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Xenoblade Chronicles X |OT2| Welcome to New L+A a.k.a. Read the Frakkin' Manual!


You mention healing, so you're using a Lailah I take it? If so, the healing per tick is dependent on your HP. With some HP drive augs on ground gear and ~90 gravity / physical resist, you should be healing faster than she can hurt you. My Lailah has the Megaflame and Antimatter Rifle. With positional augs in the frame and about 10 ultrafauna slayer augs, killing her was no problem. Not a one/two shot ordeal either. Can reduce the slayer aug count further to extend the battle longer, but you want to at least have the capacity to burst the HP down at the end.

Edit: Correction to the above resists. I was at 60/80/50/70/50/80 (phys/ether/elec/beam/therm/grav) in the above video.
Yeah, my last attempt was with my Lailah. I also own Inferno, Mastema, Amdusias, and Ares 90, but none of them can survive long enough (yet) to stand a chance at taking down Pharsis.


100% Survey Gotten!

190 Hours.

Final quest ended up being to help a Wrothian learn to cook, as that was behind an Affinity quest (which I was trying to save for last).

Probably play for a few more hours just to take a whack at the last few Tyrants, but Telethia is dead so I don't care too much about the rest.
Hit a bit of a wall with the Chapter 6 boss and I'm wondering if I'm under levelled. I'm level 22, with the rest of my party at about level 20 ish (and
is about 17)

I'd really don't want to reduce the difficulty as part if the fun I have is with improving tactics, gear etc and finally beating a tough boss but I'm thinking maybe I should go and grind some normal missions?


Kill it on foot?
Any ground build capable of killing her is also cheesing it by the definition given IMO. Instead of superweapons and ultrafauna slayer augs, you instead have very specific weapon/art/aug combinations that allow infinite overdrive and outright nullification of incoming damage. If anything, the ground approach is even less flexible in this regard. With a skell build you can pretty much pick your weapon loadout, and then decide how you're going to survive. The ground build is going to absolutely require one of a few arts, and thus at least partially forced weapon selection.
The only requirement for a working ground build are resists (and accuracy in some cases). You can generally be flexible as long as you're willing to accept trade offs.


The only requirement for a working ground build are resists (and accuracy in some cases). You can generally be flexible as long as you're willing to accept trade offs.
Sure, tons of resists via gear and probes if you don't plan on nullifying the damage via other methods. It's still going for the same result (little to no incoming damage), just by a different means. I will give you that it gives more flexibility on your loadout to an extent. You still need the damage to burst down the HP regen though, which requires infinite overdrive and TP arts with potential boosting. That requires specific augs/skills/arts.

Ground combat is basically the definition of cheesing/gaming the system for those fights. It's all pushing the the damage to insane (comparable or even exceeding skell) levels while simultaneously reducing incoming damage to negligible levels. Without breaking the system, the fights aren't possible as they were designed to be taken with skells. Skell battles against them can be close calls. The ground battles tend to be razor edge situations where you either get trashed or trash the tyrant depending on how well you've stacked the odds and gamed the system.

This isn't to say skell combat doesn't have cheesing / stacking the odds. It's just that it's far less required, especially if tackled as a party. (Ground is basically forced solo as the NPCs can't really use OD properly.)
10:10 AM EST is such a strange time to UPDATE leaderboards


AKI is grinding offline again or took a break, whatever your are doing dude

day before UP 8,671 jumps
today UP 6,744 jumps

eh why?


We've decided to take the plunge and do a Let's Play of Xenoblade Chronicles X - this is Part 1, which is mainly the story set-up and the avatar creation: https://youtu.be/MkNj7-4488U

Might be an incredibly bad idea considering the sheer size of this game, but we figured we can make a real go of it and turn it into a long-play - we've got the Collector's Edition strategy guide so we shouldn't spend too long aimlessly wandering about. Hopefully we might be able to join up with you guys later on when we have a BLADE ID and we can form GAF squads!

If there's anyone who wants to watch and give any feedback or criticisms, such as the play style, the commentary, is the video too short/too long etc., or feels like sharing it with anyone who might be interested, it'd be greatly appreciated.

Apologies for the audio issues, they're fixed in Part 3 onwards, and I'll get better at editing the videos as I get practice with them.


Yeah, the GP drive is a skell wear armor augment. To make it work though, you're either going to need the MSL-MAG diskbombs (only one with MSL-MAG needed if you use the copy bug) or a fair number of the GP art gain augments on the skell. Normal sidearms aren't enough without the art GP gain. Keep in mind that if you go with the diskbomb option, it would split your skell into a phys/beam/thermal loadout. While the diskbombs would counter any loss in damage from splitting elements three ways, you'll have to remember to load up on all three anti-reflects for Telethia.

