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Xenoblade Chronicles |OT| Man, what a bunch of jokers.


You're not Invincible! Monado ENCHANT!


Anyone playing in JP must be clueless right now :lol
Laughing Banana said:
I am surprised you do not know this :eek:

Teleport to Tephra Cave, Villa Lake. It's behind a waterfall (Emergency Warehouse)


holy fuck, I totaly forgot about the locked door behind the waterfall.

thank you soo much. I seriously thought that I have a glitched game


Unconfirmed Member
PigSpeakers said:
Any strategies or level recommendations to beating the Breezy Xolos? I'm level 36, and I die without ever inflicting much damage on him. I only have Shulk, Sharla, Dunban, and Reyn right now. Should I wait until I get another character to do this quest?
Yeah, if you have purge just keep Shulk mained and auto-attack -> purge the whole time. That should deal with the spikes. Use Dunban as a tank and Sharla to heal.

Not sure if it spikes on topple/daze, but if it doesn't you could use a team focused on toppling/dazing. You would probably want to wait a little longer and get Melia for that for her quick topple.

Jintor said:
If we're looking for tips, that Ignas king holed up in the Exile Fortress in the swamp is giving me hell. He does an average of 500-600 damage per-hit, keeps doing double-hits, and that's just his autoattack. I can easily take down his cadre of guards but he hits like a goddamn truck.

Let's not lose our heads though.
Topple/Daze him as much as you can, since you're early in the game it's going to be rough to do that, but it's pretty much your best bet. I'd take Dunban over Reyn if he has Steel Strike, if not use Reyn. With Shulk+Sharla+Reyn you should have a topple (wild down) plus a daze attack for each character. Dunban only has Steel Strike for topple, but he should take less damage/require less healing if he's set up right.

And as always gems/skills/skill links can always help.
reyn: Did you see that, Sharla? Did you see what I did?
sharla: I... uuhmm... wasn't looking...

Riki's sidekicks do good

(late character spoiler)
Sometimes you just gotta get wild = :eek:
=0 I read that spoiler and it confirmed my suspicions. I can safely say "Yay" to that :D

Now I can't wait to get that far. Just wanna get out of this mountain trail, it's the toughest route so far. The enemies are tough, but it's the environment that's been killing me the most XD


lucablight said:
1.) What is the yellow bar on the battle screen? (not the exp meter). It's a thin yellow line above it.

SP metre.

2.) How does the Monado recharge? Is it through non arts attacks? It seems random to me. Sometimes it'll fill up quickly other times it takes forever.

Autoattacks and *some* special moves (most notable Battle Soul, which converts health into talent gauge level. Ideal for emergencies!)

Note that different Monado abilities deplete it at different rates, too.

3.) How does the game expect you to know where to find items for a quest? For example I'm trying the colony building quest and I have no idea where to find some of the items the boy doesn't tell you the location of (even though some of them are already in my inventory just not in sufficient quantities).

For quests they're usually detailed in the quest text in your log; also, if you don't get much help from that, talking to the quest giver again may give some more info. Building the colony isn't officially a quest, though; you generally find those out by either asking Juju for more details (it's in the 'hints' section, then pick the type of rebuilding you want) or by asking around the colony.

Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras
What is happening in the first half of the last page is incredible and made my night.

I love this game so much. Best RPG of the year.

(and I just beat Dark Souls!)


Unconfirmed Member
Android18a said:
=0 I read that spoiler and it confirmed my suspicions. I can safely say "Yay" to that :D

Now I can't wait to get that far. Just wanna get out of this mountain trail, it's the toughest route so far. The enemies are tough, but it's the environment that's been killing me the most XD
You'll love the next couple areas then. At least the environments won't be a problem! Blandness aside, at least.

Fidelis Hodie said:
What is happening in the first half of the last page is incredible and made my night.

I love this game so much. Best RPG of the year.

(and I just beat Dark Souls!)

Poor Dark Souls. That happened to be the game I started up after Xenoblade, so no matter how good it is it's going to feel like a step down. And so far it does, despite my love for Demon's Souls.
mclem said:
Autoattacks and *some* special moves (most notable Battle Soul, which converts health into talent gauge level. Ideal for emergencies!)
Urgh, had to remove that Talent Art from my list as AI Shulk is so intent on killing himself with it. Not really the best move to use when I'm not rocking with a healer in the group.
chaosblade said:
You'll love the next couple areas then. At least the environments won't be a problem! Blandness aside, at least.
I was actually really let down by the late(r) game environments. The first several hours of the game are packed with magnificent vistas and huge, open areas. Then around the midgame
when you leave the Bionis
the environments become much less interesting, smaller, and more linear.

