Neo Member
Give one to a friend! Preferably someone who's already played Y0.
Yeah i'm gonna share the love
Give one to a friend! Preferably someone who's already played Y0.
how the heck do i get the mushiking card on the tree in the park near Stardust/Serena?
how the heck do i get the mushiking card on the tree in the park near Stardust/Serena?
Get as close as possible, then press R3 (press the right analog stick) to go into first person view mode. Then look at the card and then camera will automatically center on to it and allow you to pick it up.
You can press R3 to go in 1st person mode and look at it.
oh yea, thanksIt's not a particularly large or memorable role but it is there.
The person in question is.Dr. Emoto
Still a larger role than "shows up in substory that half of the players might not play or figure out".
Thank you so much, that's super counterintuitive though.
Give one to a friend! Preferably someone who's already played Y0.
So I bought all the anti Regen boss finishers but how are you supposed to know what style you need to be in? Also, at low levels should I be focusing on increasing max health and heat or something else? I also have no idea how to make money in this game since there is no real estate or cabaret club management mini games. I unlocked novea riche guys but haven't run into any.
Man, people keep recommending playing this after Yakuza 0 and it's bumming me out, because Kiwami is my first Yakuza game.
Having an awesome time with it anyway, ~14 hours in and only have two or three chapters left. Story is interesting, combat is fun, it looks nice. As someone not familiar with the series, I think it's a really great game all around.
That's fine.
In my opinion, the main reason to recommend Y0 over this is due to the large difference in quality. The fear that many have, is that someone may play Kiwami and then not be that interested in checking out a subsequent Yakuza game. But if you're liking YK this much, you'll love Y0.
The plot stuff will work going backwards, maybe not as well, but it'll still be perfectly fine.
I assumed it's for story reasons, but you're saying players greatly prefer Y0 to Kiwami? Can't imagine what that's like then, heh.
Only have this now though, most likely won't have a chance to play Y0 anytime soon.
I assumed it's for story reasons, but you're saying players greatly prefer Y0 to Kiwami? Can't imagine what that's like then, heh.
Only have this now though, most likely won't have a chance to play Y0 anytime soon.
If you like Kiwami, Zero will blow you away. It's basically the same game, but there's more of everything, and then even more stuff on top of it. And it has Nugget.
Kiwami is a remaster/remake of a 12 year old game. It's way more of a budget side project than Y0, which was the mainline entree. It's still using a lot of the old game's framework. Many of the main quests seem kinda archaic in comparison, the writing is a lot less refined. Many of the plot turns and revelations feel kind of flaccid in comparison. The Yakuza team had 5+ games and a decade to refine all of this and it definitely shows in Yakuza 0.
Don't let me poison your well though, I love Kiwami. It's a great way to experience the 12 year old game in HD, on PS4, without it's very old, rigid combat.
It looks like Majima canat arcades without any notice. Just saw it in a video YT suggested me and it's one of the most hilarious things in the game due to how out of nowhere it is hahaha.randomly photo bomb you in photo booths
I didn't dabble with side stuff or mini games much, so having more of that is not that important to me. I prefer my games concise and to the point, instead of having a billion uninteresting side quests. Maybe I should check out some side stuff in Kiwami before finishing it though since it does seem interesting. At least the Majima appearances. But they don't appear on the map so you gotta look up how to trigger them, as well as other side quests, unless you're patient enough to randomly stumble upon them.
There's a CP upgrade that lets you see most of the available sidequest on the map. You can get it really early on from the mysterious clown Bob.
The thing is, the sidequest in Kiwami are, for the most part, not terribly interesting and most of them follow the same pattern.
0 in contrast has some of the best and funniest RPG sidequests, they're almost the star of the game, and those stories all feed back into the main gameplay in various ways, compared to Kiwami were you just get EXP rewards.
Coming straight from 0, the side quests are probably the biggest, real disappointment, with very few exceptions.
There's a CP upgrade that lets you see most of the available sidequest on the map. You can get it really early on from the mysterious clown Bob.
Oh phew, that's more manageable. Thanks.You can get it with the 300k option.
How did I miss this? I probably don't have enough CP now but which one is it exactly?
And from a gameplay standpoint, it now sounds to me like Kiwami is absolutely the game to start with. So that you don't start with the best one, gameplay wise. Like how you wouldn't want to start MGS with MGS3 or KH with BBS.
Go go, ready, go!
Lol just scored 940... WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY????
Keep at it I know your pain had 2 940s before I got my 950.
It's something you just get better at with more tries(all the runs I had towards the end were in the 900s stark contrast to my first 10 tries being around low 800s). I think I played that song 30+ times.
Boy do I feel stupid for not realizing this.The enemy will glow the color of the stance you need to switch to.
Anybody know which setup I can use to beat Pocket Circuit Fighter?
This has been used by many, myself included:
I had to tweak it once due to not having the right part but IIRC I just picked the second best part of the same type. Credits to whoever made it and originally posted it.
Nailed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At my 22th try, scored 960 pts. I dont want to touch this song again.
Congrats. Report back in how chapter 9 legend will be for you.
Yakuza 0 was actually the easiest to plat for me.
Man, Majima can't handle Rush style at all lol.
Completed Kiwami with all substories done and all abilities/etc learned. Also did all lockers, got most of the cards (maybe one or two I didn't get).
Most I've done in a Yakuza game in one playthrough. Helps that I've completed it once before (well twice, EN PS2, JP Kiwami) so I wasn't rushing to complete the story like I usually do. (in Zero, I did a lot of substories but still under half of them iirc but eventually I got impatient and wanted to see the story through. >.>)
Got 70+ percentage but still had 3 sidequests left. Couldn't find any quests on the streets so think I've missed some mini game related sidequest. Completed the hostess missions as well.
I dunno... it's pretty hard to be worse than the win 10 tourneys of JCC bullshit.
Got 70+ percentage but still had 3 sidequests left. Couldn't find any quests on the streets so think I've missed some mini game related sidequest. Completed the hostess missions as well.
That was easy. Once you figure out the match-ups you could pick an almost certain winner. Just the button mashing part sucked really hard. The hardest thing for me on Zero was one of the dance battles. And what took me more time to complete was the Majong requirements, that Kiwami also has.
Fully maxed out rush style with godspeed spam kinda turns the game into a joke, but fuck does it make my hand sore afterword....
Just got done with 0, finally starting this soon.
What a game 0 was. Just a great story, and sad too in parts.