something, which Phil is limiting. This has been happening all through out the industry. You just want to hold standard to xbox only, while ignoring other platforms.

I guess you have been sleep through out the gaming industry history. Or from 2015-2020 went out of your memory, where xbox lost some iconic 3rd party games.
It doesn't matter what anyone else is doing. It literally makes no difference what Sony does or would do if they were the ones to buy exclusivity. If Microsoft said they wanted to bring games to more players but then went on to buy publishers who were making games for Xbox, PC, Playstation and Nintendo, only to restrict those publishers to make games only for Xbox and PC, then they are limiting the amount of players. It's hypocritical.

You're argument that they are adding more players through cloud streaming requires a huge asterisk and ignores the players that they are losing in the meantime.

Again, it doesn't matter what other companies are doing in the industry. It has no bearing on whether or not Microsoft is being hypocritical.

FYI, I'm not actually arguing that Microsoft is in all actuality a hypocrite. I haven't been following their PR and don't know what phrasing was used. My issue is you saying someone isn't a hypocrite because of what other people are doing.
If someone says it's bad to smoke in public, but then they seeing other people doing it so they decide to smoke in public too, then they are still a hypocrite.


It doesn't matter what anyone else is doing. It literally makes no difference what Sony does or would do if they were the ones to buy exclusivity. If Microsoft said they wanted to bring games to more players but then went on to buy publishers who were making games for Xbox, PC, Playstation and Nintendo, only to restrict those publishers to make games only for Xbox and PC, then they are limiting the amount of players. It's hypocritical.
He literally told them he is open to put gamepass package on their system. How is that restricting them?
Its up to the system owners, to let that happen. Phil has no control, if they refused his offer.
If you are angry about that, request Sony or Nintendo to out gamepass on their system.

You're argument that they are adding more players through cloud streaming requires a huge asterisk and ignores the players that they are losing in the meantime.
Are you saying paying for $300 to $500 is much cheaper than $15 a month option?

You can literally play those games on ant browser, Mac or windows. There is no limit to that. Only brand loyalty stops that.

Again, it doesn't matter what other companies are doing in the industry. It has no bearing on whether or not Microsoft is being hypocritical
It is. MS isnt going to sit down, and let those companies block access to 3rd party games.
You argument is that, it's OK for these companies to stop MS accessing those games. But you draw the line, if MS does it. Talk about hypocrisy.

FYI, I'm not actually arguing that Microsoft is in all actuality a hypocrite. I haven't been following their PR and don't know what phrasing was used. My issue is you saying someone isn't a hypocrite because of what other people are doing.
If someone says it's bad to smoke in public, but then they seeing other people doing it so they decide to smoke in public too, then they are still a hypocrite.
The industry set that tone. Sony purchased the 1st big publisher gaming in the history. MS is doing the same thing. Different is, MS let's you access those games, in devices which has gamepass.

Phil has been very clear with his intentions. Opening his platforms to windows pc showed that. He is doing day1 pc, which he shouldn't have done it in the 1st place. But he is doing it, because he wants more gamers to play xbox games. He designed gamepass, which allows people to play xbox games for cheap, instead of paying $60. He made cloud system, which eases the requirements of hardware to play those games.

Yet, people here accuse him of hypocrisy.


He literally told them he is open to put gamepass package on their system. How is that restricting them?
Its up to the system owners, to let that happen. Phil has no control, if they refused his offer.
If you are angry about that, request Sony or Nintendo to out gamepass on their system.

Are you saying paying for $300 to $500 is much cheaper than $15 a month option?

You can literally play those games on ant browser, Mac or windows. There is no limit to that. Only brand loyalty stops that.

It is. MS isnt going to sit down, and let those companies block access to 3rd party games.
You argument is that, it's OK for these companies to stop MS accessing those games. But you draw the line, if MS does it. Talk about hypocrisy.

The industry set that tone. Sony purchased the 1st big publisher gaming in the history. MS is doing the same thing. Different is, MS let's you access those games, in devices which has gamepass.

Phil has been very clear with his intentions. Opening his platforms to windows pc showed that. He is doing day1 pc, which he shouldn't have done it in the 1st place. But he is doing it, because he wants more gamers to play xbox games. He designed gamepass, which allows people to play xbox games for cheap, instead of paying $60. He made cloud system, which eases the requirements of hardware to play those games.

Yet, people here accuse him of hypocrisy.
I'm not angry about anything and I didn't make any argument about what is okay for other companies to do. Why are you putting words in my mouth?
I tried to make it clear I didn't follow any of the PR.

I was just trying to clear up your confusion regarding the word "hypocrit" but somehow your console war blinders are obscuring the meaning. Hypocrisy is something in relation to oneself. Outside forces have no bearing on it.
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I'm not angry about anything and I didn't make any argument about what is okay for other companies to do. Why are you putting words in my mouth?
I tried to make it clear I didn't follow any of the PR.

