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Xenoblade Chronicles X |OT2| Welcome to New L+A a.k.a. Read the Frakkin' Manual!

After 73 hours I can finally spread my wings and take to the sky!

Sylvalum/Cauldros Exploration:


I love the way the rain falls in sheets in the game. It actually creates the illusion that it's being buffeted by wind.


Dammit Rexoskell. It does this bubbly thing and suddenly I died. Is it gravity damage? I have minus gravity resistance (I think, the lower right of the icons in equipment screen).


I'm stuck/need help...

Been playing 19 hours, level 19 and barely got into Noctilum. So I am about Chapter 5? I was just going around collecting missions and then I picked up Affinity Mission Weaponized. I beat the smell no problem but now they are saying I need to go to some island I've never been before. I think I need to be in Chapter 6 or 7 to do that but I can't progress the story cause I'm stuck with this mission.

tl;dr how do I abandon affinity quest or am I missing something with Weaponized quest?
wait... stickied?
...oops, lol
I'm stuck/need help...

Been playing 19 hours, level 19 and barely got into Noctilum. So I am about Chapter 5? I was just going around collecting missions and then I picked up Affinity Mission Weaponized. I beat the smell no problem but now they are saying I need to go to some island I've never been before. I think I need to be in Chapter 6 or 7 to do that but I can't progress the story cause I'm stuck with this mission.

tl;dr how do I abandon affinity quest or am I missing something with Weaponized quest?
You can go to Sylvalum already, just swim there.

Astral Dog

Where are the new missions where you can farm, credits, miranium and affinity after the plot ends? also how are they called?
its super easy to get Ares 90
just waiting for my miranium to tick
getting reward tickets is childsplay when the nemesis is a punk ass bitch in the face of my lv 50 skells

El Odio

So are these post story missions that grant affinity and such online only? I'm unable to get my WiiU online while at school and would prefer not to be restricted in that department.
Just did Nagi's affinity mission. Yall werent kidding, dude is a fucking boss!!!!

Damn the cutscenes are so good in this game. So few and far between but theyre so damn good.
holy shit the camera speed is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fucking slow when in BLADE headquarters, who thought this was a good idea, even the default speed was really slow. I was able to turn up that speed but I don't know how to boost up the BLADE headquarters camera speed, is it possible, and if so, how? I'm assuming its not :(
The decision to keep Lin's version of those endgame armour sets uncensored was actually really clever. It rewards people who've stayed with the game long enough to see them, while also helping to build a sense of anticipation which wouldn't have been there if her earlier costumes weren't altered.

Personally I just think they forgot to censor it lol.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
The decision to keep Lin's version of those endgame armour sets uncensored was actually really clever. It rewards people who've stayed with the game long enough to see them, while also helping to build a sense of anticipation which wouldn't have been there if her earlier costumes weren't altered.
It's only the last one that isn't censored though.


holy shit the camera speed is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fucking slow when in BLADE headquarters, who thought this was a good idea, even the default speed was really slow. I was able to turn up that speed but I don't know how to boost up the BLADE headquarters camera speed, is it possible, and if so, how? I'm assuming its not :(

You can't, unfortunately. None of the speed settings affect the indoor camera.

Personally I just think they forgot to censor it lol.

That's probably the most likely scenario, but I do like the idea of them intentionally slipping one of the costumes through unchanged; as a small consolation for the alterations mandated elsewhere.


I have tons of money, should I buy a spell or wait till they give me one?

I don't think you can actually buy Skells until the point when they're given to you, but it's definitely a good idea to buy one as soon as you can; considering how useless the free one is.


Its still level 50 gear, its just that the gear itself has a series number.

You see all the gear has a set of numbers: XYZ. Generally the first number is always the same, the second number tells you the "level of the gear", and the third is for variations of identical gear with different skills (think the shields).

So, a G-Buster with X50 is weaker than a G-Buster with X60. The X60 series drops from mobs level 60+. The higher the second number the higher the stats baked into the gear are as well.

Damn it, I wish the game stated this! Been selling off 50's waiting for level 60 gear. I hadn't had any of those X hours in and I finally learned _____.... but now I finally have. Luckily I've had the sense to keep parts with extraordinarily high sale price. Man, you got any post game wisdom to share? I never know which Skell parts to keep or trash.


Squad Missions, more like solo missions. Take all the tickets for yourself :p

Some art stuff. Renders I could find so far for characters.

Bonus links because I don't want to post directly. This large for reasons beyond me. Elma (2960 x 3250), Lin (2960 x 3200) and bestest Heropon Tatsu (3904 x 3200).

Bonus chapter 7 3200 x 3200.

Are there any significant consequences for having some of the NPCs die in side quests?

I know it can affect later sidequests that may involve them and the affinity chart and dialogue with the applicable characters. I remember a questline that changes if you decide to kill someone. But it shouldn't be anything that will break your game's progress.


Ow, my wallet. It hurts so bad.

Down to about 2 million after buying and decking out a Level 50 Masterma. Was piloting the Inferno model in the previous set and wanted to try a heavy. Wasn't using the extra 3000 TP much anyway.

