I ended up just adding some overpowered guy from the scouting console. The battle ended before I knew it lol
w-was it me
I ended up just adding some overpowered guy from the scouting console. The battle ended before I knew it lol
best place to grind brilliant tersqual liquid?
need 48 of them
repeat for 3 times
I finally learned (advanced gameplay)that I can press the Overdrive button while still in overdrive, and that's how people pull off infinite overdrive.
There was one mission in a Sylvalum blade camp that had you traverse a lava cave. My god its like the party AI can't figure out a good route that didn't include jumping straight to their deaths and leaving me to fend for myself.![]()
F' that stupid monk' affinity quest. Who thought it was a good idea to have platforming + lava floor in a rpg game that cannot do proper platforming and with AI team that can't stay still or jump with you properly onto platforms.
I must have to spend like 20-30 minutes just soloing this bastard.
Its seriously weird, even Lin does it a bit better and that's saying something lol.Celica literally has the face of a baby. It's pretty gross to see that thing attached to a body with realistic proportions.
I honestly love how alive NLA feels with all the different people and xenos walking around and doing stuff.
Still not as creepy asthough.human x nopon relationships
Yeah, I thought it was just one character at first that sounded like that butall the Prone females sound very masculine.
You get the option to bind an enemy when it's staggered.
Not sure what triggers the cockpit POV, but I find it annoying when it happens.
I farm that in the lava zone in the middle of Cauldros, fly in skell and make sure to break their back.
You can use the green/blue combo to extend it too, it's more effective with a higher count though so some green/orange for double count in the beginning is great for that. Some augments like Extend Overdrive XX or attributes like Overdrive Count Up are great too. The Overdrive system is really interesting to explore.
Just stumbled upon a G-Buster at lvl 50, holy shit how is this fair
I didn't know how to get you so I just picked some random person. Sorry lolw-was it me
it is, or rather, the lack of actual story/explanations, character development ("hi I'm villain number 2, I want to kill you" - 10 seconds later - "noooo" *villain number 2 is dead*) creates what you could call a disappointing clusterfuck. disappointing because I recall the Iwata asks about the game, and the people taking care of the main scenario were talking of how much effort they were putting into it, how it needed to be something good to meet the expectations etc. and I was somehow expecting something decent out of it.The story is a real clusterfuck, and I begin to doubt the developer themselves had something clear in mind for the game.
Sounds logical.Question:
I have Treasure Sensor +5% on five pieces of equipment = 25%
If I do this with all four characters that's 100%... Is that how it works? Is there any point in going over 100%?
I didn't know how to get you so I just picked some random person. Sorry lol
it is, or rather, the lack of actual story/explanations, character development ("hi I'm villain number 2, I want to kill you" - 10 seconds later - "noooo" *villain number 2 is dead*) creates what you could call a disappointing clusterfuck. disappointing because I recall the Iwata asks about the game, and the people taking care of the main scenario were talking of how much effort they were putting into it, how it needed to be something good to meet the expectations etc. and I was somehow expecting something decent out of it.
reading it again now, this part is pretty funny,
"Come to think of it, Takahashi-san wrote a lot. I've worked with Takahashi-san for a long time, but this was the first time I've seen him write so much for a game's plot. It was as if he was writing a novel." "Yes, it was like reading a novel." "It was quite a read on its own, so I even suggested to Takahashi-san to get it published."
if you take only the main quest cutscenes, you could make something like a 10 pages long novel at best? Lol. not even 10 pages of a good quality novel. *Takahashi, to think that once you wrote something much better like Xenogears.
I mean it's clear that the focus wasn't the main story, it seemed more like something forced into the game just because jrpgs need a plot. you only get an info dump in the last chapter, which felt like an hilariously bad and rushed attempt to answer the too many questions.
if they're not sure a sequel is 100% confirmed, I don't understand why they decided to leave so many questions unanswered and to even tease us in the finale with "more L. bullshit is coming!", makes no sense. it's not even close to how open the finale of Xenoblade was. and even if a sequel really is coming, it doesn't change the fact that they had some nice ideas for the overall plot but most of them were very poorly written and even more poorly executed.
that being said, I love the world building aspect of the game, not just the level design and the regions themselves (which alone are enough to keep you occupied for quite some time) but also all the side-quests aka ''normal missions'', the affinity quests and the npcs which are there to give life to NLA, to give some much needed details and character development, and to present you with numerous situations and peculiarities of the alien races you rescue, whether you decide to be a racist murderous apathetic killer or not. not all of those quests were always interesting or worth reading at all, but I enjoyed most of them. that, I think, is definitely the best part of this game.
tl;dr story sucks but the rest is good
I was searching for it today too. Got my skell wrecked in Shivering Sands so many times I ran out of money to fix itTake your skell and hover on water to the west of Sylvalum until you reach Sylvalum Waters. There should be two small islands with very powerful enemies, so don't get to close. Going back and forth between them, you will find many items on water and eventually the Spirit Wand.
