Yoko Taro says he thinks Stellar Blade is better than NieR: Automata!

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I'd say it depends on what you're comparing. Graphics? Sure, this looks nicer. Gameplay? Maybe.

I can see Stellar Blade being pretty solid in those areas. And that's fine, sometimes you want to prioritize those sorts of things.

But storytelling and characters? I am almost certain it won't be better. Even Kim admits in the interview that he's not really a story guy.

Which might not matter to others, fair enough, but I think that's what makes a game truly memorable.


I have had Nier Automata on my Steam backlog list for years, and just recently started playing it. I am 14 hours in and enjoying every minute of it, dated graphics or not. It's a 7 year old game, but the gameplay still holds up today regardless of the dated graphics. Having said that I can't wait till the inevitable release of Stellar Blade on PC, because I'm on the hype train like everyone else. It definitely won't go in my back log like Nier did. It's a shame I waited so long to play Nier, but due to Stellar Blade being compared to Nier I started playing it and now I can't put it down.
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That's not something that entered my mind. Nier Automata was my favorite 3rd party single player game of last gen. That's such a high hurtle for me to go there after playing the demo. I'm not putting that type of expectations on to Stellar Blade. I expect the game to be good at least, we'll see after that where it is with me. Taro is just being Taro which is being modest.
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I'd say it depends on what you're comparing. Graphics? Sure, this looks nicer. Gameplay? Maybe.

I can see Stellar Blade being pretty solid in those areas. And that's fine, sometimes you want to prioritize those sorts of things.

But storytelling and characters? I am almost certain it won't be better. Even Kim admits in the interview that he's not really a story guy.

Which might not matter to others, fair enough, but I think that's what makes a game truly memorable.
he is talking for himself tho.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
I think there's a bit lost in translation, Yoko Taro is talking mainly about looks and style, and yeah obviously it looks better, and that quote is from being asked why he thinks stellar blade is better, he just talks about graphics and artstyle.
But doubtful it's an actual better game, hyung tae kim even says:
I enjoyed playing the game so much and of course I saw all the endings. However, since Mr. Yoko’s talent as a storyteller is exceptional I can’t do anything similar.
So story wise it's already inferior to nier, and he also says:
Your games are way too unique to be imitated. I wouldn’t worry.

I thought this bit was funny, since I thought the same thing after seeing the trailer with her in it:
Actually, this has been a problem for us. Many users say that the girl at that shop is cuter than the main character… I guess we need to make her the main character in our next game.

All in all interesting interview, seems Kim is a huge platinumgames fan.


Well that's on brand for him.

The graphics are obviously better.

SB's gameplay will be better in my estimation. By quite a bit. 2B feels good in nier but you are getting an action game character in a typical arp. So you can absolutely wreck shop but the challenge isn't really there to push the system.

Music? That's pretty tough. The two tracks in the sb demo were awesome but awesome is an understatement for Nier's soundtrack.

Nier's cutscene direction is also a tough act to follow.

For the story... SB will really, really, have to go places to be better.

They are close enough to compare and I look forward to doing so. :goog_whistling:
I'd say it depends on what you're comparing. Graphics? Sure, this looks nicer. Gameplay? Maybe.

I can see Stellar Blade being pretty solid in those areas. And that's fine, sometimes you want to prioritize those sorts of things.

But storytelling and characters? I am almost certain it won't be better. Even Kim admits in the interview that he's not really a story guy.

Which might not matter to others, fair enough, but I think that's what makes a game truly memorable.

The stories and world-building in his other games are awesome. Actually it's Shift-Up's strong suit, besides art direction.

Considering that Yoko Taro is being extremely polite, it's clear he's also referring to SB's story/lore. He wouldn't praise a mid game in that department.


Graphic better is natural, Nier is almost decade ago. But i dont think the gameplay taste will be as good as nier, platinum have experiences. It can be passes instantly by mobile dev or multiplayer dev. Its just pretty, from my opinion. It just hype train...

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
He's always extremely humble with regards to his own games and undersells his stuff and puts himself down. His main serious comment is that he felt Stella Blade did a better job of using western style graphics engines and western style camera movements. The Stella Blade director countered by complimenting NieR and stating correctly that its loved around the world because it is not like western games. They both just took turns saying the other guy is better, over and over.

As for my opinion, its clear from the demo there is literally 0% chance its better than Automata.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
I’m curious what the true scope of the game will be both gameplay and story wise.

I don’t see it hitting those same story highs as Nier Automata did. It was a triumph.

If this somehow is on par to that story wise, and the combat is already showing to be better based off the demo, then we are not worthy.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Graphic better is natural, Nier is almost decade ago. But i dont think the gameplay taste will be as good as nier, platinum have experiences. It can be passes instantly by mobile dev or multiplayer dev. Its just pretty, from my opinion. It just hype train...

But the game isn't even out yet. Why say this?
"Why is Japan coming together to advocate the harm of women??! Women in video games need to be flat and have a handsome thick jaw to be protected!" - IGN France
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I’m curious what the true scope of the game will be both gameplay and story wise.

I don’t see it hitting those same story highs as Nier Automata did. It was a triumph.

If this somehow is on par to that story wise, and the combat is already showing to be better based off the demo, then we are not worthy.
Probably less 'philosophical/existential' but more approachable and emotional.


I think he means graphics, because based on the demo at least, story and anything narrative related is pretty mediocre.


I dont get the hype for SP, gameplay wise it looks like any other hack and slash game, though the designs and settings do look unique


Yoko Taro is wrong as far as I'm concerned. Nier has the kind of untra fast action combat I like, like Bayonetta. Stellar Blade has the slow clunky combat from Souls game that I hate.
I haven't played enough of Stellar Blade yet to say which I prefer, but would agree that I like the ultra fast arcadey combat in NieR a lot.

The speed and pace of the combat also is a part of why I think NieR games have great energy. It may not be the most polished or cinematic gameplay, but it's simple and very fun.

I'm curious what they'll do with the next game. You now have Ryota Suzuki at Square who has worked on the original Dragons Dogma, Devil May Cry and FFXVI and I wouldn't be surprised if they bring him over to NieR.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
Stellar Blade has had more time and money thrown at it than anything in Yoko's career. But despite that he's created one of the most memorable and unique bodies of work of anyone in the Japanese industry. Total legend. And legends can afford to be generous with their praise.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Yoko Taro is wrong as far as I'm concerned. Nier has the kind of untra fast action combat I like, like Bayonetta. Stellar Blade has the slow clunky combat from Souls game that I hate.
He seems to be commenting on the graphics and art design instead of the actual game. I'm more interested in gameplay and overarching story/narrative myself.


Gold Member
Taro is a master troll so one should not pay too much attention when he makes a wild claim.
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