What's even more depressing is looking at the official art for the game:

Lv. 60+ enemy spoilers:
It looks like the 'beard' of the Mechonis consists of a bunch of hanging buildings, and it would have been so wonderful to traverse that area and get a million stunning views of the Fallen Arm and the Bionis across the ocean. Instead, we get Agniratha, which doesn't look much different from the Mechonis Field/Central Factory.

Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras
chaosblade said:
Poor Dark Souls. That happened to be the game I started up after Xenoblade, so no matter how good it is it's going to feel like a step down. And so far it does, despite my love for Demon's Souls.

I love them both in different ways, Xenoblade was just such a huge surprise. Wasn't expecting such a thrill ride, it blind sided me.

Dark Souls (and Demon for that matter) makes me hate my life in the best of ways.
SecretMoblin said:
I was actually really let down by the late(r) game environments. The first several hours of the game are packed with magnificent vistas and huge, open areas. Then around the midgame
when you leave the Bionis
the environments become much less interesting, smaller, and more linear.

What's even more depressing is looking at the official art for the game:

Lv. 60+ enemy spoilers:
It looks like the 'beard' of the Mechonis consists of a bunch of hanging buildings, and it would have been so wonderful to traverse that area and get a million stunning views of the Fallen Arm and the Bionis across the ocean. Instead, we get Agniratha, which doesn't look much different from the Mechonis Field/Central Factory.

I actually preferred that it gets more linear in the second half, the story comes into focus here, and then the game opens up again with lots more sidequests near to the end, for those who want more
As much as I love the game I'd probably get burnt out two thirds of the way through if every area was like the Bionis Leg


Unconfirmed Member
SecretMoblin said:
What's even more depressing is looking at the official art for the game:

Lv. 60+ enemy spoilers:
It looks like the 'beard' of the Mechonis consists of a bunch of hanging buildings, and it would have been so wonderful to traverse that area and get a million stunning views of the Fallen Arm and the Bionis across the ocean. Instead, we get Agniratha, which doesn't look much different from the Mechonis Field/Central Factory.
That is Agniratha. When the city is destroyed by Mechonis moving you fall from there. But yeah, it would have been awesome to see some views of the world from there.


The other day I was trying to find that funny line that Sharla and Rikki say about how he'd hurt his paws if he were to use an ether rifle or something like that.
Temrer said:

[spoiler]Only BritGAF will get this :([/spoiler][/QUOTE]
Google gives me: [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGZU61k1ibw"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGZU61k1ibw[/URL]

I like it even better now that I know what they're referencing! Thanks!

The Hermit

M_Night said:
You're not Invincible! Monado ENCHANT!


Fixed and quoted for awesome.
I fucking love the dialog in this game... I love when they call each other during a chain attack:

Riki: Go hero Dumban


wackojackosnose said:
Urgh, had to remove that Talent Art from my list as AI Shulk is so intent on killing himself with it. Not really the best move to use when I'm not rocking with a healer in the group.

Um that's why you heal yourself afterwards immediately? Shulk has a minor healing art you know.
UltimateIke said:
This game has Star Fox 64 levels of quotability. It's funny to see everyone play along for so long.

Everybody do good!

exactly. some quotes warm my heart

Reyn: See Sharla? Brawn over Brain!
Sharla: Oh no, I can't let that one go!
Melia: The head! Shoot him in the head!

Riki: Go hero Dundun



Anybody have any late/endgame gem suggestions?

EDIT: More importantly, are there any monsters that I should be trying to get crystal drops from? I keep hearing about gems like Back Attack VI and Heat Sink VI and a lot of other rank VI stuff, but the last Back Attack gem I've found/crafted was rank II and the best Heat Sink I've found/crafted was rank III.


Got to the final boss last night, but I'm going to need to level up 2-3 more levels to beat him. Will be easier to level up than to craft a bunch of gems from crystals.

