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Youtube video's that de'serve more view's

Does anyone have a link to that weird video of a CG person (ho head I think), dancing down the street, and at the end he needs to get up some stairs but he can't because he just spazzes out? I don't even know how else to describe it. Happy music.

EDIT: Found it. Didn't realize it was THAT popular!
Going to the store.
Nickovic said:
There's something not right about that....

Avatar quote. I'm not sure what's more disturbing. The poor kid at the back who looks like he may have some mental issues (constant rocking) and is obese to the point where it will really affect his health, or the 2 trolls at the front who look like they're auditioning for LOTR the musical.


Typical COD gamer

A hilarious monologue in a deleted scene from one of the funniest comedy movies ever.

I've heard an EP by this guy and it's pretty good. His youtube videos aren't nearly as good due to sound quality and he just makes dumb song choices but I like this song. This song doesn't really capture his voice (which is very good can range from Daughtry's angsty voice with a well ranged falsetto like Timberlake) though. From listening to his EP he has less country songs and more radio songs on it than the ones he posted on his YT.

edit: ah here is more of his album. I in particular like his cover of Ain't No Sunshine and his original song Night & Day.



BBC Nature: 'Brinicle' ice finger of death filmed in Antarctic

A bizarre underwater "icicle of death" has been filmed by a BBC crew.

With timelapse cameras, specialists recorded salt water being excluded from the sea ice and sinking. The temperature of this sinking brine, which was well below 0C, caused the water to freeze in an icy sheath around it. Where the so-called "brinicle" met the sea bed, a web of ice formed that froze everything it touched, including sea urchins and starfish. The unusual phenomenon was filmed for the first time by cameramen Hugh Miller and Doug Anderson for the BBC One series Frozen Planet.
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