Sorry to be condescending. You may very well have more knowledge and experience than me in this area, so I don't mean to speak down to you. It's just it seems like you're being pretty obtuse to first gloss over her clear statement that this is a hardware feature, and now you're quibbling over the definition of "hardware feature".
She's talking about the texture sampling process, so my guess is this some extra hardware in the TMU. They're not exactly showing a block diagram where the hardware is, probably because it sounds like there is more than one implementation in hardware. Here is someone talking about this on the nvidia hardware side (in relation to the texture space shading feature that nvidia promoted in 2018)
Texel Space Shading | Graphine | Texture streaming and compression middleware
Stay ahead with advanced texture
I probably don't know more, but from my understanding of the subject I'm trying to make the point that there is nothing custom in the GPU hardware specific to the XSX that gains this 2x-x3 streaming over hardware even already out there.
From reading what you posted what is being discussed is procedural virtual textures in turing cards. The part you highlighted is related to texture space shading. It is something SF can be used for but it is the second scenario mentioned in your SF video, not the streaming scenario. This saves you shader calculations tracking what texels are affected but it doesn't save you memory or storage bandwidth as far as I know. It can be done on older cards but you would manually have to keep track.