Hadn't messed with the affinity coins/skill linking at all up to this point since I didn't realize that you could change those out at any time. Getting all in place those helped some but still not enough to put me over the top.


Unconfirmed Member
aett said:
Anybody have any late/endgame gem suggestions?

EDIT: More importantly, are there any monsters that I should be trying to get crystal drops from? I keep hearing about gems like Back Attack VI and Heat Sink VI and a lot of other rank VI stuff, but the last Back Attack gem I've found/crafted was rank II and the best Heat Sink I've found/crafted was rank III.
Agility, Topple Plus, Spike Defense, Debuff Resist, Haste. Double Attack is good for 7th character, didn't bother with it on anybody else.

Heat Sink is pretty useless since only Sharla can use it as far as I know, and you generally won't be using her much in the endgame since she doesn't add much to the team most of the time. Back Attack might be okay for Riki and Shulk, probably not worth it for anybody else. I didn't bother with either.

Edit: Oh, where to get them. Agility is from the Ether Mines, but you need to finish rebuilding the Special thing to get their level up.

Debuff Resist and Double Attack (and Spike Defense?) can be gotten from the level 98 Deinos Sauros in Makna Forest. Can also get Spike Defense from the monsters on Three Sage Summit.

Haste from (near end-game spoiler)
the Telethia in Alcamoth

Don't remember where to get Topple Plus. Might have been from some of the Kromers.

All the level V gem drops are in this Google Docs document. Note that the document contains spoilers all over it. Also, I forgot to mention Night Vision, but that's probably the last one you'll get since it's only dropped by a level 105 monster.

thefro said:
Got to the final boss last night, but I'm going to need to level up 2-3 more levels to beat him. Will be easier to level up than to craft a bunch of gems from crystals.

Hadn't messed with the affinity coins/skill linking at all up to this point since I didn't realize that you could change those out at any time. Getting all in place those helped some but still not enough to put me over the top.
That should make a big difference since you can link up agility boosts to everybody, among other things.


Unconfirmed Member
The Mana Legend said:
So does anyone play this on Dolphin (sorry, I don't want to look through the entire thread to find out)?

I imported this, and am wanting to play it, but my Wii is hideous in HD (obviously), and have been looking into playing this on Dolphin with my new computer that should be built by Friday.
I'm playing on Dolphin. It's extremely processor intensive, but if you've got the horse power, I HIGHLY recommend it. With an Xbox 360 controller for the best possible control scheme for the game.


Played for about 15 hours, so here some thoughts about the game so far

I'm not really a fan of the battle system. It's a bit too chaotic for me. Also the targetting system is a bit annoying. I keep loosing track of the targetted enemy and try to attack the closest one, which doesn't work because I'm to far away from the one that's actually targetted. Also I keep dying a lot. That's not really a bad thing, but I have yet to figure out exactly why I'm dying sometimes while it's really easy at others; it still feels a bit random at times. Still, I've heard a lot of people compare it to FF12 and I think it's a lot better than that at least.

The story feels a bit standard JRPG so far. It's intresting enough; not too annoyingly clichéd, but not increadibly engrossing either; though unfoutunatly I don't think I'm very easily engrossed in a games story anymore.

I have to say I'm really impressed with the graphics. The game is pretty ugly at times but the environments are HUGE!! Don't know if the levels are streaming or not. If it is, it's the best implementation I've ever seen on a console; I've never encountered any real popup and you can skip instantly to a different location within the same area; and if it isn't then it's really impressive that they manged to squeeze those environments into the Wiis RAM.

The music is pretty fantastic, but I already knew that as it's frequently pointed out in various threads and a lot of youtube links are posted. I actually rather like the english dub, but I just can't stand the battle dialogs unless I change it to japanese. Somehow all of that nonsense shouting is a lot more tolerable when I don't understand what they say.

Also; am I the only one who hears Dancing Queen by ABBA at 0:17 here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xweRl4LZlmo&t=17s? those few notes ruin the entire song for me...


The game does load in the background, you can see this when you load a save file or skip to a new area. However, the game is very clever in the order it loads. It loads the environment, then the controller character, then the game fades in and lets you control, then it loads the menus and interface, then the rest of the party and finally the monsters.

