Alright, beat it with ending B.
Is there any reason for me to get ending C and D, because that's kind of asking a tall order when I already have such a big backlog.
Overall, I really liked the game. Part of it may be lowered expectations, but it has a bewitching quality. Nier very well may have been the right game at the right time, but I'm not really questioning it. So much of our opinions on any sort of subjective consumption ultimately boils down to how we personally feel at the time, no matter how hard we pretend to be objective taskmasters otherwise.
I liked Nier. Maybe I shouldn't have, don't care about that now. The game I played, I enjoyed. The story had me viewing it from opposite perspectives back and forth and eventually I settled on some variation of a pox on both their houses.
I wouldn't recommend the game to everyone, but if you happen to be an exact clone of me, you might like it a lot.
Mr_Appleby said:
Not entirely correct: when the fish bites (pole dips further than normal) you DON'T need to press any buttons. Just pull back on the left stick.
You can press A/X if you like, it will have the same effect, but holding A/X down while you fish is definitely not required.
Pull down on the stick. Trust me, this works every time. When the main character moves to his right, roll the (still pulled down) analog stick to the right a little. Down center for when he's center, down left for when he's left. Just do this and you win.