GhaleonEB said:
I have none - zero - sympathy for this guy. And I can relate to the blind rage that can make a parent lash out at a person that harms their child. Does not make it right by the law to do so, of course and there will be consequences. But the "temporaty insanity" defence is a legit one - it's like parents are hardwired to protect their children and just *snap* when this happens.
I agree. You can't expect so much of human emotion that there would be no reaction. I think a great many people would have lashed out. A few might have even done worse than set the guy on fire. If people want satisfaction though and take the law into their own hands though, they are most definately at the mercy of the law. Understand that believing he shouldn't have been killed is not the same as having sympathy for him.
Do we know if the story is BS now or not?
teiresias said:
Some of the morons in this thread would probably shake Osama Bin Laden's hand and say, "Job well done" if he walked up to you and said, "How's New York?"
Raping a girl, getting out on a three day pass and being tasteless to your victim's relatives == Ordering a Holy War on the American people and being directly responsible for the death of thousands
And someone, somewhere,
would shake his hand and say "job well done". I'm sure that the people around him say it all the time. There are people on that side of his cause.. that's the only way an attack like that could have ever been made possible.
Who, barreing clinically insane, mentally and emotionally defective pedo-rapists, could possibly display such a blind degenerative disorder of the brain -- actually seek out the common rapist, shake his hands and say "job well done"? Talk about exaggeration.
BTW, decrying something because it's manslaughter doesn't make you some kind of rapist sympathising, justice hating, fucking braindead misogynist. I don't really care enough to spend too much time on this thread, I'll be honest, but I'm neither as gung-ho nor as blase about death as some people here:
To me, stealing life is simply unjustifiable.
‪ Sometimes people have to be taken down for the greater good, because they pose an immediate threat to others. I have nothing against
saving lives.
‪‪ If we think about the death penalty - I oppose that - countries without it have impressively low crime rates, and I personally believe death is too good for many criminals. The threat of death doesn't scare a criminal that is fundamentally dysfunctional, historically barbaric and ready-made mindfucked... I don't think it achieves anything for the victims necessarily either, other than adding a morbid footnote to the whole misfortune. Only sometimes would it offer comfort or satisfaction, and even then it could be temporary. The ordeal still happened.
‪ If we wanna talk something a little more attuned to current affairs - there's stealing life on the battlefield and the civilian casualty that goes with it... War is war. When we fail to the extent that it breaks out somewhere, death on a grand scale can't be avoided.
Here's my beef with vigilante / honour killings: if you live in a land that is blessed with peace, freedom and the protection of the law -- and you decide you're a law unto yourself and end somebody's life? For any reason? I believe that you should expect to be excommunicated from that society just as any other criminal. You're not abiding by the rules? Zero tolerance. Get out because there are perfectly good underpriviledged people that want in. Lest we forget that what we're talking about here is a person prosecuted and convicted for past crimes, being torched for a verbal gross indecency. Something which might at best see you locked up for breaking the peace, or under the thumb of a restraining order. The law of the land was not good enough... in this story, she was the law! Purely to satisfy a (somewhat understandable but) uncondonable murderous desire for revenge.
There may only be one life. Killing such a man as this takes away any opportunity for him to be forced to live with what he's done and find either remorse or misery in solitude... He would have died anyway, by whatever means, having left no mark of happiness on this Earth. If men like this get out early, that isn't a further malicious assault on victims created of their
own design.. it's a failing of society.
If feelings run strongly about it, it should be addressed. If it isn't addressed: if it doesn't happen.. if it isn't happening -- maybe it's because with most people -- until it's their daughter that gets raped, they are largely apathetic and prefer to keep their venemous, all powerful and morally righteous judicial spirit caged in the cosy confines of a message board thread or a bit of small talk with family/friends.
If you think anyone should have the right to end another's life I honestly believe that you're living by the sword. Preaching hate and death should beget it. I'm not a practicing Christian, nobody in my family is. We're merely born into a local parish by tradition. I don't even know what I believe in.. but I do know I have a very good understanding of my own personal morals. I pray that there is a God, and seven layers of fucking damnation below where those who preach hate and death spend eternity with a few of the people they thought 'deserved' to die.