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Xbox Indie Games Make Their Own Summer of Arcade - Winter Uprising (1st Week Dec)


Unconfirmed Member
Ventron said:
Break Limit has been approved and should be available tomorrow.

Chu's Dynasty looks like it will miss the Uprising because they improperly marked the features of the game. If you pull a game or it fails review, you cannot put it up again for a week.
I know nothing about this game but I for some reason I have now decided to buy it right away. Maybe I'll just buy all the games that get put off until next week. NO ONE KNOWS. I get crazy sometimes.

What was improperly marked about it?


Monroeski said:
I know nothing about this game but I for some reason I have now decided to buy it right away. Maybe I'll just buy all the games that get put off until next week. NO ONE KNOWS. I get crazy sometimes.

What was improperly marked about it?

He thought "Custom Soundtracks" means you wrote your own music for the game, rather than the correct meaning: working well with the Guide's media player.

wwm0nkey said:
So what games are in review now?

Aphelion 2 and Crossfire 2 are in playtest, but not review yet.
Soulcaster 2 is in review. In the review thread he gave us all the secret passwords to test but asked us not to make them public :lol

EDIT: Well, shit. Soulcaster 2 was pulled because of a problem if a Guitar controller is connected. Apparently this can affect every game. Looks like I'd better fix up my game too (which is luckily, or unluckily, not part of the uprising).


Holy shit, Ubergridder appears to be a sequel of sorts to an oldass game I used to play on C64 called Gridder. Gridder is actually the first videogame I remember playing and I remember really liking it, super hyped to check this out actually.


Soulcaster 2 update:

As many of you know, Soulcaster II was in peer review this week. (This is XNA’s central quality control, where other developers test your game and give it their stamp of approval if they can’t find any objectionable content or crash the game.)

Last night I pulled the game from review after discovering a controller lockup bug, the Evil Guitar Bug that has claimed many lives so far. I thought I had tested for everything, but I missed this. Basically, if you have a guitar controller connected when you start a new game, if you use a player number higher than the guitar’s player number, the game won’t be controllable. This is because the guitar is constantly sending non-neutral signals to the XBOX, and the game thinks the guitar has taken control and locks control to the guitar. The most common solution to this is a “Press Start” screen. If you’ve ever wondered why so many games have this screen, now you know one of the reasons!

There is a one week grace period before I can submit the game again for review, plus two days for it to be passed minimum, so the game is not going to make the first week deadline unfortunately. Nevertheless, I have the next week not only to fix this bug, but make improvements to the game in terms of balance and polish. I lost a lot of sleep scrambling to get things done by December 2nd, so maybe in my daze there were other issues lurking in the shadows that would mar the experience. Now I have time to find them and iron them out.

So, it’ll be another nine days. Bear with me and thanks for your patience!​
Curses! Can't wait for this one. The first game was fantastic.


Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
Chu's Dynasty looks sweet for a game.
Fixed :D

Seriously though its very visually impressive and Ive been wanting a SSB like game for awhile (Small arms does NOT count)


Actually I think that while the mass delays hurt the initial wave of the IU, it may help sales in the long term as people keep checking back for the quality titles. 4 out so far isn't a bad start, and if another 4 come out this week that's a good rate.

I pimped them briefly on our food blog. We know gamers read it from the MW2/Halo things we did so I figured it was worth a shot as we average 1,000 hits a day.


The hell, did ZP2KX fail review? Was it because of the one troll who fails everyone for the guitar/memory card crap?


EmmanuelMunoz said:
Same here. It gets addictive
Understatement. I panned it at first, got hooked, sunk three nights in a row into it. $1 (very) well spent. I hope it does very well. I noticed it is near the top of the sales and ratings listings on Marketplace, which I'll take as a good sign.


SapientWolf said:
I swear if its the one guy who trolls all the reviews XNA needs to get rid of his subscription, he has been doing this for awhile and he doesnt even make good games.
That sucks about the guitar bug. I heard a similar one caused by the memory card.

Is there a check list anywhere that has all the most common bugs to look out for?


Just queued up a stack of the new indie games. Chus Dynasty looks really cool, I hope it plays as well as it looks.
Over the last few days I've been working on a feature (/cheapplug) about the Uprising for XBLAFans, a site I recently started writing for. Honestly aside from skimming a few news stories I didn't know much about the games involved before I started looking them up for the feature.

I have to say some of them are looking very impressive, the RPGs especially. I've already lost a couple of hours to Epic Dungeon, it's so bloody addictive for how simple it is.

Decimation X3 is wonderfully manic, as are most of the shooters that have been released so far.

