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Xbox Japan boss pledges local Xbox 2 support


The next-generation Xbox will enjoy stronger local software support in the Japanese market, according to Microsoft's Tokyo game development division boss Norman Cheuk, who said that much of the studio's current work is purely positioning.

"It's too late to be number one on this version of the console," Cheuk admitted in an interview with Bloomberg Japan. "A lot of what we're doing today is to position ourselves. We're looking at the future generations where we'd like to be successful."

Despite being generally considered to be a success in North America and Europe, the Xbox has failed to establish any kind of presence in the Japanese market - with sales lagging behind the PS2 by a factor of almost 50 to one, and overall hardware market share of less than one per cent.

Much of that failure has been blamed on a lack of locally developed software, with Microsoft VP of retail sales and entertainment Peter Moore admitting last month that "you could probably argue that if we had a Japanese-centric role-playing game at the beginning of the console life cycle we would probably be in a better position today."

Japan is by far the least important of the three major global territories in terms of actual consumer sales - which are less than half of the sales figures for the USA and Europe - but with many of the world's biggest game software companies headquartered there, it's an important market to establish a console's credibility in.

Microsoft certainly seems committed to developing local software in Japan for its next-generation system, and as well as improving relations with Japanese publishers - a major PR win came at E3 when Square Enix announced that it would consider developing for the Xbox 2 platform - it has focused strongly on building up its own development presence in the Far East.

Cheuk was appointed to head up the development division in Tokyo last September, and heads up a 100-strong team there - with several of the team's designers and engineers being replaced with Japanese talent since he took over, he claims.



wait, let me get this straight. you are saying that the head of xbox japan, is actually saying that his division will be bringing out games, for their own company's gaming console?


Not bitter, just unsweetened
there will most likely be a better commitment from Japanese developers this time around, too. I think they had the wait and see mentality seeing if a) Microsoft would be successful and b) if they're actually serious about making a lasting platform

Both instances came true (not the first one in Japan, though). Another thing is there IS demand for the platform in Japan, however the lack of numerous and quality Japanese made material has offeset the demand for the console as a whole. If Microsoft can launch out of the gate with a lot of quality software in that sector, while MAINTAINING IT throughout it's lifetime, I will say...



DopeyFish said:
there will most likely be a better commitment from Japanese developers this time around, too. I think they had the wait and see mentality seeing if a) Microsoft would be successful and b) if they're actually serious about making a lasting platform

er, No. Most likely japanese developers will make LESS commitments to the Xbox2. Microsoft fucked up japan the first time and now they have MORE to prove.
"Another thing is there IS demand for the platform in Japan, however the lack of numerous and quality Japanese made material has offeset the demand for the console as a whole."

Wouldn't that kind of mean that there is no demand for it. People will want the console if it has games they want. That's not the case. There would be demand if there were games that interested people. Do you know how much market share the Xbox has in Japan right now? 0.48%


NotMSRP said:
Heh, more profitable on a dead console than on a live one.

Yep, Xbox is that doomed. :D

I believe Shikigami no Shiro II sold better on DC than it did on Xbox if I'm not mistaken.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
SolidSnakex said:
"Another thing is there IS demand for the platform in Japan, however the lack of numerous and quality Japanese made material has offeset the demand for the console as a whole."

Wouldn't that kind of mean that there is no demand for it. People will want the console if it has games they want. That's not the case. There would be demand if there were games that interested people. Do you know how much market share the Xbox has in Japan right now? 0.48%

ok well... let me rephrase.

People wouldn't mind buying an Xbox in japan, it's just the lack of software. Demand wasn't really the right word but i sorta rushed the post :p Just the one major misconception is people think people wouldn't buy an Xbox or an Xbox2 no matter what (in Japan)


^That makes sense. The price for the Xbox is essentially as good as its going to get for Japanese gamers, especially when GC and PS2 owners pay around $30 more for their system while Japanese Xbox owners end up with a few nifty extras (such as a DVD remote) for around the price of the U.S. system. IMO, Microsoft should in the very least try a redesign and make it small enough because after my trip to Japan and the dependence on the subway train, and those small Japanese people trying to lug their system from Akihabara to home... bleh, I feel sorry for them. ^_^


"you could probably argue that if we had a Japanese-centric role-playing game at the beginning of the console life cycle we would probably be in a better position today.""

Heh, still clueless.


RPGs don't equal success, but as ToS and FFCC showed in Japan they help drive up consoles sales and fanbases alike. I think ToS's surge on the GC last year is larger than Xbox's 2004 sales thus far.
RPGs don't equal success, but as ToS and FFCC showed in Japan they help drive up consoles sales and fanbases alike. I think ToS's surge on the GC last year is larger than Xbox's 2004 sales thus far.

Yah but you can't just have any Japanese RPG, you need one of those. I don't think there are any Japanese developers that'd put a big name FF on an unproven console in Japan. MS best bet is to get a small Japanese developer to create an all new RPG because they aren't going to get something like FF, DQ, Tales ect. without the Xbox/Xbox 2 putting up big console numbers.


That's true. FF, Tales and DQ are the big players - but Xbox getting support even if TFLO were released just doesn't sound realistic.
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