
Current price = current price at the time you renew, so the new price. Everybody will pay the new price when they auto renew obviously...
Maybe they're doing this to allure people to getting the game pass ultimate yearly sub.
So they say live alone is $10/m, $120/y. GP is also $10/m, $120/y. If you're getting them separately, it'll cost you $240/y for both. BUT! If you get GP Ultimate, you "only" pay $15/m, $180/y, for both! There's your discount.
Maybe that's their plan?
I wish someone would ask Phil why PC gamers get XBL Gold for free while they rape Console gamers for $120 a year.
PC players would never support such a service is why.I wish someone would ask Phil why PC gamers get XBL Gold for free while they rape Console gamers for $120 a year.
Cheapest 12 month codes on eBay are still £34 on eBay. (VPN required to activate)Can you link me to XBLG deals? Cause I am looking now and you are saying people don't pay full price for it.
I get PS + for about $30.
Probably trying to make up all those $1 deals for converting XLG to GPU.What exactly is the rationale to the price increase? This is a huge increase for something that was overpriced to begin with.
ONLY if it stays the same $60 a year price.I mean, if they would just cancel Xbox Live Gold and make only GamePass, GamePass Ultimate, there would not be such a backslash.
I gotta admit, I am salty as fuck from this. They really try to one up each other in the company whoever comes with more idiotic decision.
I agree that doubling the price of Gold does not make Gamepass a worse value right now on paper. But calling someone clueless for saying the opposite is exceptionally shortsighted and absurd IMO. Gold is just a paywall for online and there is nothing to suggest this was doubled in price because of increased costs for allowing multiplayer. On the contrary, MS has been investing tremendous money in gamepass, and people were already questioning whether MS could really be turning a profit before the recent spending spree. It is entirely reasonable to expect that the Gold price hike is a a preview of the type of price hikes that a consumer can expect gamepass will receive in the months / years to come. Even if they are literally trying to make Gold seem a poor choice over gamepass, a price hike to this extreme for no reason beyond "we can", does not lead to a fair assumption that gamepass will remain the value proposition everyone thought it was a week ago.Please explain how an increased gold price somehow diminishes game passes value.
You are clueless.
How much are they charging you cause I pay $95 for a Gigabit.
I supposedly have a grace period until march and if they start charging me more I plan on calling and going off on them as I am in a 3 year deal and none of this was said when I signed up.
That's because on PC you can use a competitor's service while on console you're in the walled garden.PC players would never support such a service is why.
How much is GP classic? 120 right? I don't know but at least you can have some value proposition, with gold it's litteraly nothing. I am also not saying it would be backslash free, but not this. Since you have cloud saves already included, I don't think there is any added benefit. Outside of actually paying for Online.ONLY if it stays the same $60 a year price.
You are the clueless one. It’s not about GP value being diminished, it’s about the revenue for GP not being as awesome for MS as you were lied to therefore making MS raise up the price of everything else. Remember when people brought up concerns about how MS could afford to put all their AAA games on GamePass and Phil told us not to worry because MS had infinite money? Yea, Phil lied to y’all. They knew they were going to massively increase XBL fees in time and now that they are going to be getting everyone on GP they eventually raise the price on that too, and apologists like you will make excuses for them.
People like you are why MS get away with this kind of bullshit. What do you think is going to stop them from increasing the price of GP too once everyone switches to that’s service for the “value”? I’m willing to bet top dollar that GP price will increase too just like every other subscription service in existence and you will be here again defending them and making new excuses for corporate greed. Stop being an apologist and start being a sensible gamer.Sounds to me like you don't even understand the price hike, it doesn't affect anyone who is already subscribed. Gp is doing just fine - this is just a nudge to new subscribers.
So bla bla bla cry cry cry........see what you say when ps plus goes up too.
Damn how much more did the bill increase to get unlimited?I have cable wrapped into mine because much likeMusky_Cheese I’m a Nats fan and you can’t watch MASN without it. I did the stupid triple play plan even though I don’t need a house phone because somehow it’s cheaper than the double play lol. My bill is $225 a month.
Ultimate is slightly more expensive, I see ultimate is 13 a month. In that case, its a trick to lure more people into Ultimate.
Gold used to be a somewhat decent incentive I think, though I find paying for online ridiculous regardless, it was 60 ish for a year and you did get games with gold. I can understand people who only play CoD etc online not subbing to Ultimate but rather this. They're probably extending with ultimate from now on, if they keep playing on Xbox (which is likely).
It is one of the ways to make faster transition to GPU.A lot of people use XBL and do not want to transition because "want use 1$ trick", "ideology" etc.You have to agree though that this is an artificial way of moving people to GPU though. Handicapping one service to simply make the other seem better in comparison is usually a very poor way of trying to get people to where you want them to be. GPU should have enough value proposition of its own merit to draw people over, XBL Gold shouldn't need to suffer for that in terms of a price increase.