As for the skell choice, I can understand the vanity aspect. I'm partial to the Formula/Verus/Lailah/Mastema myself. The rest range from indifferent to actively dislike. The Amdusias takes the cake for me on dislike side. Hate the horns and fat rear tread area. I wouldn't use it even if it was the best skell out there. I only created it to rip the armor off. It'll probably go into the skell recycling bin eventually to make room for a duplicate frame of one of ones I like.

I also agree with the not wanting to one-shot. I only brought up the 10 million number to show how 3 million isn't really crazy for that weapon. It's actually on the low side for the zenith cannon's potential. So while I have the capability, I don't really use it. The novelty of max damage wears off quickly, and there's enough one second battles in the game. Still, the Mastema makes a good SA M-Missile nemesis part farmer, and the max damage build with a few tweaks to allow near constant overdrive makes a decent enough RP farming build (200+ per run typical). Not as good as ground, but that's meaningless if you don't want to do a ground run in the first place.

*A few days later*
I finally was able to beat Pharsis and Telethia with this skell!

Here is my stats when I've beaten Pharsis:


I kind of brute forced my way by equipping the best augments. It ended up not bad stat-wise: capable of dodging most of the attacks, good element resistance (here 110 gravity against Pharsis), good R-attack and 5700GP to be able to enter *almost* infinite overdrive mode.

I didn't want to use diskbomb to avoid introducing a 3rd attack type. instead, the SA B-Rifle (beam) and SA Assault Rifle (physical) + GP gain for arts were enough to build the GP gauge quickly.
I'm happy with the result and seeing that I can do good amount of damage with the beam weapons despite having a mix with physical ones, I think I'll switch to 100% beam because I like how these weapons look and feel.

Anyway, thanks again. Your advise was a great help Zalusithix!

BTW, just after that I tried my Lailah Queen with a 100% thermal weapons and diskbomb. She obliterated these bosses without blinking and she didn't even have proper augments (except the thermal reflect cancel and a couple of leftovers I had).
It's a shame the skells aren't well balanced at all but I'm happy I was able to make Urban Lincoln capable of doing anything. Granted, his almost perma overdrive helped a lot.


Shion & Weltall
Sure, tons of resists via gear and probes if you don't plan on nullifying the damage via other methods. It's still going for the same result (little to no incoming damage), just by a different means. I will give you that it gives more flexibility on your loadout to an extent. You still need the damage to burst down the HP regen though, which requires infinite overdrive and TP arts with potential boosting. That requires specific augs/skills/arts.

Ground combat is basically the definition of cheesing/gaming the system for those fights. It's all pushing the the damage to insane (comparable or even exceeding skell) levels while simultaneously reducing incoming damage to negligible levels. Without breaking the system, the fights aren't possible as they were designed to be taken with skells. Skell battles against them can be close calls. The ground battles tend to be razor edge situations where you either get trashed or trash the tyrant depending on how well you've stacked the odds and gamed the system.

This isn't to say skell combat doesn't have cheesing / stacking the odds. It's just that it's far less required, especially if tackled as a party. (Ground is basically forced solo as the NPCs can't really use OD properly.)
I think you are missing the point of Overdrive entirely, it is supposed to make battles scaled for Skells possible on foot.

You also don't have to push your damage to insane amounts, you only need to be able to survive and do any damage at all.


I think you are missing the point of Overdrive entirely, it is supposed to make battles scaled for Skells possible on foot.

You also don't have to push your damage to insane amounts, you only need to be able to survive and do any damage at all.
Skells have OD too, and ground OD can far exceed skell damage when pushed to the limits - both from a raw damage number standpoint and from a damage over time standpoint. It's broken. You can simulateously do more burst damage, more damage over time, and take less damage than the best skell builds. All without the possibility of losing anything on death. The game gave the tools, so it's not cheating, but it is imbalanced as all hell. Unless you think that a creature 1/10 the size of a skell and wielding weapons smaller than its ammunition should be realistically outclassing it on all fronts.

Neither Pharsis nor Telethia were meant to be done on the ground anyhow. One flies super high. The other is in an area filled with water. You can do them, but it obviously was never the intent and doing so requires working around that. Also the "any damage" bit is false. Pharsis regenerates millions of HP when she gets low. If you don't have the burst damage to overcome that, then you'll be in combat limbo forever.

*A few days later*
I finally was able to beat Pharsis and Telethia with this skell!