I was just trying to clear up your confusion regarding the word "hypocrit" but somehow your console war blinders obscuring meaning. Hypocrisy is something in relation to oneself. Outside forces have no bearing on it.
This isn't console war. It's just people like to spout these nonsense, to discredit Phil. And use his "gaming is for everyone" quotes, while turning blindly to the actions he has done to achieve those steps.

I could have agreed with you, if Phil bought these studios, and put them on xbox, and not share them with PC community day1, or cloud users.

Sorry for the angry rant.


This isn't console war. It's just people like to spout these nonsense, to discredit Phil. And use his "gaming is for everyone" quotes, while turning blindly to the actions he has done to achieve those steps.

I could have agreed with you, if Phil bought these studios, and put them on xbox, and not share them with PC community day1, or cloud users.

Sorry for the angry rant.
Microsoft can still put the games on gamepass and cloud streaming without removing the options of playing them natively on Playstation and Nintendo consoles too. That's also an option they'd have to reach the most players.
Edit:Since no one seems to be able to follow along the comment chain and are taking stuff out of context, I'm don't think Microsoft should actually do this and I'm not bitching that they aren't. It was just something they could do in order to reach as many gamers as possible, making games more accessible which would be more in line with some people's interpretation's of Phil's statement.

Sony would be shooting themselves in the foot if they sold subsidized hardware like the PS5 and then allowed a competitors service like gamepass. They can't recoup the losses on the hardware without software sales.

Microsoft offering the games to Sony through gamepass is like offering cake on the condition they also drink some poison.
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Look at this monster posting about an IP they own now.

What a weaponizing piece of shit ..

Just like this guy ....


You clearly don't know Aaron Greenberg that well if you think that Aarons Crash avatar is the same as Cerny tweeting about Returnal. Who is Cerny even meant to be antagonising/attacking with that tweet in your mind?

Cerny is one of the nicest most softspoken people in the industry. Aaron has a reputation for flaimbait shit talking. He always has, if he was excited for the game he could have posted something like that years ago when crash released on xbox. I bet if Crash was a Sony game and xbox was on top he would be talking about how it flopped or had a low metacritic and how X game outsold it. He has gone a little more quiet since the Xbox one generation but he always shit talked and antagonised. Said playstations business model isn't sustainable, gleefully always talked about low playstation sales, that sort of thing. You would never catch Cerny being so petty.

To be honest I don't care about Aaron though. I think those that do need to grow thicker skin but i think you're being willfully obtuse if you are trying to point to some kind of similarity between Greenberg and Cerny's personality/tweets. They are polar opposites.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
To be honest I don't care about Aaron though. I think those that do need to grow thicker skin but i think you're being willfully obtuse if you are trying to point to some kind of similarity between Greenberg and Cerny's personality/tweets. They are clearly polar opposites.

You completely misread my point if that was your takeaway.

The point was that who gives a shit what his avatar is, trying to draw a direct correlation between what Aaron's avatar is versus what Phil Spencer said (who are two completely different human beings mind you), is a fools errand.


The leak didn't put dates on anything, and those that did were mostly wrong (see reddit post below) and it didn't have 16 things for any single studio ...

Here's the full list:
The leak did have dates for many games and no, this isn't the full list of games.

I remember MS had over a dozen games with a 2022 date, and there was even Scalebound there. Capcom also had more games there like a Monster Hunter PSP game with typos in its name, plus a mistranslated Resident Evil that was copypasted from a proper leak of a Capcom roadmap document stolen by ransom hackers who mistranslated it. Whoever wrote the name of that Resident Evil in the Nvidia database wasn't a Capcom employee because instead of using the proper translation did use the wrong one made by the ransomware hacker.

Some names on the list may be proper leaks, but many of them are only guesses or hopes from a fan who copy pasted there rumors or announced games and did include dates guessed by him. Some of them were MS AAA games that we know are in preproduction or in its first steps of production, so are years away from release but according to him are supposed to be released this year. And well, there's Scalebound that Platinum recently said that would like to revive the project (meaning that they aren't working on it).

Regarding the Sony games, they said that have no plans to release all their games and to do it day one or soon. Instead they plan to release only some of their games and to do it years after the original PS release. So the next PC ports to be announced by Sony pretty likely are going to be stuff like TLOU (+maybe TLOU2) or Spider-Man 1 (+maybe Morales) more than games originally released on PS during 2021 or 2022.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
The leak did have dates for many games and no, this isn't the full list of games.

I remember MS had over a dozen games with a 2022 date, and there was even Scalebound there. Capcom also had more games there like a Monster Hunter PSP game with typos in its name, plus a mistranslated Resident Evil that was copypasted from a proper leak of a Capcom roadmap document stolen by ransom hackers who mistranslated it. Whoever wrote the name of that Resident Evil in the Nvidia database wasn't a Capcom employee because instead of using the proper translation did use the wrong one made by the ransomware hacker.