I find $60 for 12 months to high to just play online to much already but I pay it.How much is GP classic? 120 right? I don't know but at least you can have some value proposition, with gold it's litteraly nothing. I am also not saying it would be backslash free, but not this. Since you have cloud saves already included, I don't think there is any added benefit. Outside of actually paying for Online.
Nah.The worst is still Sony.Downplaying your trillion dollar company doubling prices, cheering on publishers being bought out wholesale and begging for more, pretending your 60 metacritic game is something to brag about, constantly moving the goal posts of what success is. Whatever the medium be it movies games, cards etc., xbox fandom is the worst fandom to ever arise. Its a collective of people hoping a trillion dollar company kill a beloved industry so their rental service has one more dud to not even play, but to post on a message board about "content."
Absolutely, free games are already trash.I find $60 for 12 months to high to just play online to much already but I pay it.
I like but don't need free games. If they want to remove the free games but keep it $60 I am fine with that and I don't want GP or PSNOW in anyway.
People like you are why MS get away with this kind of bullshit. What do you think is going to stop them from increasing the price of GP too once everyone switches to that’s service for the “value”? I’m willing to bet top dollar that GP price will increase too just like every other subscription service in existence and you will be here again defending them and making new excuses for corporate greed. Stop being an apologist and start being a sensible gamer.
Subscriptions don't lock you into anything.Three points...
- This should put an end to the idea that Xbox can tap into the near limitless reservoirs of Microsoft money. They have to earn a good profit just like the rest of the company
- Be wary of subscriptions. They lock you in and you are at the mercy of future price increases (looking at you Game Pass)
- This price hike was to wring out as much money as possible from the large group of Xbox players who only play 1 or 2 online games like Call of Duty, Fortnite, or Madden, and have no interest in Game Pass
Jesus, why are you so dramatic?Downplaying your trillion dollar company doubling prices, cheering on publishers being bought out wholesale and begging for more, pretending your 60 metacritic game is something to brag about, constantly moving the goal posts of what success is. Whatever the medium be it movies games, cards etc., xbox fandom is the worst fandom to ever arise. Its a collective of people hoping a trillion dollar company kill a beloved industry so their rental service has one more dud to not even play, but to post on a message board about "content."
They are not greedy they just happen to be charging the wrong customer.They should made it free online with gamepass and give extra perks ultimate users,they would have a much better chance of beating ps but no, greedy fucks want more money.
They need to stop confusing everyone, with silly names, 5 different consoles, 3 different subscriptions. Simple is the best.
I mostly play single player games and have PS plus. I get it on sale and pay $40 a year. I play a lot of the free games and take advantage of the discounts. Not counting the cost of plus (well and cost of PS5), since August last year I have spent a total of $4 on games. Yes I am the ultimate tightass, but at the same time I have so many games to play and not enough time to play them allWhile I think the price hike is mad for people who don’t want gamepass it’s kinda funny this thread is full of the usual Sony fans talking about cost of Xbox live and then in other threads say they only want single player games off Sony.
this place can be a bit odd at times
AND PLAYINGSubscriptions don't lock you into anything.
The minute it is not worth subscribing you stop paying...
Oh they will. Once they got the projected # of people they want to convert from gold to GPU, they will quietly retire Gold alltogether and replace it with GPU.This is an a ugly move. Hopefully it’s reversed quickly
And without paying it's outrageous price you won't be able to play the "free" games you got with GP or play online.And?
It's a cult.Downplaying your trillion dollar company doubling prices, cheering on publishers being bought out wholesale and begging for more, pretending your 60 metacritic game is something to brag about, constantly moving the goal posts of what success is. Whatever the medium be it movies games, cards etc., xbox fandom is the worst fandom to ever arise. Its a collective of people hoping a trillion dollar company kill a beloved industry so their rental service has one more dud to not even play, but to post on a message board about "content."
Then stop paying, it's a free market. There are alternatives.And without paying it's outrageous price you won't be able to play the "free" games you got with GP or play online.
$14 for 5 months and then another $10 after thatDamn how much more did the bill increase to get unlimited?
No shit... Now it cost twice as much to play you're previously rented gamesAnd without paying it's outrageous price you won't be able to play the "free" games you got with GP or play online.
You completely missed it.....Then stop paying, it's a free market. There are alternatives.
Oh stop. It’s absolutely no different than the others.It's a cult.
I have experienced first hand the wrath of Sony gaf and Nintendo era, but the xbox fanbase is like a cult. They worship Phil and hopefully now they wake up and see he's just another business man like Jim Lyin.
You can still buy games the way you could since gaming started.AND PLAYING