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Xenoblade Chronicles |OT| Man, what a bunch of jokers.

My most lovable RPG aspect in this game is when your characters die there is no over exaggerated "GAME OVER" screen and load previous save, it simply just returning to the last Landmark with everything is left as is. Plus no more potion curing crap, just simple arts
Feels good Man XD


So I think I'm fighting the end boss, or well the
minions, in the Bionis heart
. I got tired of doing side quests after
Eryth Sea
so I just rushed ahead. Suddenly I'm not leveled enough, or equipped properly because I'm getting myself as kicked at L72. Might have something to do with equipping for looks over efficiency as well. =)


So I'm trying to find a
Sunlight Schvalk
for a quest in the
Satori Marsh
, and it says to look around Barren Moor during the day but it's nowhere to be found! Can anyone help?


slaughterking said:
Frontier Village. I found them near the lake on the bottom level.

The Nopon at the end of Satorl Marsh (in front of those huge statues you had to climb) has the sword.
Thanks a lot :)


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
cacildo said:
Yay! I got the "mementos of a lost son" all by myself! Now that poor mother will have some peace of mind!

Yeah me too :) I really wondered whether I would get them all (since this game's areas are huuuge), but if you are carefully searching every spot on the map you shouldn't miss the quest items (that arent loot drops).

Diablos54 said:
Do you get the items in order? Because I only have the first and third ones.

Yeah. Stupid thing is, I know where I found the 1st, and where I found the 3rd one. Can't tell you anymore about the 2nd :(


So i played about ten hours of this over at a friends apartment yesterday and it was amazing. The thing is I don't think I would stand playing through so much of the game again if i bought it myself. So i was hoping someone could recommend me a game that feels kind of similar? The battle system especially is what seemed appealing. I have this sudden urge to play a JRPG that I've never had before. :eek:


Diablos54 said:
So I'm trying to find a
Sunlight Schvalk
for a quest in the
Satori Marsh
, and it says to look around Barren Moor during the day but it's nowhere to be found! Can anyone help?

I have bad news about this kind of stuff

as it turns out,
when you kill some kind of boss monster before the quest, sometimes its kinda hard for it to respawn so you can kill it again and finish your quest.

The only way to cheat this is to go to the place where the monster should be, and save/load in there like, 4 or 5 times.

I was having a hard time with the "a sign of courage" quest (or something - writer/coward guy from colony 6 inside ether mine) because i had already killed the monster needed to finish the quest. Then i heard about this trick, saved and loaded 6 times and voilá, the mosnter was at the very same place i was.

If anyone has any other, easier way to make monsters respawn, i would be greatful to hear it. But up until now, that was the only way i could finish this quest.

BTW, im having that exact same problem with this exact same quest right now. Ill gather my pacience to try the trick again.


cacildo said:
I have bad news about this kind of stuff

as it turns out,
when you kill some kind of boss monster before the quest, sometimes its kinda hard for it to respawn so you can kill it again and finish your quest.

The only way to cheat this is to go to the place where the monster should be, and save/load in there like, 4 or 5 times.

I was having a hard time with the "a sign of courage" quest (or something - writer/coward guy from colony 6 inside ether mine) because i had already killed the monster needed to finish the quest. Then i heard about this trick, saved and loaded 6 times and voilá, the mosnter was at the very same place i was.

If anyone has any other, easier way to make monsters respawn, i would be greatful to hear it. But up until now, that was the only way i could finish this quest.

BTW, im having that exact same problem with this exact same quest right now. Ill gather my pacience to try the trick again.
I got bored, went to the next area, came back to try your adivce out and there it was! So thanks I guess. :p


Drinkel said:
So i played about ten hours of this over at a friends apartment yesterday and it was amazing. The thing is I don't think I would stand playing through so much of the game again if i bought it myself. So i was hoping someone could recommend me a game that feels kind of similar? The battle system especially is what seemed appealing. I have this sudden urge to play a JRPG that I've never had before. :eek:

Can't you just copy the savegame?
So I am now able to travel to
Eryth Sea
. Will I ever be able to go back? I want to advance the story right now, but if it's a point of no return I might do some more sidequesting first.