Chapter 11 was pretty great... Loved how different the feel of the area design is, compared to the rest of the game. Lots of set pieces. Probably gonna just finish up the main story soon. There are a lot of side stuff I need to get to, but I don't see any reason to wait. I'm a smidge under 60 hours now.
Squad Missions, more like solo missions. Take all the tickets for yourself :p

Some art stuff. Renders I could find so far for characters.

Bonus links because I don't want to post directly. This large for reasons beyond me. Elma (2960 x 3250), Lin (2960 x 3200) and bestest Heropon Tatsu (3904 x 3200).

Bonus chapter 7 3200 x 3200.

I know it can affect later sidequests that may involve them and the affinity chart and dialogue with the applicable characters. I remember a questline that changes if you decide to kill someone. But it shouldn't be anything that will break your game's progress.

Whos that character with the black hair and cream/pink jacket???


Bonus chapter 7 3200 x 3200.

actually had a fairly nice design -
it and Goetia
were completely wasted. The whole monster-of-the-week approach they took to most of the Ganglion commanders prevented any of them from doing anything interesting; which is a shame considering the episodic approach the game adopted could have given them more opportunities to be fleshed out or have their own arcs after their role in the main story ended.

Also, while this is more subjective; those renders really show how dull and unfitting most of the party's starting costumes are - Elma (and to a lesser extent Lin) is the only one who actually looks like their costume was designed for them first, despite also functioning as a generic set.

Please tell me Gus will later get what's coming to him. I should've just let the crab thing get him but I didn't.

he survives.

El Odio

Christ, I equipped one of my teammates skells with a loadout that mainly consisted of thermal AoE weapons and brought them to the Turtle Next in Primordia. Completely wiped out the cave in like 30 seconds.


Whos that character with the black hair and cream/pink jacket???

That's Hope. The girl who's always around the church, assuming you don't know who she is means you probably didn't recruit her. "Marry Me!" basic social mission from the board and then accept the affinity mission just near her. Or maybe it slipped your mind, lol

actually had a fairly nice design -
it and Goetia
were completely wasted. The whole monster-of-the-week approach they took to most of the Ganglion commanders prevented any of them from doing anything interesting; which is a shame considering the episodic approach the game adopted could have given them more opportunities to be fleshed out or have their own arcs after their role in the main story ended.

Also, while this is more subjective; those renders really show how dull and unfitting most of the party's starting costumes are - Elma (and to a lesser extent Lin) is the only one who actually looks like their costume was designed for them first, despite also functioning as a generic set.

I don't like seeing characters and not having them fleshed out. I'd like to see how they interact with each other, like
Goetia and Ryyz.

Yeah, I battled with myself to either keep them in their canon outfits or switch them out for something else. So I decided for my first run to leave them as is with fashion gear and then the second run I'll doll them up.


This game feels more complex than any of the souls games to me. I'm like 15 hours in and I'm still confused as to what anything does most of the time. I just realized you can make your own augments for anything. God damn this game is huge. Like, should I keep lin and the white haired chick in my party the whole game? I have to have them for chapter missions so I dont know why I would take anyone else. I have Lao with me too. And now L can join me but I'm not sure if I should put him in there.


This game feels more complex than any of the souls games to me. I'm like 15 hours in and I'm still confused as to what anything does most of the time. I just realized you can make your own augments for anything. God damn this game is huge. Like, should I keep lin and the white haired chick in my party the whole game? I have to have them for chapter missions so I dont know why I would take anyone else. I have Lao with me too. And now L can join me but I'm not sure if I should put him in there.
You can try to make a secondary team just to not get bored using only Elma and Lin or even a third one like I do:

1) Main Team: Elma, Lin and Doug
2) 2nd Team: Irina, Gwin and L
3) 3rd Team: Phog, Yelv and H.B.

I mostly do this to raise affinity which unlocks more affinity missions and to hear the interactions between characters =P
lol bringing a level 30 skell for Chapter 7 was totally overkill, I also have a pretty decent weapon even before grinding for a G-Buster


You can try to make a secondary team just to not get bored using only Elma and Lin or even a third one like I do:

1) Main Team: Elma, Lin and Doug
2) 2nd Team: Irina, Gwin and L
3) 3rd Team: Phog, Yelv and H.B.

I mostly do this to raise affinity which unlocks more affinity missions and to hear the interactions between characters =P

Can you save teams? Or do you literally have to go search them out the whole time.


Can you save teams? Or do you literally have to go search them out the whole time.
You have to look for them =/

Its not THAT bad since most party member are in the Administrative Distric or at least near a fast travel point. The only time Im being bothered is when they move for their Heart-to-heart's but if I dont know where it is I just change the time of day.

I know =/


You have to look for them =/

Its not THAT bad since most party member area in the Administrative Distric or at least near a fast travel point. The only time Im being bothered by it os when they move for their Heart-to-heart's but if I dont know where it is I just change the time of day.

I know =/

Heart to hearts. I dont know what those are yet. I mean, I'm only level 17 and havent started chapter 5 yet so I feel like I'm pretty early still.
btw which heart-to-hearts does Lao have?
I've planning on doing those then blitzing through and finishing chapter 9 to unlock flight
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