Especially when Valve (YOUR Valve, actually) is making bank on Dota. Like right this instant.
Right, but that doesn't affect me as someone who doesn't want to play games at a desk. And there are millions and millions of others like me out there, so I don't need to worry about MOBA's becoming the only games that exist. Valve is making bank in that market but they're also making moves to take over a totally different one. That's the one I care about.
Yusuf is that you? how is the 1 Billion Console forecast working out?
I dont think we have to "fear" Gamepads overtaking KBAM. before this scenario comes true, we already lost against mobile touch controls.
How would you feel if someone wanted to tell you, that in 5 Years time most of the Console control input scheme would be a touch control? You will swipe to your target and aiming in FPS is just slamming the hand onto the touchpad. How hard you slam will determine if you got an headshot or just a bodykill.
Not once did I say that KB/M support should be scrapped though. I do think controllers will eventually overtake it, but that doesn't mean that controllers should be the only input that's supported. Just like KB/M shouldn't be either.