All Yo-Kai Watch games basically have IVs.
I guess I'll see what it's like. I was never crazy into tweaking that stuff to at the very least insane levels like some do in Pokémon. I love the option to though!
All Yo-Kai Watch games basically have IVs.
It can be either you want it to be.Well it doesn't really matter much in 1 due to the lack of online multiplayer. And in 2 I've covered before how it's not really a big deal.
It's just something to be aware of, that's all.
Also for some reason I'm insanely happy that Kyubi's English voice is just as "Is that a girl or a boy?" as the Japanese version, if not even more so.
Oh hey, this came out already?
... Man, I still haven't even sat down in front of Legend of Legacy. Nnnngh....
I'm a huge fan of the Mons Subgenre of games, how does this stack up compared to others (Dragon Quest Monsters / SMT / Pokemon / etc)?
Just one week till the newest issue of corocoro comes out, i'm curious if the gettogumi update does indeed come in that issue.
Mainly due to the plastic gettogumi credit card, i have a feeling the code that's blanked out on the front will be the one you need to put into the eshop to get the update.
That's quite the exclusive if true as that's quite a few weeks before the update goes live for everyone else just to get it off the eshop.
The demo actually sold me, it's true it's doesn't give you a good sense of the combat, but it at least shows you that it's nothing like Pokemon.I definitely agree with IV nonsense hahah. Lemme know your final thoughts on the demo because many people say it doesn't give the best impression of how deep the game actually is, especially combat.
Well it doesn't really matter much in 1 due to the lack of online multiplayer. And in 2 I've covered before how it's not really a big deal.
It's just something to be aware of, that's all.
Also for some reason I'm insanely happy that Kyubi's English voice is just as "Is that a girl or a boy?" as the Japanese version, if not even more so.
How stuff works in the sequel.Do you mind to link to the post where you talk about IV equivalents for this game? I'm really interested in how stuff like that works in the game, but finding information at this point (in english) is really hard.
That's about all I got from the demo, but the actual game explains that Yokai use different attacks depending on their position, so they're auto-attacks have different effects based on whether they're in the front-right slot vs the front-left. When they're in the back slots they use defensive abilities.
Yeah, they act according to their attitude. IIRC the first part determines how often they'll loaf around and the second part is how they behave. In at least the sequel the second part also determines what bonus stats they'll get.Looks like I spoke too soon there, one of the help screens made it look like that's how it works but from what I've noticed the Yokai just randomly do there own thing. I just beat the first boss Yokai and the battle system is really too simplistic. Oh well, still having fun exploring and seeing new Yokai.
How stuff works in the sequel.
As for 1, I can try to find more detailed info. All I know right now is that "IVs" are a thing and that the variances are much bigger than in 2. The main focus of my info digging was 2, you see, because that was the game I had and the one with online multiplayer and the one where Japanese elementary schoolers kicked my ass and made motivated to find ways to humiliate them.
Awesome, that's a nice little start. I'm loving the game so far and I think I've decided to make a website for it. There are a couple of sites out there already, but they're pretty light on actual game mechanics, so that's really something I would like to work on. I've already started working on a sortable "Database" of sorts that will have a listing of all the different Yo-Kai, with their stats and specials.
If you find any more info, definitely let me know! I've been trying to read stuff from the JP sites, but I have to rely on Google Translate, which is iffy at best.
I'm so happy to see you say this. One of the reasons I was going to buy the official guide is I was afraid that a vibrant resource or strategy community would not grow out of this game since most people that love Yo-Kai are super invested with the Japanese side of things and names. Thanks to anyone that does stuff like this.![]()
Wow talk about super powered, playing the boss rush on the hardest difficulty and Keisuke totally made them bosses his bitch, i have no idea how many hours it takes to make a team of level 99's. Impressive to watch him totally destroy them in seconds though.
... Why is it playing a remix of Ghostbusters? Is that a joke from that channel or something?
Hah, don't thank me yet. Still got a lot of work to do, but I'm definitely motivated. This game has activated my nostalgia like crazy (Pokemon), so I'm really feeling it.
They all come back.Do all the Yokai come back between games, or are various ones dropped in the sequels? That's one thing I think no Pokemon "clone" has ever successfully imitated, and one of the reasons I think Pokemon was never completely dethroned, it's the only monster series that has a stable set of monsters who you always can expect to see in each series of main games.
How many Yokai does 2 have in comparison to 1? Getting all the Yokai in 1 seems like a really daunting task! Does 2 let you catch some of the Boss Yokai like that dancing pig, or are they always NPC-Boss characters?
400~ some Yokai? Jesus.
What about Yokai Watch 3, are all the Japanese Yokai coming back for that? Or is it gonna be their "Unova"?
I suggest just letting them come to you whenever, don't worry about trying to get them all. It makes getting a rare one all the better. Though getting the legend Yokai requires certain Yokai which is a quest in its self.Yeah going in I originally thought I wanted to befriend all of the Yo-kai but now that I realize how many there are I'm having second thoughts. I'm not mad by any means, I'm actually happy. I had no idea there was going to be this many. I don't even mind the palette swaps that much, it brings to mind Dragon Quest more than anything.
Only in the game, the show went with a translated version of Geragerapo.
Preordered the watch at GameStop (the manager was surprised the watch was for preorder), but I couldn't for the medals. But he did say I could buy a box of them if I wanted to when they come out