It's a shame so many of the games ended up getting delayed but at least they've extended the event to the entire month, although they don't appear to have promoted that fact.


I hope these guys get around to porting to WP7 seeing as its essentially effortless, especially the RPGs... Distinct lack of RPGs on that platform.


Trucker Sexologist
Ska Studios Twitter Feed said:
ZP2KX has once again found its way into peer review. Third time's the charm, right?
Here we go again. If it fails again then someone deserves to get coal in their stocking for Christmas. And by stocking I mean rectum. And by coal I mean red hot coals.

Princess Skittles

Prince's's 'Skittle's
SapientWolf said:
Here we go again. If it fails again then someone deserves to get coal in their stocking for Christmas. And by stocking I mean rectum. And by coal I mean red hot coals.
If it fails, there's probably a reason for it.

Blame the devs, not the peer reviewers.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Microsoft needs to allow Achievements for Indie Games. So much more money to be had by doing that.

I'd buy 10 Indie Games right now if they had Achievements.
Domino Theory said:
Microsoft needs to allow Achievements for Indie Games. So much more money to be had by doing that.

I'd buy 10 Indie Games right now if they hade Achievements.

It wouldn't take long for people to exploit this and create "Achievement Generator" games to drive sales.
FirstInHell said:
It wouldn't take long for people to exploit this and create "Achievement Generator" games to drive sales.

There's already a peer review system, it would be pretty easy to weed those sorts of thing out.


Trucker Sexologist
Domino Theory said:
Microsoft needs to allow Achievements for Indie Games. So much more money to be had by doing that.

I'd buy 10 Indie Games right now if they hade Achievements.
I think enjoying a game for its own sake is an achievement in and of itself these days.
randomlyrossy said:
There's already a peer review system, it would be pretty easy to weed those sorts of thing out.

The peer review system makes sure the games don't crash and that they follow the rules. The problem with "easy achievement" games is that it would take personal judgement on the part of the reviewers to determine if something were an abuse or not. What's too easy? My understanding is that MS specifically tries to take personal judgement out of the process. That way games can't be blocked from coming out just because they are shitty (but maybe they should!).


Dr. Zoidberg said:
The peer review system makes sure the games don't crash and that they follow the rules. The problem with "easy achievement" games is that it would take personal judgement on the part of the reviewers to determine if something were an abuse or not. What's too easy? My understanding is that MS specifically tries to take personal judgement out of the process. That way games can't be blocked from coming out just because they are shitty (but maybe they should!).

See the New Doritos games.

One is a great game with TERRIBLE ach for things you'd never do in regular gameplay (bounce 10 times, swing 10 times)

One is a poor game with really easy ach that require trying all the modes and multiplayer with friends.

Neither is a great way to approach the system and both devalue ach and the games they are attached to.

Crash Course in particular could have far more longevity and cross player appeal if the Ach were targeted at the different levels of medals, and getting 4 player multiplayer races going (which is where the fun is).


Trucker Sexologist
James Silva got his Christmas wish. ZP2KX just passed peer review.

ZP2KX: The Game That Will Release Soon’ish
Third time’s the charm (or so says the idiom’s creator.)

After two unsuccesful attempts, ZP2KX was again placed into peer review this past Wednesday and I’m super pleased to announce, that as of a few minutes ago, the game has been APPROVED! This of course means that you’ll be seeing ZP2KX land on Xbox LIVE Indie Games as soon as … well, now! Or tonight. Or tomorrow. Don’t worry, as ZP2KX makes its final decent into XBLIG airspace, I’ll be sure to plaster news of its release all over the interwebs. For now, we just wait in anticipation.


Kusagari said:
Any news on Cthulu?
The last update, from last week: http://zeboyd.com/2010/12/06/cthulh...report-indie-games-winter-uprising-extension/

As for Cthulhu Saves the World, here’s where we are.

All of the dungeons are basically done. Just have to add save points, chest contents, and plug in cutscene/boss triggers, all easy stuff. Very little work left here.

The non-dungeon areas are mostly done. Some of the towns are missing building interiors and townsfolk, neither of which is very difficult to add (dungeons are much more work).

I need to finish balancing monster stats & adding a few enemy special abilities. Probably 1-2 full days of work here.

I need to finish writing the rest of the dialogue. Probably a full day of work here.

I need to make a party changing menu & finish up the flying on map code. Probably just a couple hours of work to do that.

Visuals and music are all pretty much done. Just have a few small odds and ends left.

And then just polish everything up and make sure that we haven’t overlooked any major bugs.
No update since then, but despite his time estimates that reads like a ways from being done. Hopefully soon, though.
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