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Xbox Raises Price of 6-month Gold Sub to $59.99 (Up: Policy reversed, prices to stay the same)


All this time people have been trying to compare gamepass to netflix...

In reality the better comparison is going to be Cable TV...

No shit... Now it cost twice as much to play you're previously rented games

You completely missed it.....
The games you "receive" and play are tied to the subscription, right? They are a sort of an "offer" right? If the subscription goes up in price, you just tell them to fuck themselves and forget about the "free" games.

And please tell me how i get to keep anything from Netflix if i cancel it. The downloaded episodes you can keep them, is not like on spotify?
I have cable wrapped into mine because much like Musky_Cheese Musky_Cheese I’m a Nats fan and you can’t watch MASN without it. I did the stupid triple play plan even though I don’t need a house phone because somehow it’s cheaper than the double play lol. My bill is $225 a month.
Bro. Fire Stick + MLB.Tv and then use the expressvpn app that is on fire stick too. Complete runaround the blackout using only your thumb.


You can still buy games the way you could since gaming started.
Now if you don't actually buy games then that is a whole different thing.
Nothing is free in life so either subscribe to play the games or pay retail price for your games.
I buy my games and want to play online.
This is all I want to do.
Why should I be forced to pay more to do this and or be forced into another subscription model?


Oh stop. It’s absolutely no different than the others.
I don't normally agree with slimy, i think i am on his ignore list lol

But he has a point about the xbox fanatics, it is def like a cult.

I keep having flashbacks to them chanting phil phil phil and having all their hands crossed like the letter x's.

Riky Riky in the front of the crowd too. "lollipop_disappointed: The stuff of nightmares.


no my friend ultimate is not slightly more expensive

it is 3 times more expensive than gold

gold is 60 dollar a year which is equate to 5 dollars a month

ultimate is 180 dollar a year which is 15 dollar a month
The point being gold just got jacked up to 60 for 6 months.
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It's so crazy they are doing this.
I thought the idea was to close the gap with Sony. PS+ value was already better perceived than Gold due to the games they give. They have really fucked this up.
I'm glad I have GPU for three more years but I don't think I can recommend the Xbox ecosystem to anyone as much as I did before.
It's crazy


they did reverse of what they needed to do
going free would have been lot of pr and word of mouth bringing people on gamepass . I'm confident a good portion of the loyal community would still spend the same amount in a different way.....
Here they will get more money from most loyal fans , make some of them angry and not a lot more
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Again it's not even so much the price increase itself but them just throwing it out there with nothing to soften the blow. That's critically important.
Agreed. And it becomes even worse when there were already rumors that they would make XBL free. It’s like they cut open an old wound and poured salt in it. PR wise this is a disaster.
Keep in mind you still need XBL Gold to play FTP games, and on PC you don't have to play for online at all. Microsoft at the very least could've paired this increase in price with an announcement of online play for FTP games no longer requiring Gold, effective immediately. Now if they decide to announce that some other random day it'll look like a panic response to backlash from the price increase.

Managing optics, it's something Xbox division really needs to hone down on mastering, 'cuz this ain't it chief.
Yup, agreed again. They’re doing so many things right but then they’re doing these things too. And their timing for this is absolute crap. They still haven’t released a single new first party game for XSX afaik. The most powerful slogan is a meme at this point. And now they thought it would be fitting to double the cost for online gaming too. It’s sheer lunacy.


Lol i m not a fan boy of a brand :D here or in any places of the web,i just like games and i'm good with Xbox, and yeah who want to pay more? For games..food or even gasoline..of course is better if they lowering prices .. in this pandemic crisis in my place they have raised even the coffee...but i take a coffee at the bar like always...cigarettes cost more? I like to smoke and i pay,but yeah could be better with the half of the price
I don't care, this conversation is over, the moment you defend this bullshit the moment this conversation is over. Even fanboys are not defending this. The only people who defend this is people with stocks with the company.


I don't care, this conversation is over, the moment you defend this bullshit the moment this conversation is over. Even fanboys are not defending this. The only people who defend this is people with stocks with the company.
You seems more fanboy then me lol good luck


What time is it?
I don't ever play Xbox games online anymore so this isn't a huge issue for me personally, but I'm curious if we'll see similar bumps to the Gamepass tiers. People like to cite how much money the service is making with napkin math but Microsoft pends a ton of money on developing those first party games, signing contracts for the 3rd party games and their recent acquisitions and that's not even considering the infrastructure and support staff to run the business.

I guess they'll discover the breaking points for their service offerings. Discounted Gold at $45.00 (when the 1YR sub was $60.00) was already a stretch for my usage, but $120 is insane.
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Subscriptions don't lock you into anything.
The minute it is not worth subscribing you stop paying...
Subscriptions lock you in because you don't own anything. You have to keep paying the superscription or you lose all access. Contrast that with buying where you can use the product in perpetuity and are immune to future price hikes.

So if all your games came from Game Pass, the second "it is not worth subscribing" and "you stop paying", you no longer have any games to play on your gaming console. That's an incredible incentive to keep paying the subscription even if you'd rather not, which is what locks you in.


