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Xbox Game Pass General Discussion


60$ was already a mistake to begin with, the only titles that could get away with it was MW2, which is in fact THE game that introduced that price tag, and GTA5. Now 10 years later, unless you live in a contry where the currency is $/€, the games cost twice as much, with half the content, at best... I look at stuff like how much do I tank my car monthly, which gets me to job every single day, shopping, traveling every weekend, long vacation trips, I look how much do I spend on food and partying, on clothes, on my cats who eat premium food, better than what I eat myself even etc. and then I look at a price of a single video game and sorry, I simply don't see any value in those forgettable SP-only 8-12h games or MP titles with just a few maps I'll be bored with after a week or two. And no, slapping a 70€ to an AA/indie title doesn't make it an AAA blockbuster production either. 20/30/40$ is what most games should cost IMO, depending on length and content.


I think you can be a lover of both. I myself for the price of 2 games can get access to 300 plus for the year with a lot of those being new day one releases. Which is awesome value and you'd be stupid not to think so. I will also add this does not stop me from purchasing games I enjoy or want to keep. I have found a few games I most likely wouldn't of even touched and purchased or plan to purchase them because of gamepass.

However I still buy Sony exclusive either day dot or depending how hyped I am for them at a discounted price a few weeks later. Honestly works for me and I could see this being a way other people would probably enjoy their games.


Gold Member
I have a PS4 so I’m already playing Sony games. However I don’t play the same couple of Sony exclusives all year long. Surely you don’t either ?

95% of the library of games on Xbox and PS are shared, which makes GP extremely interesting.

Its all just used for the warriors anyhow.

I play the big exclusives on my PS5 as well and then for the most part everything else I play via Gamepass.

Honestly game like Ratchet are great for the 20 hours or but I will put 10X those hours in Forza over the next year or two.

Love my PS5 but also love Gamepass.


well its not 70-Sony games, its 70 new gen games.

but yeah math checks out. I actually don't care as long sony keeps making good games, which will keep getting tougher.
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$70 games is not a PS5 thing. It's a next-gen thing. Games are $70 on Xbox too. Not everything goes to GamePass (or stays on GamePass for long).
I have yet to see something I'm playing or am planning to play leave in a timespan that you cannot get to it in time. So I do call a bit of bullshit on your for long remark, however I may just be lucky? Who knows.

They are usually on gamepass for 6-12 months and in a few cases longer. I mean if you can't get around to it in that time frame you probably weren't interested in said games anyway.


If I have on day one a movie releasing on Cinema and Netflix... I will go on Cinema even if it is way expensive.
the experience as i wrote is the same PS5+tv vs Xbox+tv ...and the game is the same..... there's no cinema vs Netflix the only difference is the price


If Gamepass was so great you wouldn’t have to keep talking it up all the time like it was the shit, it would stand on its own merits wouldn’t need all these people trying to sell it. I really think some people talking GP up all the time are full of it look how many the ones got caught that were promoting it weren’t even playing the GP games much on their games lists.


Let's see how sustainable it is.
I am all for getting my games at cheap monthly price, but giving gamers(most entitled fan base) this option and switching back if it's not profitable is a dangerous game
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I was planning to buy A Plague Tale Requiem, Back 4 Blood and Hades at release. On PS5, that would be around 140$?...
And I'm not talking about a fact, that in that same subscription I have Forza Horizon 5, Halo Infinite, Psychonauts 2 and plenty other games.

So yeah. It's literally nobrainer.


Well $70 games on PS5 are selling pretty great on PS5.
I don't see the issue or understand that apple to orange math the article tries to made up.

The math of a well paid article. Let's consider MS will never raise the price of gamepass and sony first party games don't have any prestige worldwide.


Every Xbox fan is waiting for that disruption to happen and yet all the sales are heavily on PS5, plus all the big exclusives, while Gamepass gets a bunch of old games, C/B grade games for it for this year and most of the next.

I don't see things changing any time soon, Xbox fans should be getting a comfortable chair imo.
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The author of the article is making a lot of assumptions.

Using his own example, would someone be interested in all 24 of those first party games on both systems for this price comparison to really matter? Will they actually be purchasing (and be interested in) all 12 first party games on the PS5? Using first party games in his example is also a little flawed because no matter what someone does, if they want to play the 12 first party games that are on the PS5, they are going to need a PS5. Getting Game Pass isn't going to give them that.

I think the level of investment each person has into the gaming ecosystem is also going to matter. Game Pass is a great value/option for those of us heavily invested into gaming but not for someone who only plays when they have the time and only games they are interested in - for them, regardless of which box they call their home, paying a one-time $70 price will be better than paying for a subscription that they won't be able to invest the time into, to fully enjoy.