I think I lost something like 2 hours exploring the whole Sylvalum and seaching for it.
So, nobody else is having full screen issues? The games not filling out my tv :/
On a related noteI finally learned (advanced gameplay)that I can press the Overdrive button while still in overdrive, and that's how people pull off infinite overdrive.
There's quite a number of them at the Lake of Sylvalum.best place to grind brilliant tersqual liquid?
need 48 of them
repeat for 3 times
So, nobody else is having full screen issues? The games not filling out my tv :/
Just curious: Are there female players here who are subjecting the men to wear sexy outfits/nothing, much like male players are doing to the women?
After seeing Celica's face, I don't get why people complained about Lin's.
Chapter 8 spoilers:
Dude, you're getting a Vita!
Sure, Sony has pretty much dropped support at this point but to call it an ancient artifact is harsh.
Just curious: Are there female players here who are subjecting the men to wear sexy outfits/nothing, much like male players are doing to the women?
Just curious: Are there female players here who are subjecting the men to wear sexy outfits/nothing, much like male players are doing to the women?
(not saying there are not girls here, just that you assume is mostly girls doing it to push your "reverse" sexism thing).
Watch in horror!
I know right.Just got the flight module.
THIS FUCKING GAME!!!!!! Flying above the landscape you've spent so many hours traversing through, feeling like an ant....what a feeling. Wow
site 504? I only found 2 there so I was hoping to find a better location.I farm that in the lava zone in the middle of Cauldros, fly in skell and make sure to break their back.
oh, I'll try that.There's quite a number of them at the Lake of Sylvalum.
they had to rewrite some of the story to match with the online and avatar system but I don't think they scrapped most of what Takahashi wrote. I wouldn't be surprised if in his ''novel'' Elma was the main character. (pretty much like in the actual gameDidn't Takahashi scrap the majority of the plot once they made it an avatar system and added online elements. I said it prior but if you think of this game as a prologue or a chapter 1 meant to set the stage then it works fine. Problem is we all expected for the story to wrap entirely in this game (and rightfully so), so we're bound to be disappointed. Also, this isn't like his other games in terms of how little story there is but yet there are so many cast and character introductions.
So I think I am ready for chapter 12. Any spoilers-free advice about the final boss? My party is level 55-58, with 3 lv 50 skells and plenty of busters and phoenixes. Should I wear any specific augment? Like anti beam, gravity?
So I think I am ready for chapter 12. Any spoilers-free advice about the final boss? My party is level 55-58, with 3 lv 50 skells and plenty of busters and phoenixes. Should I wear any specific augment? Like anti beam, gravity?
I know right.
I even kind of stopped fast traveling since its so much fun to just fly just a little above the ground and see the beasts and landscape pass by.
And speaking of fly module... the area located at the end of Noctilum is eerie as hell with themusic change and the Telethia constantly flying above that big flower thing
So I think I am ready for chapter 12. Any spoilers-free advice about the final boss? My party is level 55-58, with 3 lv 50 skells and plenty of busters and phoenixes. Should I wear any specific augment? Like anti beam, gravity?
Seriously, fast travel will be put on the back burner for a bit now, unless I'm changing to a different region.
And,that's the first place I flew to and I noped out of the place straight away. How exactly are you supposed to go up against a Lvl.99 anyway? Isn't the cap 60?
Am playing "Close Comrades" Affinity Mission so I can access chapter 7 -- I'm at the end where I need to fight a boss, and I'm in my Skell, kicking it's ass until a level 54 creature (I'm level 27 currently) in the area just decides to join the fight -- demolishes my entire team in seconds, including my Skell which I really don't want to pay to repair (it's the first one you get). Tried again and the same thing happened! The damn creature (it's giant) always joins and slaughters my team. Anyone else run into this issue?
site 504? I only found 2 there so I was hoping to find a better location.
Actually went in Skell-free the second time and the same thing happened. I reset the game and am gonna try again. Maybe it's just random placement of the enemy and I was unlucky (meaning it happened to have wandered really close at that point)Pretty sure that indigen attacks you BECAUSE you are in the Skell. Try exiting the Skell when it is close during the fight or register it to someone else since they don't trigger the attention.
Actually went in Skell-free the second time and the same thing happened. I reset the game and am gonna try again. Maybe it's just random placement of the enemy and I was unlucky (meaning it happened to have wandered really close at that point)
Am playing "Close Comrades" Affinity Mission so I can access chapter 7 -- I'm at the end where I need to fight a boss, and I'm in my Skell, kicking it's ass until a level 54 creature (I'm level 27 currently) in the area just decides to join the fight -- demolishes my entire team in seconds, including my Skell which I really don't want to pay to repair (it's the first one you get). Tried again and the same thing happened! The damn creature (it's giant) always joins and slaughters my team. Anyone else run into this issue?