Here is my stats when I've beaten Pharsis:


I kind of brute forced my way by equipping the best augments. It ended up not bad stat-wise: capable of dodging most of the attacks, good element resistance (here 110 gravity against Pharsis), good R-attack and 5700GP to be able to enter *almost* infinite overdrive mode.

I didn't want to use diskbomb to avoid introducing a 3rd attack type. instead, the SA B-Rifle (beam) and SA Assault Rifle (physical) + GP gain for arts were enough to build the GP gauge quickly.
I'm happy with the result and seeing that I can do good amount of damage with the beam weapons despite having a mix with physical ones, I think I'll switch to 100% beam because I like how these weapons look and feel.

Anyway, thanks again. Your advise was a great help Zalusithix!

BTW, just after that I tried my Lailah Queen with a 100% thermal weapons and diskbomb. She obliterated these bosses without blinking and she didn't even have proper augments (except the thermal reflect cancel and a couple of leftovers I had).
It's a shame the skells aren't well balanced at all but I'm happy I was able to make Urban Lincoln capable of doing anything. Granted, his almost perma overdrive helped a lot.


Shion & Weltall

Congrats! And yeah, the diskbomb Lailah is kind of imbalanced. It's combining the best (broken) sidearm with the best OD on a skell that has 6k GP out of the box. She's basically godlike in survival, and manages that with very little effort when compared to the other skells. For balancing the HP regen should have probably been fixed instead of HP based. Also not sure if she should have gotten a damage reduction in addition to healing. Healing and debuff immunity would have been damn good on its own. Alas, balancing was not this game's strong point. I'm not even sure if it was an afterthought lol.


The Pharsis heal limbo is right. You need to be able to do enough damage to overcome that and not be like me. 30 minutes before I finally timed it right and killed it with an incomplete Gatling Gun.
Ah, I never tried Pharsis, I wasn't aware its healing was that much stronger than Telethia's.

I still stand that Overdrive just lets you accomplish what Skells can (even if you "aren't supposed to" fight flying enemies). I think it's more certain arts and whatnot that are overpowered.


Well yeah, it's not OD in and of itself that's completely broken. Nor is it any one skill or art that is (though some come close). In a vacuum everything works - mostly. However, once you're given free reign to combine any set of weapons (and the arts that come with them), skill, and augment in tandem with overdrive, the system breaks down. You end up with the ability to make combinations that are flat out OP. It's a strategy in its own right to come up with these game breaking builds, but the fact that they're even possible proves the system doesn't have enough checks and balances in place.

In comparison there's far more restriction in place on skells. There's a max damage cap. Armor choice is based on skell class. The differing OD effects are locked to a given frame. Weapons have variable slot usage where the more powerful ones take up more and thus reduce the number of arts at your disposal. Then there's the lack of any skills to chose from save for one stat boosting one. Even with this more restricted system they managed to flub the balance between skells with some being objectively better than others.

So yeah, the combat system is unbalanced and broken and rewards people who manipulate it to the fullest extent.

I should also probably clarify that by broken I mean that it invalidates its own systems. For example the game tries to promote party play with soul voices etc. However, nobody bothers lugging around AI for anything other than treasure gear in the post game because the best builds have no need for anybody else. Why build around an AI's inconsistency when you can be godlike on your own? Even when grouped with a human on a nemesis, you still don't need the soul voices because there's better ways to heal and prevent damage.


Lv ~40, post-chapter 9...

I feel like 80% of the side-quests in this game involve xenophobia towards Ma-non.

I also wish those "kill these monsters with this weapon" didn't exist.


Lv ~40, post-chapter 9...

I feel like 80% of the side-quests in this game involve xenophobia towards Ma-non.

I also wish those "kill these monsters with this weapon" didn't exist.

A good chunk if they involve humans as well yeah.

Pizza is the devil.


Hit a bit of a wall with the Chapter 6 boss and I'm wondering if I'm under levelled. I'm level 22, with the rest of my party at about level 20 ish (and
is about 17)

I'd really don't want to reduce the difficulty as part if the fun I have is with improving tactics, gear etc and finally beating a tough boss but I'm thinking maybe I should go and grind some normal missions?
Checking my recordings of the time, I was level 25/24/24/18 at the time of that boss. Needless to say, 18 wasn't going to cut it so it was pretty much a 3 person battle. No exotic build or anything of the sort. Lots of using the heal available to me (astral heal). Probably wouldn't have made it without the use of an overdrive to increase the damage output a bit. And when I say overdrive I just mean a totally basic crappy OD. This was long before I understood OD mechanics.