It's not as plain and simple as people like to make it.
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Ask me about my Stream Deck
stalker 2, Hades,shredder, etc etc are all multiplats that are on gp....there is no doubt that playing them on rival platforms costs much, much more.
Sony will be preparing a response to gamepass has no other alternative
I think stalker is only PC and Xbox...

It's still a little weird to me that people were outraged at not being about to share a game they own and having to be online but are 100% on board for a rental service where they don't fully control the selection, don't own the titles, can't share games and you have to have internet access. I guess Don Mattrick and Xbox one really was ahead of it's time.


They have one. It's called PS+. And to add.........what happens if Microsoft decides to pull the purse from buying so many games and putting them on GP in 4 years? People act as if Sony just created PlayStation 2 years ago.


GP doesn't promises consistency.


I'm becoming more convinced that GP subscribers keep proclaiming the great value of the service, and claiming that Sony has to match it, because there aren't enough interesting games to keep them occupied, and they want to play Sony games. You know, Netflix subscribers don't have to keep preaching about how much value there is in the service. It kinda speaks for itself. If GP becomes a game-changer, it will make itself known.

Was there this much bleating about PS+ when it started? I have no idea if gamers are generally this insecure or not.
The same argument could be about Sony fans talking about Gamepass, they could be playing games instead of being on this forum.
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Just the same as if you digitally owned the game. You can buy expansion passes or micro transaction consumables, and use them in game.

The only difference is - if the game leaves Game Pass, you lose access to the DLC you bought until you buy the game.

This seems like a flaw in the system to me. On Netflix I don't get asked to pay 10-20 dollars to watch season 2 of a show.
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You're going in with the assumption that Microsoft aren't going to dramatically hike up the prices as they keep investing in more and more studios. I love the idea of game pass but realistically there's only a few titles on there that I actually want to and have time to play.


Can they remove games from gamepass? I don't see gamepass staying this price for very long. The more games they add the more likely they raise the price.
It'll definitely increase in price.
Only because of people who are loyal to the brand does PS5 sell pretty well, right now. But you see the problem here is; Playstation games only last 3 days, and you're done with it. Microsoft IP on Gamepass adds content, so you get more out your buck, more this catches on the better.
Those MTX riddled games, I'll take Sony games.


It already has PS Now. Actually, since 2015.
Yes, of course but it doesn’t work in the same way (bigger first party games arrive later, and only one at a time) and Sony would be wise to relaunch it under a new name because it’s too heavily associated with streaming.

It’s not bad, per se but I’d like to see a service with a higher subscription fee than PS Now and a lower fee than Gamepass with a focus on 1st party titles and critcally acclaimed 3rd party titles. It doesn’t need the ”day and date”-policy from Gamepass.

I think PS+ Collection is a pretty good test sample. Really good 1st party games and really good 3rd party titles, no shovelware. Only I’d like to have one that updates regularly. It could be what Sony is aiming for in the long term, and the PS+ Collection is some kind of prototype.
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Gold Member
Clearly people are still fine buying games, Sony first party games are still charting high when they release. R&C is no1 in the uk charts and thats a pretty short game.
If MS starts getting bigger 3rd party games I can see Sony doing something. Nothing on gamepass has made me feel like I'm missing out yet though.

That's because people don't know any better... yet.

MS seem to have officially made 3rd party releases day one on Gamepass a thing. I have a Series X and a PS4 so I’m covered for Gamepass plus any foreseeable Sony exclusives. However I don’t imagine having to pay 70 bucks in a world where GP exists.
Did longdi longdi get banned or make an alt?


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Well $70 games on PS5 are selling pretty great on PS5.
I don't see the issue or understand that apple to orange math the article tries to made up.

And apple sheep's don't mind paying way more for iPhone than the other brands.

Just like Apple, Sony know they can get away with nearly everything.

I wouldn't brag about being happy to pay more for games.


If you think I'm a console warrior, then you don't know my post history. This isn't even a knock on any console, but the very clear uptick of "...is such a great value" taking points. Like I said, you don't see this with Netflix, and I don't remember anyone actively marketing that service like this. I don't even think this happened with Gamefly. You enjoy the service, or you don't. You don't need to shout it from the mountain top.

That's cool. I'm not knocking anyone for liking it. I'm wondering why we're getting flooded with GP marketing in tons of next-gen threads. It's unusual behavior, when the service should be able to sell itself if when it's a great value.

Sure, warrior.


