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You know whaT?

I know this is GAF and that we're meant to all hate Nintendo.

so I'd like to know why a monster Metroid Prime 2 Echoes Thread which is now like 8 pages big is not stickied but MGS3 is.



If you want it stickied, it can be stickied, it just did not have the hype going into it as either GTA:SA, HL2, or Halo 2. Why MGS3 is up there is beyond me, haha.

Why wasn't the R&C3 topic stickied? :(
Hahaha, all the bitching about it not having a sticky is only ensuring its lack of stickiness.

Is it really that important? The thread will be around as long as people are playing the game, at least for a few more weeks.
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