I also wish those "kill these monsters with this weapon" didn't exist.
Well it's more like "tap these monsters with this weapon and then kill them however you want". Actually I'm quite certain you don't even need to tap them with it, so much as have it equipped - even in a skell.


So I'm 30 hours in, ~ level 27 and I just got my first Skell.

Just when I have a handle on everything, now I'm all like "uhhhhhh, huh?" again. Any guides to what the heck I'm supposed to do with Skells?

Also I assume they get much stronger because this Skell is weak as.


So I'm 30 hours in, ~ level 27 and I just got my first Skell.

Just when I have a handle on everything, now I'm all like "uhhhhhh, huh?" again. Any guides to what the heck I'm supposed to do with Skells?

Also I assume they get much stronger because this Skell is weak as.

The mech you get for free is weak. Not much you can do about it. Try to get to level 30 and go buy a level 30 one from the shop console in armory alley.


So I'm 30 hours in, ~ level 27 and I just got my first Skell.

Just when I have a handle on everything, now I'm all like "uhhhhhh, huh?" again. Any guides to what the heck I'm supposed to do with Skells?

Also I assume they get much stronger because this Skell is weak as.

Skell combat is rather different from the ground.

Overdrive handles differently for one. Extensions are chance based instead of having set ways to increase the time in increments. The overdrive effects themselves differ from skell frame to frame. (You can see these effects when you start OD, and there's guides out there with the effects for each skell.) Overdrive also consumes the GP after it ends instead of like the ground version where it consumes TP when initiating it.

Then there's cockpit mode which has a chance of triggering after any art use. This resets the cooldowns of all arts and makes you invincible for the time. Cockpit mode is easier to get into while in overdrive and increases the chance of overdrive extending.

All arts use fuel to varying amounts, though during overdrive they use none.

Skells themselves have levels and the one you get for free is level 20. You con buy level 30 ones when you're level 30, 50 when you're 50 and make level 60 in the post game. The higher level ones have better stats all around and can use better gear. And speaking of gear, you'll really want intergalactic level weapons. More damage, reduced cooldown times... Certainly a huge improvement over store bought stuff.

There's also a lot of stuff about element type synergy on loadouts and other fine details, but that's all you really need to know with a level 20 skell.


Cool, thanks guys.

How do you get intergalactic weapons?

Usually enemy drops.

If you have any armor that have an augment called 'treasure sensor' it can help increase the chances of those drops.
There's a manufacturer called candid something or another that once you level up they start putting better and better treasure sensors on the armor for you so you don't have to manually build the augment. Of course the best sensors have to be built but its better than nothing at the start.


Cool, thanks guys.

How do you get intergalactic weapons?

Here's a decent enough starting point for skell weapons on what drops what. Between the first post and the followups, most everything is covered. Also gives a rundown on decoding the weapon names if it wasn't quite making sense to you.

Of course, knowing what drops what is only half the battle when you don't know what you want in the first place. The most popular weapons are discussed quite a bit online, but I don't think there's any massive repository of all weapons and how their respective art works. It's one of those things that's best gained by personal experience anyhow. Get a weapon and try it out. Don't pre judge by weapon force, hit count, or anything else. Try, then decide. Some weapons that seem underwhelming by stats are actually quite powerful (drones). Others have massive utility like hitting every appendage (me/sa m-missiles).


Hey everyone.

Haven't posted in this thread yet, but wanted to do my part. I have a humble YouTube channel with a few Xenoblade X videos you might like (or you might not, I don't know).

I specialize in taking down endgame tyrants in ways that people thought were impossible. That includes no Decoy/Reflect/Astral Protection kills, and I do my kills on-foot as well. I have Telethia, Vortice, Nardacyon, and Pharsis kills using such restrictions. I even had Gamefaqs vote on the way in which I would kill Vortice, they voted Knife/Multigun, and I successfully got the kill using that.

It's possible you may have already come across my videos at some point but in-case you haven't I invite you to come enjoy some little things I put some time in to just to entertain folks. I have a few instructional/helpful type videos as well.

Checking my recordings of the time, I was level 25/24/24/18 at the time of that boss. Needless to say, 18 wasn't going to cut it so it was pretty much a 3 person battle. No exotic build or anything of the sort. Lots of using the heal available to me (astral heal). Probably wouldn't have made it without the use of an overdrive to increase the damage output a bit. And when I say overdrive I just mean a totally basic crappy OD. This was long before I understood OD mechanics.