What I like is the draw distance and especially if you can keep a far object in your view and then go to it. An awesome example is jumping from that cliff where you go on the early story quest in the cave. When you jump from there, keep Colony 9 in view, and keep it there until you run through the front gate. There is no pop-in, no visible level of detail swap, you just see something far away and run to it. The only other game I can remember doing it this well, is the Wind Waker, but I think Xenoblade has Zelda beat just by a hair here, due to the detail of the environment.

Also, the story will blindside you, trust me on this. It will lull you into a false sense of "I know where this is going!" and then hit you across the face with a giant "NOPE!"
Ok I've finally finished after around 68 hours of play. It is officially tied as my No1 traditional (serious) RPG of all time alongside Chrono Trigger

It is more or less perfect, the only thing that holds it back is that the pacing does let up for a little bit at around the 45-55 hour mark where the story slows down a fair bit and not enough new game mechanics are introduced but other than that, it really is more or less perfect.

The pacing (other than that one part) is perfect, the battle system is incredibly inventive and unique with plenty of new mechanics and clever twists in boss battles (some that spring to mind are
the Mumkhar fight that took advantage of the limited targeting range and the Disciple Lorothia fight
that feel like the best of FF4 and CT, and the story (while first appearing somewhat cliched) goes on to blindside you and ends up with the kind of depth that you rarely see in games at all! (And that ending, what an ending! Such a fantastic last 5 hours!) Character development, astounding. Any game that features an animal sidekick style playable character and manages to make him not only not suck but instead be absolutely FUCK AWESOME, is doing something VERY right! And the
love triangle between Shulk, Melia and Fiora
is handled tastefully and subtly, with you indeed feeling sorry for

The graphics are fantastic (and not just for Wii!) despite it having seemless environments (with a small amount of pop in that is very forgiveable considering that we're talking about GTA style seamless areas here!) and the soundtrack is simply sublime. The best RPG OST in a long, long time!

But the best thing of all is the environments, the exploration and the sense of discovery. I've played to 68 hours and feel that I haven't even seen half of the game world on offer! And the environments aren't you're typical RPG backdrops or your typical dead pointless sandbox worlds, they're lovingly crafted - hiding secrets and history around every corner, much like Zelda's worlds (though of course not as detailed)

Special shoutout to the amazing English localisation and voice acting that never skips a beat and has already become the stuff of legends around here so I need not say anything more.

Who knows, maybe my opinion between the two might change. Honestly, Xenoblade and Chrono Trigger are so close, despite being so different from one another.

You Yanks are missing out on the best RPG of the last 16 years!

Wow. I didn't think the battle could be as terrible as most people were making it out to be but...

Fuck. That. Shit.

Spoilers for late game boss, everyone probably knows who I am gonna talk about.

Fuck that bitch Lorithia and her stupid ugly poorly made battle. Even leveling up won't fix that ridiculous slow down and general stupidity of the battle arena. The basically constant visions, constant sadface party members, constant AOE (I think) attacks from the adds that just add to the confusion. Sure it'll be less painful, for me, if I level to 80 or so and just plow her up the butt, but it will only make the terrible less long. What the fuck that battle is so poorly conceived. Only choice they've made in making this game where I've just shook my head at them. It's horrible.

So...fuck that. I'm gonna go questing until I'm stupidly over leveled.

[/late night rage vent]

Ha Ha! Glad to know that I wasn't the only person who got stuck on that fight. I spent the better part of a late night trying desperately to beat it and I just couldn't do it, died at least 20 times. Tried it again the next day, did it first time. Thanks
Melia (when I'm the one controlling you! AI can't fight for shit there!), Riki (and your busted Ether attacks + healing) and obligatory Sharla (AKA Best Playable Character In Game!)

Man God

Non-Canon Member
There is a late game end of battle disscussion that goes on for over a minute between Shulk, Dunban, and SOMEONE ELSE.


Man God said:
There is a late game end of battle disscussion that goes on for over a minute between Shulk, Dunban, and SOMEONE ELSE.
That one is funny. I also like the one with Shulk, Melia, and that same someone. Way to get yourself into trouble, Shulk.


McNum said:
That one is funny. I also like the one with Shulk, Melia, and that same someone. Way to get yourself into trouble, Shulk.

The Shulk, Sharla and Someone is also great.

I'm here too, guys...
God damn we need a voice sound board for Xenoblade's Character banter like we have for SF64 (http://starfox64.baldninja.com/sf64snds.htm). The stuff in this game is gold!

