Isn't that Bushinyan one of the song medals, too? That has to add to the price a bit.
I might go for some of the English medals when they come out but I don't think I'll get the actual watch.
Someone on reddit found Target selling the watch preorder bonus medal for $1
Kyubi medallium exclusive = I'll get the stupid thing if true 'cuz I love Kyubi. :X
Yeah, they mentioned it'll be in three packs awhile back.Hmm intriguing, seems there will be 3 medals per pack from that pic. Also 44 medals in series 1 compared to Japan which consists of 30 medals in that series 1 which means either theres a lot of new exclusives or they plundered another series to make up the numbers.
That Kyuubi medal is from series 2 in Japan.
I REALLY need this song medal. The song is sooo good.
It reminds me of a song I used to listen to alot, but sadly can't remember the name of at all.
That's a shame. I guess they guessed it wasn't used all that much? Or it could be a prototype model.I guess they remove the led to make it cheaper.
Exactly.I really can't see them removing the led, even though it's not actually used for anything of importance the whole point of the watch is to make a working replica from the game/anime.
I bit the bullet and ordered the U Watch along with a box of Buster Medals. Should get them next week. I was weak.
It's the same medal that's given away as a prize in the design contest that's related to the 2nd film. No way for me to get it unless i use yahoo auctions which i'm currently in the process of doing as there's a few on there at the moment.
[edit] and my friend came through for me, there was a BIN auction so i didn't have to try and battle for winning one. Got one for 3180 yen.
Whisper dollas.
What details exactly?Some guy on Reddit found the gritty nitty detail on how shit works! OMFG!
It's in Japanese but I'm gonna translate this later. It has shit for both 1 and 2. Really happy 'bout this.
Yeah it's a bit pricy on Amazon i agree, they must have only appeared in the last day or so as they were not there when i searched before. Due to the nature of winning one it's one of the trickier medals to get if you don't live in Japan.
Keep an eye on it, as what happens is that once it's been a while the prices tend to drop a little once a few more make it onto the marketplace.
So my two boxes of medals came in today. Got what I wanted in the first box. The second box was just the same medals as the first, every one. Now I have doubles, how does that happen?
It was really weird, same medals in the same packs in the same order in the box.
Guys am I doing it right?
Nice choice Nekobi, it has a fantastic hologram pattern plus the song it plays in the watch is rather good.
On Amazon i have noticed with the legend medals they seem to get more expensive as time goes by. All the ones released before yamatan and older are now pretty expensive.Was a good idea to pick one up earlier rathere than later.
There's another song medal coming out on Dec 14th the medaland website will launch another lottery to enter to try & win one, the next one up for grabs is the crazy goku band song medal. There's a pic of it in the email they sent me. Not up on the website yet though.
There will be enough in the update to keep me going till YW3 as that comes out next year. Still haven't fought a lot of bosses on my own.
Even if i get through the games there's still medals to collect so that will keep me busy.
Finally found a fast method for grinding orbs thanks to the streetpass battles, after my homepass relay has pulled in 10 buster passes so i can keep battling teams for orbs, now the best part is for each battle you win you get 50 more orbs as a bonus and as long as you don't get defeated it will keep rising. I'm at 70 consecttive wins so it's currently at 3500 bonus orbs each battle won. It's pretty funny though as my team is in the 60's yet it can take down an all level 99 team, just wait for them to crowd me then use both my special attacks and then mop up the remaining health left. The battles rarely last more than 10 seconds making it a lot better than grinding from bosses.
According to this, complete 10 Yo-Kai Circles and then talk to Honobono (the big yellow blob).Anyone know how to get Buchinyan by any chance?
Ah well, I got what I want in the end. I give the doubles to friends who want them.You just got very unlucky Meffer, sometimes you get boxes that are identical or nearly identical in the medal distribution. Had a similar thing happen to me with my series 3 buster medal box but thankfully i didn't get every pack identical but still at least half were the same. It is very annoying though but the nature ofthe game when buying random booster pack stuff.
You have your healers spaced out well so yeah that seems like a good team.
Series 1 and 2 medal lists with pics and precise rarity info
For us, legendary medals are just normal rare medals but with a different color. Expect the secondary market to jack up the price on them anyways.