Fox Mulder
Like I was saying.....
Lol, had the first pop up in my ready to install. Bought it back in the day and hated it due to all the issues. Fuck Telltale and their shitty games.
Like I was saying.....
Yes Ms is the best this gen for sure.Microsoft is the pro-consumer king this gen. I love that they're releasing BC games that already have XB1 re-releases or remasters. So good. And they've led the way themselves with their Gears and Halo BC games.
Literally the only thing that will stop Microsoft from making a BC game at this point is publisher approval. Their engineering team is on point.
Sure it's been said before but I'm going to say it again--
WTF is up with no Crackdown 1 or 2.
I was waiting to re-buy an X1 until Crackdown 3 dropped this fall. Was going to buy an X1X for it if it looked really good. Then it didn't look very good, and got delayed.
Seems like now would be a perfect time to release one or both on BC. At this point I'm imagining that there is a technical issue that prevents these games from working, because I can't understand how these titles weren't prioritized.
I suppose I'm in the minority but I thought Crackdown was one of the best games on 360, tons of fun and replayability. Many many people played it and enjoyed it because it came with the Halo 3 beta.
But at this point I'm beyond burned out from the standard Xbox trifecta of Halo, Gears & Forza. They weren't enough to get me to keep my X1 once I finished Ori and Sunset Overdrive.
Crackdown 1 & 2 on BC with 3 on the way-- and Cuphead coming--... that would get me to buy another X1.
Space Invaders Extreme just hit Deals With Gold this week; I've just bought it, hoping that it's a soon-to-be-BC title. Fingers crossed.
That's what happened the first time Space Invaders: Infinity Gene went on sale; it was BC within weeks. Weird-ass game, that one.
Wow, I guess I missed the news that Arkham Origins is Backwards Compatible. Looks like it was early this month when it happened? I'll have to hook up the 360 and upload my save some time this week. I ran through Arkham Knight at the beginning of the summer, so maybe Origins will wash some of the bad taste from Knight out of my mouth. Origins is the only one of the four that I haven't beaten yet as well.I'm late to the party but I finally got my used copy of Batman Arkham Origins ($8) on X360.
It looks and runs like a dream on Xbox One.
There needs to be a GIF of an old white man throwing his hat down in disgust to adequately express my salt right now.
Here it is.
(is my prediction)
the effff....... those are all already on X1.
did we get a release date when OG-XBOX games would release this year?
With that said, does anyone think we should have a separate OT for OG Xbox releases or should we keep it in here in a kinda "general Xbox BC" thread?
Yeah, maybe a different thread would be cool. Some people might not care about OG xbox games.
One thread would be better to deal with BC as a whole. I doubt releases will be frequent enough to matter, also a lot easier to track 1 thread.
Yeah, maybe a different thread would be cool. Some people might not care about OG xbox games.
The Game Pass September lineup was already announced at Gamescom a couple weeks ago. Recore DE and some other stuff.We not due gamepass a announcement
Yeah, maybe a different thread would be cool. Some people might not care about OG xbox games.
Not really - Black Ops 1 and 2 have licensed music for example, as does Bad Company 2 I believe? Medal of Honor is odd since it's running two engines (UE3 and Frostbite 1.5) and it's sequel well, I don't think there's much demand for them honestly. Linkin Park is pretty good with licensing their music so I don't see that being any issue.Do you think it would be feasible for EA to add Medal of Honor 2010 and Warfighter to BC? Those games feature Linkin Park songs and linceses must be complicated.
I'd like to pick up both SF III 3rd strike and HD remix on 360. Is there any particular reason why neither one is BC yet? I have them both on my PS3 but that's semi-retired from active duty; if I can pick them up dirt cheap and play on my future XB1S or X( deciding between the two for the holidays) that'd be great.
Its Labour day in the US, we get nothing.
I had no idea. Well, that's my hype balloon deflated! lol
Technically that was yesterday.
What time do releases normally happen again?
Capcom has been REALLY BC stingy for some reason. But Street Fighter 4 came, so hoping for 3S makes sense.
It did? I was looking at the BC list on the first page and didn't see any mention of a Street Fighter title...
Well, there you go!Vanilla SF4, SSF4, SSF4AE and USF4 are all bc.
Vanilla SF4, SSF4, SSF4AE and USF4 are all bc.It did? I was looking at the BC list on the first page and didn't see any mention of a Street Fighter title...
Street Fighter 4 Arcade edition is BC. I was just playing it with my son over the weekend. It was relatively recently, I don't know how often the OP gets updated.
Vanilla SF4, SSF4, SSF4AE and USF4 are all bc.
Ohhh really, awesome. I downloaded it as a GWG game a few years ago so it's sitting there unused on my account. I shall have to remedy that.....thanks
How does it play on the One controller and in general?
For me, the biggest issue is the 4 face buttons. but a fight pad really helps out:
Otherwise it is just like it was on the 360. I am sure head to head comparisons will show some differences, but I can't say I noticed any deal breakers.
For me, the biggest issue is the 4 face buttons. but a fight pad really helps out:
Otherwise it is just like it was on the 360. I am sure head to head comparisons will show some differences, but I can't say I noticed any deal breakers.
I can vouch for the Hori pad, it's really good.
With PAX West and a holiday yesterday I'm not expecting anything