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No new Hawkguy til the end of June! :(

But here is a preview (spoilers):
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I can't even articulate how cool and imaginative this is. The dog-to-human iconography alone puts 99% of game UIs to shame in accessibility and readability.

Damn. This stuff just makes me want to work even harder.
Aja is so good at layouts and little touches like the description circles.


Unlimited Capacity


I can't even articulate how cool and imaginative this is. The dog-to-human iconography alone puts 99% of game UIs to shame in accessibility and readability.

Damn. This stuff just makes me want to work even harder.

The book is really shitting on just about everything out. It is pretty nuts.
This series is breaking fucking boundaries.

It sees a boundary it eats a boundary.

Damn right it does. For everyone that's really gunshy about this series, particularly because it's Hawkeye, it's easier to just show them the comic (usually on my phone) than actually describing it sometimes. I think they still have issue with whether or not it connects to other Marvel books.

But I'm so glad to see more and more people picking this book up, it's awesome.


I tried to get a few of my friends into it, and when I show them the book, they tell me they're not a fan of the artwork.

I told them to actually read a page, and they tell me it's cool, but the artwork still bothers them.

Funky Papa

I tried to get a few of my friends into it, and when I show them the book, they tell me they're not a fan of the artwork.

I told them to actually read a page, and they tell me it's cool, but the artwork still bothers them.

You need new and hopefuly better friends.
I tried to get a few of my friends into it, and when I show them the book, they tell me they're not a fan of the artwork.

I told them to actually read a page, and they tell me it's cool, but the artwork still bothers them.

...Your friends have terrible taste.
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