While I think the price hike is mad for people who don’t want gamepass it’s kinda funny this thread is full of the usual Sony fans talking about cost of Xbox live and then in other threads say they only want single player games off Sony.

this place can be a bit odd at times
How are the 2 even related?
In one fell swoop theve pretty much annihilated their whole marketing push about being ”the best deal in gaming”. I really wonder what kind of discussion went on before this, considering a lot of people was under the assumption online gaming would become free. They must have realized how bad this would look and they went ahead and did it anyway.
History repeats. This is just like last gen when Xbox destroyed being known as the most powerful gaming console by launching the XB1 based on TV TV TV instead of gaming.

Btw I'd be a lot more forgiving if MS increased the price of Game Pass, because that is clearly priced too low to be sustainable. Going after their Gold subscribers who are already generating huge profits for them is just plain anti-consumer greed.

When the PS5 and XSX are both easily available, we'll see the PS5 pull well out ahead of the XSX due to this move. A lot of XB1 owners will switch teams to avoid the extra cost. Think of all the gamers who just play Madden or Call of Duty online.


again if everybody is playing single player games on the PS why be bothered about a price hike on another console when they don’t play online games?
What if I told you Xbox can make a greedy anti-consumer move even if it doesn't affect PlayStation owners



again if everybody is playing single player games on the PS why be bothered about a price hike on another console when they don’t play online games?

You know that a forum does not... represent the world out there. Right?

Playstation has a bigger online community than Xbox, in all aspects. And F2P is actually F2P.
I don't normally agree with slimy, i think i am on his ignore list lol

But he has a point about the xbox fanatics, it is def like a cult.

I keep having flashbacks to them chanting phil phil phil and having all their hands crossed like the letter x's.

Riky Riky in the front of the crowd too. "lollipop_disappointed: The stuff of nightmares.

I could be wrong. I’m not ingrained in it enough to notice it really. This is the first video game forum I’ve belonged too so most of what I see is Gaf related.
I wish someone would ask Phil why PC gamers get XBL Gold for free while they rape Console gamers for $120 a year.

It's because, despite the ignorance of some, Microsoft does not own the PC. If they could charge you to play games online, they would.

I'm sure they wish they could take a cut for games sold on Steam too.
I still dont get this...has anyone figured it out? I thought I was getting close...maybe MS knows that right minded folk pay 30-50% of the actual cost of live and they are trying to rebalance that.

I'm outraged, but it might be for people that no longer exist and may have not existed for some time.


I buy my games and want to play online.
This is all I want to do.
Why should I be forced to pay more to do this and or be forced into another subscription model?
I agree that MS/XGS are charging the wrong customer here.
If all you want to do is play the games you bought on- line than $120 a year is way too much.
So as someone who has recently switched from Ps4 to series X, and having had a think about this all day... I think its a bad move on MS part.

Gamepass is really good value and I will definatly continue the sub full price when my deal ends. I get that they are trying to get people to move over to Gamepass but upping the price that much is ridiculous.

I think what they should have done before launch is to scrap XBL subs and tie xbox live to both gamepasses. If they need more money to make the service more profitable perhaps up both subs by a dollar or two.

It would have given them much better PR because XBL subs would have been scrapped so technically they havnt 'doubled anything'

I think current gamepass ultimate is worth its full subscription price but this new XBL cost is certainly not worth it.
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So glad I got the 3 years of Gold and upgraded to game pass ultimate for $1 when the Series X launched. Cost me like $200 total I think.
I wonder if they even understand how much of a disaster this is for their brand? Going up $10 in price is one thing, most of the time it’s a couple bucks or even $5 but $60 is pretty much unprecedented. This is embarrassing as someone that has invested in their ecosystem. I’m happy I also invest in the Sony ecosystem and have a PC because it will make moving on that much easier if they don’t go back on this. So fucking dumb.
I am guessing people will still be able to get code much cheaper from the usual sites
That doesn't change anything. Whatever price you used to be able to get those codes on those sites will now be substantially higher now due to this change.

One thing MS probably didn't think about was that this price hike would highlight the fact that only Xbox charges to play free-to-play games online. MS might have to change that policy because now it's too easy to use it to highlight how expensive they are. It turns any popular free-to-play game into a ready made ad against them.
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At the end of the day, this makes the XSS irrelevant. The PS5 DE is unquestionably the better value.

XSS: $300+ $180 GPU = $480
PS5 DE: $400 +$60 PS+ =$460
I guess in your comparison you won't be playing any games on PS5 then.
Every game on PS5 is $70 so add that to the cost of the PS5 to make things equal.
Unless you are suggesting you could just play free PS+ games as an alternative? LOL if that is what you are suggesting.
Game Pass has new 1st party and some 3rd party releases on day 1.
On PS+ you'll be playing games after they lost their popularity.
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Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Will anyone else be letting their XBL subs lapse? I’ve been subbed since inception, even though I rarely play anymore. While overpriced and a waste of money, it was cheap enough to keep around for the convenience of being able to log in whenever I wanted. At this price point, I’ll just cancel and put that money towards Disney plus or something.
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Patrick S.

Good thing I got a 3080 instead of a new console. I'm not willing to pay for that shit anymore. Got my junior's PS5 if I ever want to play a new console exclusive. I might still pay for gamepass ultimate for 1-2 more months because I'm still playing some games off of that, then I'll unsub. And if my kid complains about losing access to that stuff, he can pay for it with his pocket money.
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