Drinkel said:
So i played about ten hours of this over at a friends apartment yesterday and it was amazing. The thing is I don't think I would stand playing through so much of the game again if i bought it myself. So i was hoping someone could recommend me a game that feels kind of similar? The battle system especially is what seemed appealing. I have this sudden urge to play a JRPG that I've never had before. :eek:
FF12 is the only JRPG I can think of that feels kinda similar. But Jucksalbe's advice remains the best one: put an SD card in your friend's Wii and copy the save game :p


how long is the main?
btw i'm at 6 hours, bosses are pretty hard if you don't do sidequest and grind, but for now i can handle them.


SecretMoblin said:
Read the manual and all of the in-game tutorials twice.

Already read most of it....slowly reading the rest!

Varion said:
Don't hurry to try and take it all in at once. The game isn't so merciless at the start that you'll be killed for not understanding one aspect of the battle system, and when certain elements are needed in major plot battles like chain attacks then they'll be explained again. Rereading the tutorials is never a bad idea if you have something specific you don't understand of course, but otherwise it won't kill you to grasp one at a time.

- Colours are used in a couple of things. One you've already mentioned, chain attacks. Basically just keep using the same colour over and over if you want maximum damage, as the more you use the same colour the higher the damage gets - if you switch to another colour it's reset. The only exception is the big grey talent art in the middle of the attacks bar, that can use chains built up by other colours to do loads of damage.
- The other is as an easy visual clue to what the art does. Purple ones (when positioned properly, in Shulk's case) 'break' the enemy, then you can use the green to knock them over for a few seconds and leave them vulnerable for more damage, then before that wears off you can use yellow to dizzy them. Purple -> Green -> Yellow basically.
- Chain Attacks are explained again later, but basically you build up the bar at the top of the screen by doing two things - timing those presses of B well in battle (where a circle appears and then a larger circle shrinks inside it), and using Shulk's arts from the proper position on enemies (sword pointing to the side, attack from the side, Back Slash, attack from the back). It'll do critical damage and charge your bar a bit.
- Affinity does a few things. For one it makes you more likely to extend chain attacks (basically after everyone's had a turn at attacking the higher the active party members' affinity the more chance you have that the first character on the list will get another go, and then the second... etc). It also lets you see special talk scenes between the two characters in question during the game if their affinity is high enough, and makes it easier to craft gems well.
- Raising it is done by those timed B presses in battle (you get more affinity if you press B when the shrinking circle is ON the blue circle, as opposed to when it's inside it), by giving characters presents they like, and you can raise the affinity between whichever character you're using as your party leader and any other character in your active party simply by accepting and completing quests. Occasionally the other character will chime in with a line of support and it'll go up.
- Skill Tree, just choose whichever of the lines of skills looks the most useful to you, and when you've learned that line move on to the next. It's not like you have many choices. Arts menu is just use your AP strengthening the arts you use most until you get too many arts to fit in your list, but that won't be for a little while if you're not far in. Just replace the ones you don't find yourself using very much.

Dunno if any of that will be any help at all.

Any advice helps! Thanks a lot. Useful information in there for sure that I didn't realize before.

Diffense said:
SecretMoblin's suggestion is good.
There are additional tutorials and hints that you may have missed.
Check the tutorials menu for items marked "NEW".

Also, be level-headed (rather than frantic) in battle even though they're not turn based.
I don't think you can dodge enemies' attacks by moving (certainly not the most powerful ones) so you only position for arts' distance requirements, bonus effects, and so that you can auto-attack.
BTW, the game gradually opens up the mechanics so don't worry about grasping everything right away.

The whole concept of real-time RPG is new to me, but I'm learning. I'm also still trying to figure out whether or not I can avoid being hit if I just move far enough away from the enemy or if that matters or not.
On my 118th hour, time to get me some levels by farming Lv84 Gogols. Two levels until they turn gray and they stop giving me the yellow status extra XP.

I got a bunch of new sidequests already, they give a lot but they are also hard as hell, almost all of them involve LV90+ monsters...but the rewards, damn they're sweet.
xtrasauce said:
So I am now able to travel to
Eryth Sea
. Will I ever be able to go back? I want to advance the story right now, but if it's a point of no return I might do some more sidequesting first.

That isn't a point of no return.
xtrasauce said:
Does it time-out some sidequests though?

No. You just progress to the next area.

Superblatt said:
Ok, I'm on the second
battle and am having my ass handed to me. Any ideas or recommendations? I'm level 25.

