I don't know why people care, either. Could they not just upscale the 1080p assets to near 4K through DirectML image upscaling? I know the consoles don't have DLSS 2.0 and their solutions probably won't be as robust as Nvidia's, but if there's a valid reason to use it, it'd prob be in the console UI.
Keeping the assets at 1080p saves system resources (RAM, GPU, CPU) for developers, which is always preferable. But like other people are saying, it could just be 1080p for the preview units and they implement the 4K mode in an update. Though if they could apply DirectML image upscaling for it, native 4K is honestly a waste of resources.
Looks even smaller than I thought it'd look. It's basically two jewel CD cases high on all sides, and maybe a little wider than one jewel CD case wide on top and bottom.
Seriously impressive for what's packed inside.
Don't think we're at the point of diminishing returns yet. Until we can get in-game what we saw in stuff like the Power Your Dreams TV advert they released last week, we've got a good ways to go in terms of visual IQ, density, scale, and fidelity, for sure.
Jeff's reacting mainly to the early launch phase stuff. I think what we're seeing is moreso the reality of game budgets and dev time eating into the window of what we'd normally get during launch. The cost and time associated with a massive AAA these days is just too much to promise full-blown generational jumps in graphics right out of the gate. However, we'll start truly seeing those next-gen style visual leaps a couple years in.