Also, just as an aside. LOL @ anyone who uses the CC/CCPro for this game. Wiimote & Nunchuck all the way (being able to move, while moving the camera AND while accessing the fight menu FTW! Couldn't imagine doing back attacks with a CC, good luck trying to move around and fiddle through the menu at the same time!)


Nuclear Muffin said:
Ha Ha! Glad to know that I wasn't the only person who got stuck on that fight. I spent the better part of a late night trying desperately to beat it and I just couldn't do it, died at least 20 times. Tried it again the next day, did it first time. Thanks
Melia (when I'm the one controlling you! AI can't fight for shit there!), Riki (and your busted Ether attacks + healing) and obligatory Sharla (AKA Best Playable Character In Game!)

Thank you! Haha. So mad at that fight. Then I got to around 73/74 and beat it down haha.


beril said:
Played for about 15 hours, so here some thoughts about the game so far

I'm not really a fan of the battle system. It's a bit too chaotic for me. Also the targetting system is a bit annoying. I keep loosing track of the targetted enemy and try to attack the closest one, which doesn't work because I'm to far away from the one that's actually targetted. Also I keep dying a lot. That's not really a bad thing, but I have yet to figure out exactly why I'm dying sometimes while it's really easy at others; it still feels a bit random at times. Still, I've heard a lot of people compare it to FF12 and I think it's a lot better than that at least.

The story feels a bit standard JRPG so far. It's intresting enough; not too annoyingly clichéd, but not increadibly engrossing either; though unfoutunatly I don't think I'm very easily engrossed in a games story anymore.

I have to say I'm really impressed with the graphics. The game is pretty ugly at times but the environments are HUGE!! Don't know if the levels are streaming or not. If it is, it's the best implementation I've ever seen on a console; I've never encountered any real popup and you can skip instantly to a different location within the same area; and if it isn't then it's really impressive that they manged to squeeze those environments into the Wiis RAM.

The music is pretty fantastic, but I already knew that as it's frequently pointed out in various threads and a lot of youtube links are posted. I actually rather like the english dub, but I just can't stand the battle dialogs unless I change it to japanese. Somehow all of that nonsense shouting is a lot more tolerable when I don't understand what they say.

Also; am I the only one who hears Dancing Queen by ABBA at 0:17 here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xweRl4LZlmo&t=17s? those few notes ruin the entire song for me...
I hear it as well, but it doesn't ruin it for me, I dont really even notice.

As for the story, you're 15 hours in, it gets better.

Also I'm not sure how you have an issue with targeting and losing track of your target when....it looks like this:


Also a lot of that battle shouting is NOT nonsense, they're giving you contextual information (though I agree it should be toned down just a bit)


Yeah, when I realised them shouting what they were using was actually useful I was kind of amazed.

I really love the banter, it really makes the party feel like... well... a party.


Will QA for food.
Well, two weeks later than I hoped, but it's finally defeated!

Ended at level 81, about 85 hours in. I was hunting a lot of Unique monsters around the world before entering the final showdown(s), and being level 80 heading into it.. ended up being pretty easy. Final team was Riki (controlled), Dunban, and Sharla. Max agility on all, and lots of defense on Riki.

The ending was okay. I definitely enjoyed the mid-story arc more than it, but everything in the game is so well done I can't complain. It's a damn shame the game will never have a release in North America.

I'm looking forward to heading back to the game next year when I'm feeling like it and playing the + file. I can't wait to run around the world having everyone wear their sexy Swimming Oil.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
I can never use a character like Riki during "important" battles like the Final Boss or anything. In my opinion it reduces the 'seriousness' of the situation and making the overall battle feels less epic.
Laughing Banana said:
I can never use a character like Riki during "important" battles like the Final Boss or anything. In my opinion it reduces the 'seriousness' of the situation and making the overall battle feels less epic.
Reyn shut big fat Hom Hom hole! Riki fight better than anyone, RIKI SNEAKY! Riki get lonely without you, but Riki can win by himself!


Will QA for food.
Well, Riki is by far my favorite character to control and I actually find his character to be pleasant in the story. If I had to listen to 85 hours of Shulk shouting 'THIS IS THE MONDO'S POWER', I might have quit half way.
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