This seems like a flaw in the system to me. On Netflix I don't get asked to pay 10-20 dollars to watch season 2 of a show.
It's not Netflix, its amazon prime video. Think the first 6 seasons of Veep was on prime video and you could only buy the last one.

It's a shitty situation though but consumer choice is there so I am not too fussed.

Kenneth Haight

Gold Member
but when Xbox starts building a must-have roster of exclusive as well, are PS5 games worth more than double what you’re paying when you just get everything with Game Pass?

Yes, yes they are


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Meanwhile....looking at just released NPD and UK results for Returnal and Rift Apart....



on my cats who eat premium food, better than what I eat myself even


If gaming was about fiscal responsibility to me I'd never buy a single game lol,, sorry but i like a sense of ownership


And apple sheep's don't mind paying way more for iPhone than the other brands.

Just like Apple, Sony know they can get away with nearly everything.

I wouldn't brag about being happy to pay more for games.
I do prefer iOS over Android and I should indeed pay more for that closed system.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Game pass no doubt has value to some gamers, but I don't view it the same as many others do, especially Xbox fans.

Lets say The Last of Us Fractions released Day 1 on PlayStation Now. Some people are going to tell me it's better just to get it through PlayStation Now, but what going to happen 2 years from now?

I played the original TLOU Multiplayer for years and this means I'm going to have to need an active subscription just to play the title whenever I want. That's really my only problem. There are some minor flaws to not owning the actual game. Third Party titles don't often stay on the service for long. If it leaves a few months later and I want to play it again, then I'm either going to have to buy the copy new or used.

I'm not saying Game Pass or having games released on PS Now Day One would be bad, but there times where I prefer to own the game.


Ask me about my Stream Deck
I will never support a subscription based only future. I hope Sony and Nintendo stay away from that shit as long as they possibly can.
Microsoft has been dragging everyone in that direction for almost 20 years now with the introduction of the first successful gaming subscription service, Xbox live. They straight up said they would make it free if no one paid, but people did pay and here we are creeping closer to the place Microsoft wants us to be. GaaS.

Sony already has this same service with PS now and of course they also have PS+. Nintendo now has an online service as well. With the way MS is corralling their users into the game pass service you can expect the market to go where the guaranteed dollars are.


This whole stick about consumer evangelising products and services is normal and happens everywhere, to call it out in one case is a bit weird.

Game pass no doubt has value to some gamers, but I don't view it the same as many others do, especially Xbox fans.

Lets say The Last of Us Fractions released Day 1 on PlayStation Now. Some people are going to tell me it's better just to get it through PlayStation Now, but what going to happen 2 years from now?

I played the original TLOU Multiplayer for years and this means I'm going to have to need an active subscription just to play the title whenever I want. That's really my only problem. There are some minor flaws to not owning the actual game. Third Party titles don't often stay on the service for long. If it leaves a few months later and I want to play it again, then I'm either going to have to buy the copy new or used.

I'm not saying Game Pass or having games released on PS Now Day One would be bad, but there times where I prefer to own the game.
You can still buy the games that are on GamePass, gamepass is ps+ turned up to 11 with first party day one launches.


IMO only Nintendo has the IP power to long term make bajillions of dollars with the old console model. Sony will shift their strategy within a couple of years.

Nintendo? Who Sony bullied out of the dedicated home console market?

Why would Sony get out of consoles when they are about to have the entire market to themselves? That would be a beyond stupid decision....

PS IP's are aimed at an older demographic mostly and an audience looking for a higher challenge in games like Demons Souls, Returnal etc.


Btw. I'm looking forward to the day, that Sony announces their version of Gamepass (question is when not if). It would be greatest service on planet Earth of course.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I will never support a subscription based only future. I hope Sony and Nintendo stay away from that shit as long as they possibly can.
This isn't the reality of the situation though. So far, there have been 0 "Game Pass Exclusives". Anything that comes out on Game Pass, you can still outright purchase.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Gamepass is an amazing deal. $10 to play TLOU2 for a month is a steal. But I am not sure if its going to be sustainable for Sony. You need to fill up the rest of the 12 months with stuff and that means paying third party devs A LOT of money. Like in the tens of millions, and maybe hundreds of millions if you are going after AAA games like Battlefield, AC and Red Dead on day one. Can Sony afford it? Maybe. Maybe not but if their games continue to sell at $70 (ridiculous price tag imo) then they wont feel the need to change the status quo.

I think games like Ratchet, Returnal and demon souls are going to be a big test for this new price tag, and if they all underperform then Sony will have no choice but to release their own gamepass. Shouldve never raised the prices to $70. there is no walking that back.
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