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I'll take the middle one.

Hawkeye 18 Cover out...


Cover by DAVID AJA
• Who could forget that time when Clint Barton let his neighbor’s kids watched a holiday cartoon at his place?
• At long last THIS ISSUE is pretty much the cartoon they all watch. YOU’RE WELCOME.
• A very special holiday HAWKGUY that at long last lets legendary letterer CHRIS ELIOPOLOUS flex his astounding cartooning muscles in our pages. Matt and Matt do their regular jobs though. Maybe David will letter it? Probably not.
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99

Who the hell is Chris Eliopolous?
I asked and here's what he said on his Tumblr:

Me said:
Has the next HAWKGUY been delayed again? I was told that it's not coming out till mid-February :(

Matt Fraction said:
we just sent one to press like two weeks ago, so i dunno what to tell you. it’d have thought it would be out on Wednesday or, worst case, Wednesday-next

in fact i never know about this stuff. books in print, out of print, their release dates, why X is available and Y isn’t — i only hear about most of this stuff when someone emails me about it or it comes out in previews. I don’t know. about anything. ever.

So, what the fuck, Marvel.

Funky Papa

I've been slowly catching up with The Immortal Iron Fist. It's kind of like a mystical, grimmier Hawkguy with gorgeous art and some random hotties (oh hai, Colleen Wing/Misty Knight), plus entire armies of Hydra soldiers getting punched the fuck out of this dimension.

Super hot.
I've been slowly catching up with The Immortal Iron Fist. It's kind of like a mystical, grimmier Hawkguy with gorgeous art and some random hotties (oh hai, Colleen Wing/Misty Knight), plus entire armies of Hydra soldiers getting punched the fuck out of this dimension.

Super hot.

I think I have to check this out.
lol guys

Hawkeye 16 is hitting before Hawkeye 15.

The fuck?


Did you miss your Hawkeye #16 this week? Even though it had been rescheduled to this date from August? I know, I know, we’ve been through this before.

But don’t worry, it’s been rescheduled for the 22nd of January. Hawkeye #15 which was originally meant to be out in September, will be out on the 12th of February. Hawkeye #17 is still scheduled for the 26th February with #18 for the 26th March. It’s always possible.

There have been some whingers and moaners but a) it got on the Official Selection for Angouleme, which hasn’t happened for a Marvel book for an age b) Matt Fraction has been busy writing Fantastic Four and FF writing Inhuman writing Sex Criminals and Satellite Sam and they’re also really good comics and c) implicit in that last one, Hawkeye is a really good book. Probably Marvel’s best.

And don’t complain too much. Remember what Fraction said when the Angouleme announcement went out…


January 22 - Issue 16
February 12 - Issue 15
February 26 - Issue 17
March 22 - Issue 18

Since we're simultaneously following Kate and Clint, does that mean that 16, which is the next one, is another Kate issue and then two Clint issues back-to-back?


Hunky Nostradamus
Does anyone know why Vol. 3 isn't coming out until August? The first two volumes were released within 4 months of each other, so why is there a year+ gap in between two and three? Is three extra long or something?
Does anyone know why Vol. 3 isn't coming out until August? The first two volumes were released within 4 months of each other, so why is there a year+ gap in between two and three? Is three extra long or something?

The last few months have had delays. Lame as fuck. There was two or three months delay in 2013, and another two month delay now (Issue 15 was supposed to hit in December, is coming out next month, yet 16 will hit this month) Plus, I think that there might actually be two trades (at least if I've interpreted Fraction's answer to a reader on his Tumblr correctly). One trade that collects Kate's adventures in LA, one that deals with Clint falling apart in NYC.


Hunky Nostradamus
The last few months have had delays. Lame as fuck. There was two or three months delay in 2013, and another two month delay now (Issue 15 was supposed to hit in December, is coming out next month, yet 16 will hit this month) Plus, I think that there might actually be two trades (at least if I've interpreted Fraction's answer to a reader on his Tumblr correctly). One trade that collects Kate's adventures in LA, one that deals with Clint falling apart in NYC.

Ugh, that's shitty. >:/
Ugh, that's shitty. >:/

Right!? And what's even worse is that the newest delay isn't a writer or artist delay. I asked Fraction, but they're delivering everything on schedule. It's on Marvel's end. The original delay, I understood. Fraction explained that it was for Aja to catch up before Aja and Wu split art duties.

But this one is irritating.


Hunky Nostradamus
Right!? And what's even worse is that the newest delay isn't a writer or artist delay. I asked Fraction, but they're delivering everything on schedule. It's on Marvel's end. The original delay, I understood. Fraction explained that it was for Aja to catch up before Aja and Wu split art duties.

