I'm only in chapter 2, cleaning up substories and collecting cards.
Why does the phone dating stuff suck? there's a lot of substories attached to it, so hopefully it's not that bad.
It has to be experienced to be believed really, but basically most of it involves spinning the stick round to 'charge' shots and firing them at the right one of a bunch of boxes to decide what Kiryuu's going to say to the girl on the other end of the phone. Doesn't sound so bad, but:
- It's all timed, obviously.
- The answer you need to fire at usually ends up being the smallest one right at the back, constantly disappearing behind the gigantic wrong answers which lower the girl's interest in you if you accidentally hit them. After a while the right answer's box changes colour, but if you're relying on that all the time then you're just going to run out of time.
- They're all in katakana, making them pretty hard to read, especially as the boxes constantly end up flipped so you're trying to read them backwards.
- When you've done a girl's subevent, they'll keep calling in anyway. A lot. And while you can narrow down to a degree what girl you're talking to during the call, it's just to one of two or three really based on the swimsuit colour in the fantasy you get. So to add to the fact it's not hugely fun to begin with, you're going to keep getting girls you've already got over and over after a while instead of the few that you actually want. And there's a lot of subevents that involve it.
On the plus side there's a fairly limited number of questions to answer so if you do it enough then it gets a bit easier (although you can still end up getting panicked and choosing ヤラシソウ instead of ヤサシソウ or whatever) but at the end of the day it's just frustrating and not at all fun.