Level 25 should be more than enough to take him down. Are you making sure you're using Monado Enchant so that every can damage him? If you are it should only be a matter of attacking until you fill your chain attack then chain toppling him. He should go down in one. He's a pushover compared to the first battle with all his minions.


With a lot of the stores out of stock when it comes to the game I wonder if NoE will even bother with another shipment. Have they commented on it any regard yet?


I have two questions about Hode stuff.

There's a place in Makna Forest called Hode Lair, but there is a wooden gate blocking the path. How do I open it?

There's a place in Eryth Sea calles Hode Refuge, in that island there's is a door that's sealed. How do I open it?

Btw, I feel bad for all the people who still haven't got it. Absolutely fantastic game.
Kjellson said:
I have two questions about Hode stuff.

There's a place in Makna Forest called Hode Lair, but there is a wooden gate blocking the path. How do I open it?

There's a place in Eryth Sea calles Hode Refuge, in that island there's is a door that's sealed. How do I open it?

Btw, I feel bad for all the people who still haven't got it. Absolutely fantastic game.

Throughout the game there are quite a few sealed areas around which I can only presume are related to late game sidequests although I don't know any specifics about those two in particular.

A lot of the locked doors (speculation)
seem to have the same design, so I presume there must be an event that unlocks them.
slaughterking said:
I'm warming up to M
as the party leader. It's pretty laid back to just have those buffs going and force topple an enemy occasionally.

Yep. I've come around to
despite the low damage output. Plus, there's a quest
that requires high affinity between two female party members.


One of the Frontier Village quests allows you to open the door in Makna Forest. If you're at Eryth Sea already, you should be able to access the quest.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Too good not to be posted here. From the Custom Cover Thread:

Hopefully he'll update the link to download the file in this post.
SecretMoblin said:
Yep. I've come around to
despite the low damage output. Plus, there's a quest
that requires high affinity between two female party members.
yeah, I actually just wanted those 20,000 EXP from that quest, but then I eventually stuck with her.


MoogPaul said:
What are the best resources as far as quests? Are there any in English yet?

I use the Japanese Xenoblade wiki, which has a complete listing of quests as far as I've come across as yet. I appreciate this isn't an ideal option as Google Translate will spit nonsense at you unless you're able to parse the Japanese to some extent, but it's a pretty complete resource and has some excellent tips.

It's a shame that even with the excellent explanations the game gives you I still feel the need to look up where I should be going for some of these quests, but I'd have gone insane trying to farm Glowing Wisp Fluid, so...


I know that eryth sea quests have a long time before being stopped but seeing that to unlock more you have to do a lot of quests from the frontier village, that cancel my idea to just do other village stuff in the end. Plus if I don't make a mistake, that's by doing late Alcamoth quests that you will be able to open the different secret doors?


slaughterking said:
yeah, I actually just wanted those 20,000 EXP from that quest, but then I eventually stuck with her.
I've just been farming
favourite item at
Colony 6
for that one. One day I'll get enough... by which time the EXP probably won't be that much.

In other news, went back to Colony 9 to try and take on some of the L70ish enemies... and get a Rank 5 gem crystal drop. Awesome. Going to be seeing what these enemies give me for a bit I think! One of them already Ether Up Rank 5s which will be needed for one character at least.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Hug-Dealer said:
One of the many reasons I regret never purchasing a Wii. The console is about to be come extinct. I guess it's too late for me.

Why? Strong rumors about the release of the 99$ Wii (without BC) this holiday season seems to be a perfect time to pick on up, doesnt it?


Will QA for food.
Hug-Dealer said:
One of the many reasons I regret never purchasing a Wii. The console is about to be come extinct. I guess it's too late for me.

Seems like a good time to me. Many of the best titles have been marked down to budget prices, and you have a gigantic library to pick through.


What level should I be before tackling (ether mines spoiler)

Getting absolutely destroyed after only one break/topple


i'm seeing that a chain combo isn't worth it, it's better to use those bars for reviving your allies. Or at least i can say this after 7 hours.


Will QA for food.
Varion said:
About 25. You may or may not know but bear in mind the fight ends after you've taken off about 1/5 of his health.

I was shocked when this happened. I had a good pace going and
I think I could have won!
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