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You don't want to see the NEW HALO 2 TRAILER, do you?


Tag of Excellence
And the thread spirals out of control. :(

Littleberu, although a bit catty, had a valid point to make. The trailer really doesn't show off anything remarkable or fantastic other than the fact that it shows more of Halo 2 that we didn't know. Where he's going now, I don't know but don't jump on him for not being that excited for the game or not understanding the praise it receives. I sometimes don't genuinly understand why people are really excited for a certain title so I understand where he's coming from. Although not understanding why Halo 2 is being hyped by everyone is a bit hard to digest but I'm not suprised.


Littleberu said:
No I'm not comparing Halo 2 to... ah anyway. Enjoy your hype and your game! :p

I will. Thanks. :D

BTW you forgot to mention that the first details of single player mode finally being released is adding to the hype. :)

Where he's going now, I don't know but don't jump on him for not being that excited for the game or not understand the praise it receives.

I saw his first post. He said the same thing a couple times. He doesn't understand the hype. Good for him. Does he want a cookie or a medal? He only needed to state it once, not a couple times.


So the trailer is only like....30 seconds? What a rip. More like a TV spot than a trailer.....you'd think that they could at least get it up to a full minute.


TekunoRobby said:
Littleberu, although a bit catty, had a valid point to make. The trailer really doesn't show off anything remarkable or fantastic other than the fact that it shows more of Halo 2 that we didn't know.

I'd be curious to know what you'd consider "remarkable or fantastic".


Tag of Excellence
Redbeard said:
I'd be curious to know what you'd consider "remarkable or fantastic".
Ohh sorry I really hope that didn't come off like I was trying to belittle Halo 2 in any way! :( I mean I'm generally pretty jaded when it comes to new things and watching that trailer genuinly made me excited but I wasn't "blown away" by anything. It just showed off a few new things but it wasn't in the same league of any of the E3 demos they had. Understand where I'm coming from? My first post (a bit silly I know) would be a good barometer of what I thought when I saw the trailer. It was indeed very cool.


I hope Bungie releases a high resolution direct-feed verison of this trailer sometime before November.

Hey, pack it in with this coming Monday's video-update, and I'll be a very happy fan.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
if you remember, this trailer apparently debuts on october 30th or something

"There are those who said this day will never come ... What are they to say now?"

is the proper sentence :p



As always the same trolls...

Can't wait for this game. My most anticipated game this year by a landslide.


so it really was just a bunch of nerds then? what a gyp. SORRY LITTLEBERU!!!!
OMFG I JUST SHIT MY PANTS!!! What are you fucking idiots complaining about, that one video just revealed a shitload of info! Take another look.


i've never seen so much buzz over Halo 2.

not bitter. just not a Halo 2 fan so i just dont understand it all. voicing my opinion.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in this post are not necessarily those of the poster


Tag of Excellence
Go Go Ackman! said:
OMFG I JUST SHIT MY PANTS!!! What are you fucking idiots complaining about, that one video just revealed a shitload of info! Take another look.
Yeah it was pretty ridiculous, I had to pause the video and go frame by frame just to see everything they put in.

I've been told that this EB manager meeting was held in Florida? Right/wrong? Anyone know exactly where in Florida this took place? None of the local managers here have a clue.


Looks good.
I can't wait to play it.

I still hate arrogant, hardcore protagonists like MC, Dante, and the like.


explodet said:
i've never seen so much buzz over Halo 2.

not bitter. just not a Halo 2 fan so i just dont understand it all. voicing my opinion.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in this post are not necessarily those of the poster

:lol whats funny is that i'm not a halo fan either. played a whole 15 minutes of the original single player. loved multiplayer though. only buying 2 for multiplayer. i doubt i'll even play the single player game in halo 2.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
BeOnEdge said:
:lol whats funny is that i'm not a halo fan either. played a whole 15 minutes of the original single player. loved multiplayer though. only buying 2 for multiplayer. i doubt i'll even play the single player game in halo 2.

So... you're not a fan of the game, but you're buying it? ?_?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Very short but very nice. I'd say it's more a TV commercial, than a trailer. And dammit, when people can get excited about a game where you tickle puppies, what's to complain when people get excited about something like this?


GaimeGuy said:
So... you're not a fan of the game, but you're buying it? ?_?

yep. the xbox live aspect is enough for me. i was the same with splinter cell. i never touched the single player game in pandora. i dont even know what the first level looks like. bought it soley for XBL play.


I didn't really like the first Halo, after the Library level, that is. But, I do know that they kinda rushed that game out the door to make sure it was a launch Xbox title.

I'm hoping that the 2+ years they've been working on this one will be much, much better. It's hard to say at this point because all we've seen is multiplayer. I have hope. :)

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I guess it's as goo place to ask as any - Is the Halo 2 LE box available only as a preorder, or will you be able to walk in the store and buy one, say a week after the game is released?


Spike said:
I'm hoping that the 2+ years they've been working on this one will be much, much better.

Heh, is this supposed to be a joke statement? Think about what you just said.

It is blatantly obvious Bungie sat around for two years counting their money and deciding to rush Halo 2 out in the last six months.


It is blatantly obvious Bungie sat around for two years counting their money and deciding to rush Halo 2 out in the last six months.

Similar to what Sega did with ESPN2k5,minus the counting the money part :D :D


TekunoRobby said:
Yeah it was pretty ridiculous, I had to pause the video and go frame by frame just to see everything they put in.

I've been told that this EB manager meeting was held in Florida? Right/wrong? Anyone know exactly where in Florida this took place? None of the local managers here have a clue.
It was in Orlando.

I'll probably see this video at the Niagara Falls manager meeting (the canadian one) in the middle of October. I'll tell you what I think.


when is this coming out in theaters? Who the director? Where's the cast list? *shrug*


Trailer down? DAMNIT i want to see it. IF its the TV spot that i saw a few nights ago then hell yeah, but i doubt it. I want to see this one... NOW.


not an idiot
Sweet, thanks for the vid. that huge (insect?) like thing was awesome. I am more than excited for this game, I am near mania heh. We have a huge party scheduled the weekend of release, with a lot of friends coming over to hang out and have some big LAN games... gonna be a blast.

Any hype this game gets is well deserved. Bungie has always rocked the house, I have them above even Blizzard in quality. Only a month to go...


siamesedreamer said:
One month from this very second each of us will have a copy of Halo 2 spinning in our Xboxen. How does that make you feel inside?

ooohhh...it makes my nipples hard!!! *licks own nipple all prince like and shit*
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