Isn't this only like that on PS3 (not 100% sure, though)?
Yes that is only on the PS3 (maybe PS4). I have downloaded a 400mb file when I only had 500mb to begin with.
It's also true for PSP, so I assumed it was true for Vita too -- especially since the warning about it is present in Vita game descriptions on J-PSN, though that could be just a standard warning attached to every game on the service.
I have yet to get anywhere near filling up my Vita memory card, though (the majority of my Vita collection is physical), so I'm not entirely certain.
what other projects can we look forward to from xseed in the coming 2014 year ?
The only other announced projects from us at the moment are Ragnarok Odyssey ACE for PS3 and Vita (physical and digital), Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky on Steam, and Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Second Chapter on Steam and PSP digital.
We have other unannounced projects too, though, of course.
I'd say the ideal is somewhere in between, but really it's just "throw away that shoulder shit."
Nooooo, keep it! Spaulders 4 lyfe!!
wyrdwad, does the NA version have the stuff patched into the JP version recently to make it work with the Vita TV? (i.e., button options for the things that require touch, like the puzzles) The 1.02 patch.
Not at launch, no -- the patch wasn't ready in time to be applied before mastering. The game should theoretically still be Vita TV compatible as-is, however (the touchscreen emulation via L3 and R3 will suffice for the touch puzzles), but I can't confirm that with any certainty just yet.
Obviously, though, we will be looking into applying the patch in the future -- and if Vita TV is announced for release in the west, I'm sure that'll light a fire under our butts to get it done quicker.
Interestingly, because of the fact that it's higher resolution, some of the byproducts of Falcom design - less detailed backgrounds, simple level design - stick out a little more than they did on the PSP. Granted, the combat is so good that I'm probably not going to notice any of that at all once I start playing.
Falcom has never really been about graphics, focusing more on gameplay (as any good developer should). That said, though, the graphics in Celceta really aren't bad at all, and there are a lot of things that put it head and shoulders above Ys Seven in terms of presentation (like a crazy-huge draw distance, and really subtle day/night transitions).
so is it the same rock paper scissor system as in 7? ala each party member is good against 1 enemy type and does like no damage on other types?
Same basic system, but the damage output is much less drastically changed by attack type than in Ys Seven -- if you attack an enemy with the wrong attack type, you still do decent enough damage, just not AS MUCH. And if you make a point of hitting enemies with the damage type their weak to, you get bigger bonuses this time around (refills on SP, experience bonuses, etc.). So it's more like a positive reinforcement approach this time.
That said, I still pretty much just used Karna to kill everybody whenever I could. She's fast enough, and her Napalm Shot skill is devastating enough, that I was like, meh, who cares about attack type? It's Karna time!