I'm okay with Sangan being banned and Lumina being unlimitedOfficial banlist (March 2013):
Wind-up Carrier Zenmaity
Wind-up Magician
One Day of Peace
Solemn Warning
Thunder King Rai-oh
Advanced Ritual Art
Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow
Shien's Smoke Signal
Mind Crush
Some new cards from Judgment of the Light:
I'm okay with Sangan being banned and Lumina being unlimited
Also, holy hell at Mist Bird Synchro. Make it limited or banned. Its effect is ridiculous, imo.
Book of Moon and/or Tsyukuyomi on Mist Bird, use effect again. Twice or more in 1 turn.What are you talking about? That effect isn't limitworthy. Radiant Photon Paradios has a permanent version of the same effect, 2000 ATK and lets you draw a card when it's destroyed.
The card is useless on the field by itself and 2300 DEF with no way to protect itself isn't hard for most decks to get past.
Book of Moon and/or Tsyukuyomi on Mist Bird, use effect again. Twice or more in 1 turn.
I don't believe you can do this with XYZ's...
Why Not?1) You can't do that the turn you summon the card.
2) Even if you do, you need to have other monsters on the field to destroy theirs by battle that turn. If you use Mirror Force on an attacking Paradios then your monster is still stuck at 0 ATK. Mirror Force against mist bird and your card goes back to normal the next turn.
Why Not?
SS Mist Bird. Use Its Effect. Flip It face-down by card effect. Then Flip Summon or Flipped face up by card effect. Reuse effect again.
I get what you're saying about Paradios's Permanent effect. But once he's facedown, it loses its attachments and cant reuse its effects once there isn't anything to detach, if im not incorrect.
Both cards have their strengths and weaknesses and can be played differently.
Btw, I was exaggerating on it being banned/limited. Just thought my overreaction would spark a laugh at least b'cuz of the new "powerful" synchros news.
What im saying is Special Summon Mist Bird.You can't flip summon a monster that's was summoned that turn.
What im saying is Special Summon Mist Bird.
Use Its Effect.
Then, use either Book of Moon/Tsyukuyomi to place it facedown.
Flip summon Mist Bird and reuse his effect again.
I already know you can't re-flip summon twice or more in one turn with the same monster.
You can apply this same combo with Choas Sorcerer, BLS, Etc.
There's no ruling saying I cannot do exactly this unless by official rules or by card description saying so.
Welp shit. Im sorry. I was misinformed. :WiseBlade is correct, you cannot change positions of a monster that was just summoned this turn, outside of card effects.
OCG Spellbooks have so much Search Power, what deck can stop them?
Help make this deck even more broken. Does it need to stay at 40 cards, Chaos Sorcerer/Black Luster Solder, Starlight Road, anything more broken cards?
First large tournament post Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy in Japan:
【Prophecy】 4-1-1
【Prophecy】 6-0
【Prophecy】 4-2
【Prophecy】 5-1
【Prophecy】 2-4
【Prophecy】 5-1
【Fire Fist】 5-1
【Prophecy】 5-1
【Prophecy】 3-3
【Six Samurai】 4-2
【Dragunity】 4-2
【Prophecy】 1-5
Translated the important parts, holy karp.
Except people actually know what Yu-Gi-Oh is.
Your profile looks a lot of fun to run with at tournies![]()
R/F Eclipse Incarnate Dragons
So you're been watching right when Yu-Gi-Oh came out?I cannot stop listening to this
In all my years of watching anime, nothing has topped this thus far.
What's a good synchro deck that can combat the Dragunity synchro deck?
Hidden Arsenal 7 Xyz Evilswarms look great.
To bad half of them require "lswarm" material which I have 0. The rest mainly uses 2 lvl 4 Darks that comes with Boss effects.
The Blue Eyes Synchro Structure seems interesting to invest on btw.
Blue Eyes Silver Dragon level 9 synchro 1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Normal Monsters If this card is Special Summoned: Until the end of the next turn, Dragon-Type monsters you control cannot be targeted or destroyed by card effects. Once per turn, during your Standby Phase: You can target 1 Normal Monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon that target.
Also watched Yugioh Zexal series very recently since watching the first few beginning episodes awhile back and lost interest, but now it's starting to pickup except the current sorta villain is lame imo.
Thanks for the recommendations, but I think I might pick up a structure deck. I have a couple of eBay bucks to spend. I'm looking for a structure deck with Synchros. I was researching the Six Samurai deck, but I'd like to know some of your ideas.
I'd love to get that, but I have a friend already getting it. I'd like to have a deck not similar to his.None of the structure decks have synchros in them. If you buy the Six Samurai deck, you'll have to hunt down a Legendary Shi En seperately. Not that it'd be hard, they're pretty cheap and freely available.
Nope nope (not yet I hope)Wow, awesome. Is there a Dark Magician one coming out?
Thanks, that she is.Nope nope (not yet I hope)
Cool avatar
Sabrina is boss gym leader
So my friends and I usually do Magic drafts, but we'd really like to do a Yugioh one next week.
Any suggestions on the best way to go about doing this? Or is sealed format better for Yugioh? We also don't want to spend too much money.
EDIT: Guess I might just buy a battle pack 2?
I've seen battle pack 2 boxes for 50 on eBay, I believe 60 is the regular price.
But yeah sealed, especially battle packs, is the only way to go.