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YouTube has now begun skipping videos altogether for users with ad blockers


Gold Member

  • YouTube is cracking down on ad blockers, testing tactics like slowing down video load times and skipping videos to push users towards Premium.
  • Some users are experiencing issues like no sound, stuck videos, and videos skipping all the way to the end when using ad blockers.
  • Despite efforts, users are finding workarounds via specific browser extensions and VPNs to watch ad-free YouTube videos.
Google-owned YouTube succeeded in shutting down the popular third-party YouTube Vanced app back in 2022 to encourage more users to pay and join YouTube Premium if they're looking for an ad-free experience. In the subsequent year, the streaming platform declared war against ad blockers and showed that it had a Uno reverse card up its sleeve when it started testing blocking ad blockers.

Limit ads to 5 seconds and prohibit those ad-makers from making smug, 4th wall breaking "You can skip it now hehe lol" type ads.

Done and done.

It will still be annoying, but it will make people less inclined to seek ad-blockers.
Ad-blockers exist for a reason. And the way to adress that reason is not by deleting ad-blockers.
Limit ads to 5 seconds and prohibit those ad-makers from making smug, 4th wall breaking "You can skip it now hehe lol" type ads.

Done and done.

It will still be annoying, but it will make people less inclined to seek ad-blockers.
Ad-blockers exist for a reason. And the way to adress that reason is not by deleting ad-blockers.
I think it may be a bit late as so many people now know about AdBlockers than before YT started trying to take control.


Since YT is used pretty regularly, premium definitely makes it worth paying for imo.
But this will always be a never ending chase for Google.
I pay for premium. I'm good.

I don’t mind paying because I consume a shitload of content, YouTube is basically all I watch.
Why am I gonna watch the trash tier crap pumped through cable when I can watch literally anything on YouTube. Vids explaining pulsars and quasars? Fuck yeah. 5 hour King’s Quest retrospective? Sign me up. Warhammer lore narrated by an Attenborough voiceover? Yeah, I’m on that shit.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.


I don’t mind paying because I consume a shitload of content, YouTube is basically all I watch.
Why am I gonna watch the trash tier crap pumped through cable when I can watch literally anything on YouTube. Vids explaining pulsars and quasars? Fuck yeah. 5 hour King’s Quest retrospective? Sign me up. Warhammer lore narrated by an Attenborough voiceover? Yeah, I’m on that shit.

Same here. Youtube is almost all I watch, and I watch way too much of it. I think of it as "seminars on demand." You can call up expert (and not so expert) long-form talks on nearly any subject you can name. I've learned so much on Youtube, it's literally changed my life - mostly for the better, some for the worse, lol. Of course, most of my YT watching is for entertainment, not education, but I've been surprised at how much I've learned. You can get perspectives you wouldn't hear in the mainstream media, and that's a big advantage. Hopefully, they don't become too censorious with it.
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John Bilbo

I remember when there were no ads on YouTube.

I also remember when there was only a single 5 second ad in the beginning of the video.


I'll never pay Google anything, if I want to support the content creators, I'll sub to their patreon, buy their merch, etc.

Any way to block them on ios? My cheap Turkey sub ran out and I can’t seem to do it again.
Use Brave.
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I was happy to watch YouTube with Ads, until the ads became over a minute long, unskippable, with more than one back to back.
I was happy to pay for YouTube Premium, until they kept upping the price until it cost more than most streaming services.
Now I'm happy to just stick with my ad blockers.

YouTube had it's chance, and it got greedy. Now, it gets nothing.


Unfortunately many channels have sneaky ads inside the videos themselves. No way to ad block those. I skip them manually, but it is annoying as hell.


I feel more people would accept browsing Youtube without an ad blocker if the service wasn't just straight up unusable without one. The ads have gotten so long and aggressive that no one who doesn't hate himself is using Youtube without an ad blocker. And Youtube Premium is a pretty bad deal because you still get ads, just less aggressively.

And more importantly: Youtube and Google make money off of a video multiple times anyway and Google use the videos as training data for their neural networks. So they get training data for free (which is worth quite a whole lot, actually.)

Yeah...Youtube can fuck off, lmao.
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Unfortunately many channels have sneaky ads inside the videos themselves. No way to ad block those. I skip them manually, but it is annoying as hell.
Get SponsorBlock. As long as a user has removed the ad part segment and submitted it for everyone it'll automatically skip those built in bullshit ad segments as long as you have SponsorBlock activated in your browser.



Boggles my mind that Google can get away with this shit.

Differently than Netflix, Amazon, Max and etc who spend some real cash producing original content, Youtube just uses other people's content. And they charge a fee for their videos. And then there's the revenue from ads, and then with Youtube Premium subscriptions.

Youtube is an effortless gold mine for Google
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Gold Member
So stop watching YouTube videos.

Nothing is free. Everyone has three choices: watch videos with ads, pay for Premium or don't use YouTube at all. I think it's fair.

You forget another way we pay for these services, especially with Google: our data and our privacy.
And this is worth billions and billions of dollars. That is why Google is one of the most lucrative companies in the world, despite offering it's services for "free".
So what Google is trying to do is called double dipping. They already got paid, but want to get paid again.


So stop watching YouTube videos.

Nothing is free.

Neither is your data that they keep picking for free and selling for money.
Look, if people like to pay premium thats fine, its an experience that they feel cool and worth the money. But please, can we keep off this stupidity that Google is somewhat poor and need the money from ads to survive?
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