Some names on the list may be proper leaks, but many of them are only guesses or hopes from a fan who copy pasted there rumors or announced games and did include dates guessed by him. Some of them were MS AAA games that we know are in preproduction or in its first steps of production, so are years away from release but according to him are supposed to be released this year. And well, there's Scalebound that Platinum recently said that would like to revive the project (meaning that they aren't working on it).

Regarding the Sony games, they said that have no plans to release all their games and to do it day one or soon. Instead they plan to release only some of their games and to do it years after the original PS release. So the next PC ports to be announced by Sony pretty likely are going to be stuff like TLOU (+maybe TLOU2) or Spider-Man 1 (+maybe Morales) more than games originally released on PS during 2021 or 2022.

It's safe to say a lot of dates have been shuffled around thanks to covid related delays.

I don't expect MS to have 15 published games in this year.


You completely misread my point if that was your takeaway.

The point was that who gives a shit what his avatar is, trying to draw a direct correlation between what Aaron's avatar is versus what Phil Spencer said (who are two completely different human beings mind you), is a fools errand.
I'd agree. I don't give a shit, you don't give a shit but when people point out that "Greenberg weaponises games for battles between platforms" you can't just point to a Cerny tweet about him playing Returnal. Where's the connection in that?

Greenberg has a reputation of it. He was never excited about crash, not when it was on PS only, not when it was multiplatform with Activison, not even when the game released a year ago. He was exctied that MS now owned a once PS ip and put one up with his nerdy gang signs.
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I think it's a safe bet the first few posters wrote their zany one liners because saw Phil Spencer's name in the subject.

Sorry Phil, asking for decorum from folks on the internet isn't gonna be as easy as you think.

Look at this monster posting about an IP they own now.

What a weaponizing piece of shit ..

Just like this guy ....


What does Mary Cerny tweeting that he platinum Returnal has to do with this thread?


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
What does Mary Cerny tweeting that he platinum Returnal has to do with this thread?

The same thing Aaron Greenberg posting a Crash avatar has to do with what Phil Spencer said when an interviewer asked him for a message for the fans.

Jack shit.


I'd agree. I don't give a shit, you don't give a shit but when people point out that "Greenberg weaponises games for battles between platforms" you can't just point to a Cerny tweet about him playing Returnal. Where's the connection in that?

Greenberg has a reputation of it. He was never excited about crash, not when it was on PS only, not when it was multiplatform with Activison, not even when the game released a year ago. He was exctied that MS now owned a once PS ip and put one up with his nerdy gang signs.

Lol there isn’t any.

That was a moronic analogy. A spade is a spade. That doesn’t mean Xbox or it’s fans are bad, but it doesn’t mean they should associate with Greenberg of all people, either lol.

It’s to move goalposts and purposely dissuade you from the topic at hand, I don’t even know why some continue arguing knowing that.

Once facts are no longer rebutted, you get bulllshit like:

“What about this, what about that?”

“But what about when Sony does it?

Even though this an Xbox-related thread and people are discussing what’s being publicly said from Xbox with tweets, evidence, etc.

Whataboutism. Victim complex.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Once facts are no longer rebutted, you get bulllshit like:

“What about this, what about that?”

Exactly, that's what's been happening in this topic which has been flooded with Aaron Greenberg tweets and quotes, the article isn't even about him.

Hell, it's not even an article, it's Phil responding to a question someone asked him.

Finally, someone who understands.


Microsoft can still put the games on gamepass and cloud streaming without removing the options of playing them natively on Playstation and Nintendo consoles too. That's also an option they'd have to reach the most players.
Then, what is the point of their purchase?
Sony isn't putting any of their acquired studios games on xbox, same for Nintendo. So why should MS do this natively.
They have been very clear about it. If you have gamepass, you will get those games natively, if your system can handle it.

Sony would be shooting themselves in the foot if they sold subsidized hardware like the PS5 and then allowed a competitors service like gamepass. They can't recoup the losses on the hardware without software sales
Then MS shouldn't be blamed for not putting games on their system. Sony isn't willing to accept gamepass on their system. Its either gamepass, or no to these games individually. MS has no obligation to bend over for Sony.

Microsoft offering the games to Sony through gamepass is like offering cake on the condition they also drink some poison.
MS spent $7.5b on bethesda, and now $68.7b on Activision/Blizzard. They want return of their investments. They aren't running a charity business.

MS main goal right now is gamepass. They are willing to offer their exclusives, to other consoles, if they accept gamepass. To put it in respective, they are willing to lose hardware sales, in order to share their games.
MS is the one that will lose alot of money here. They will make buying Xbox useless, by putting gamepass on competitor platforms. That is how far they are willing to reach gamers.

Sony/Nintendo won't lose as much money as MS, since they will gain more users and make their device very strong, on top of their exclusives. The only loser here is MS, which will lose people who will have bought Xbox because of their exclusives.
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