Well it's more like "tap these monsters with this weapon and then kill them however you want". Actually I'm quite certain you don't even need to tap them with it, so much as have it equipped - even in a skell.

OK thanks! Better get grinding then! Or maybe choose to lower the difficulty. I'm 36 hours in and only level 22, how am I so slow?!


Drove off into the abyss in Oblivia and wasted an insurance ticket 10 minutes after getting my Skell ._.

Tell yourself you did this on purpose because you plan to 100% the game, including the achievements. ;)

Btw, if your Skell explode while fighting, try to hit "Perfect" on the prompt and you won't lose your insurance.


But I don't want to farm Arts:TP XX :(

Actually I just cheated and hired 3 lv 60 drifters with longswords :p
Overdrive, not infinite overdrive. With high potential and TP arts, it'll be dead very, very fast. Heck, it's been quite some time since I've done the time challenge, but I'm pretty sure I was doing it without OD with a single screamer enough to sleep it until dead.


But I don't want to farm Arts:TP XX :(

Actually I just cheated and hired 3 lv 60 drifters with longswords :p

You actually don't need ATPG. There's quite a few skills that grant TP (like Yamato Spirit) that you can use if you're really that lazy, but of course that will come at the cost of better skills.


So I've been playing the game irregularly since day 1, I've clocked 65 hours in the game and not that long ago I just finished Chapter 5. I have been doing basic, normal and affinity missions, but lately have been encoutering restrictions on the affinity missions, like accepting basic missions like Marry Me and Back Up something, but the first it is not availble for me to accept it and the second I accepted it but it sends me to an affinity mission...

Anyway, my question or doubt is if getting and Skell is via any of those other missions or a Chapter, if so, which one (spoil it), because I would probably rush into that one and then keep taking my sweet time with the game... I've not even been into the top continents because I want to get there on a Skell.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
So I've been playing the game irregularly since day 1, I've clocked 65 hours in the game and not that long ago I just finished Chapter 5. I have been doing basic, normal and affinity missions, but lately have been encoutering restrictions on the affinity missions, like accepting basic missions like Marry Me and Back Up something, but the first it is not availble for me to accept it and the second I accepted it but it sends me to an affinity mission...

Anyway, my question or doubt is if getting and Skell is via any of those other missions or a Chapter, if so, which one (spoil it), because I would probably rush into that one and then keep taking my sweet time with the game... I've not even been into the top continents because I want to get there on a Skell.
You'll get your chance for a skell after completing Chapter 6, it's obvious and in-your-face how to initiate the missions to get it; no other requirements iirc.
Hey everyone.

Haven't posted in this thread yet, but wanted to do my part. I have a humble YouTube channel with a few Xenoblade X videos you might like (or you might not, I don't know).

I specialize in taking down endgame tyrants in ways that people thought were impossible. That includes no Decoy/Reflect/Astral Protection kills, and I do my kills on-foot as well. I have Telethia, Vortice, Nardacyon, and Pharsis kills using such restrictions. I even had Gamefaqs vote on the way in which I would kill Vortice, they voted Knife/Multigun, and I successfully got the kill using that.

It's possible you may have already come across my videos at some point but in-case you haven't I invite you to come enjoy some little things I put some time in to just to entertain folks. I have a few instructional/helpful type videos as well.


Oh hey. Cool to see you around. I appreciate the work you've done for this game exploring different builds.
I'm not sure what it says about you that you're the only person that's on both of those lists. =P


But honestly I enjoy the distraction right now I am fairly busy working on paintings to donate to a charity art auction in April so can't really play

I just go buy stuff while I wait for paint to dry or sitting down with the gamepad just pressing buttons while I think of what I want to do with a painting


Yeah, they're not exactly achievements that would require your undivided attention. Heck, the game for the past few days for me has been mostly doing other things while keeping it "active" for bonjelium mining ticks.

And speaking of which, I wish we could trade those materials around. I'd trade a whole damn stack of one of the many resources I have no need for on a single bonjelium piece. The incoming ticket rate far exceeds the mining rate (which is exacerbated by the no mining ticks while doing Yggy farming). That said, I think I'm going to stop Yggy farming all together from here on out. I've been contemplating it for awhile, but the game is quickly losing any semblance of fun for me as it stands. Alternating between star-bumping-then-dumping 3 scouts over and over for an hour, and then killing the same monster until the earned medals are gone is a one way ticket to burn out. An extremely efficient use of time, but dangerous from an enjoyment standpoint when used a lot.


Just crafted some Slayer.ULTRAFAUNA augments and went back and wrecked Pharsis.

It dropped Reflect.ADD-GRAV on the first kill.

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