But this one is irritating.

Marvel sucks, uggghh.

Matt Fraction (W) • Annie Wu (A)
Cover by David Aja
• Kate gets to the bottom of the greatest mystery in the entire Marvel Universe right this very hot second: just who the H is that guy in the trench coat that seems to live in her cat food aisle? The answer may surprise you.
• Or maybe not, maybe you’re super-good at this kind of thing.
• Anyway a simple investigation dovetails into Kate’s desperate race to stay one step ahead of the woman that’s sworn to kill her: Madame Masque and what started off as a zany summer vacation gets a little bloody. Buckle up, buttercups.
32 PGS./Rated T+ …2.99
We're at Image Expo, and you have several projects with Image, and right now you only have one book at Marvel -- a very acclaimed one, "Hawkeye" -- but that's certainly different than it's been for the last seven years or so for you.

It's weird, people have been saying, "Oh my god, you're so busy!" I was writing six and a half books for nine months, until September of last year, and no one mentioned my schedule. And now suddenly I'm overbooked.

I'm at this point banging out "Hawkeye," and happy to. I want to get that done, just write all the scripts and get them banked, and finish that kind of thought and then figure out what comes next -- whether that's more "Hawkeye," whether that's something new, I don't know. I don't want to start [speculation], "He's leaving Hawkeye!" I don't know what's coming next. It's all very new. At this point, my head's still spinning from everything.

People like to jump to conclusions when they hear things like "Matt Fraction's off 'Inhuman,'" but we've seen creators like Ed Brubaker, who was also a very prominent writer at Marvel, now focus solely on creator-owned comics. Is that something you could see yourself doing?

Sure. I also could have seen myself writing at Marvel for the rest of my life.

We tried to make "Inhuman" work. That was so much of my energy, and so much of my time, and just the idea to not have that anymore is a seismic change in my thinking. And it happened right before the holidays. And then suddenly Thanksgiving, and then Christmas -- we'll get there. Never say never. We're talking about stuff now, but I feel like if you're reading "Hawkeye," we're getting to the home stretch of this particular story. This is all building to a head now. I just want to stick the landing, and focus on this. Writing for two artists is complicated enough, and then I wrote for a third artist -- Chris Eliopoulos is doing an issue, so suddenly there are three artists on "Hawkeye," and there were four a while ago. We're talking about stuff, and we'll see what happens. But for now, "Hawkeye."

"He's leaving Hawkeye!" *panic*

From his Tumblr:

The adventures of Lady Hawkguy out west continue as Kate helps a reclusive and Sixties-damaged pop music genius find his lost masterpiece.

Madame Masque, meanwhile, finds HER. By which we mean starts trying to kill her again.

Also the cat needs cat food and there’s none to be found. What’s THAT about?

Hey not for nothin’ but you guys gotta try these Cronuts!

Who needs ordered numbering when Hawkeye #16 is out next week? By Matt Fraction, Annie Wu, and company.

One issue was done. Another wasn’t. And we’ve had it up to HERE with your ‘rules’ about “sequential numbering”.

But yay, at least new Hawkeye next week
hello mr fraction i'm a bit confused and hoped you could explain why hawkeye 15 seems to?? not exist?? the last issue was 14 and the one going to be released wednesday is 16, but 15 isn't out? have i just missed something super big? thank you very much

Asked by

very simply: 16 was done and 15 isn’t yet, so rather than extend the delay, wacker thought, hey, why not ship what’s ready to go. so you get two stand-alone kate stories back to back with the fabulous annie wu, then david’s 15, “Fun and Games.” there’s still two more annie issues and a VERY SPECIAL issue drawn by our letterer extraordinaire, Chris Eliopoulos, and way more David.

Also if you do not scream your goddamn head off after what happens on the last page of 15 i am not doing my job properly.

Bought via comixology but will go to my LCS after work...

I still need a few books to catch up on - so behind on them except for Hawkguy.
Another good beach bum Kate adventure. Cat Food Guy and Two Gay Best Friends are great. But I'm happy to see Madame Masque come back and shit on Kate's happiness.

That makes me sound like a terrible person
Another good beach bum Kate adventure. Cat Food Guy and Two Gay Best Friends are great. But I'm happy to see Madame Masque come back and shit on Kate's happiness.

That makes me sound like a terrible person

Agree with everything and nah... I want to see the shit hit the fan so that we can Hawkeye & Hawkguy together once more.
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