Here guys, just posting this for all the new players wondering what cards they should be using or AKA The Staples that will make almost any deck better then they are with it, and just letting you know, these are SOME of the staples, but not all, there are TONS of cards that different decks can use, so I can't list everyone, but here is a list to start out:
Black Luster Soldier: Envory of the Begining(Boss monster in light/dark monster deck, with two really good effects, banish a monster on the field, or if he attacks and destroys a monster, he can attack again, he also has 3k attack)
Maxx "C"(Basically you get draws EVERYTIME your opponent special summons a monster, this basically limits your opponents plays unless he wants to make you very plus on it)
Effect Veiler(Stops monsters effects that can screw you over, and also a tuner for synchro summons)
Honest(Allows your light monsters to attack over monsters that you can't attack over normally, and can take games with this effect if timed correctly)
Summoner Monk(Allows for a special summon for a spell discard cost, basically to bring out a level 4 for a XYZ summon)
Mystical Space Typhoon(Spell/Trap detruction, which is needed against alot of decks)
Soul Charge(A Monster reborn with more of a deeper cost, but still a staple because you can get back monsters to help you out)
Book Of Moon(A anti-monster effect card, basically sets the card so they have to flip it back up to attack or use its effect, very good card, and one of the 4 main staples in YGO)
One Day of Peace(The best stall card in the game, hands down)
Raigeki(Another of the 4 main staples, destroys all your opponent's monsters in one swift go)
Pot of Duality(A draw card, allows you to get your cards quicker, with the downside of you cannot special summon the turn you used this card)
Forbidden Lance(This card protects your monsters and stops your opponent's monsters. reducing their attack by 800 points, but making them immune to spells and traps till the end of the turn)
Allure of Darkness(Draw card for decks that uses alot of Dark Monsters, only downside you need to banish a dark monster, or you lose your whole hand, but most of the time, you only use this card when you already have a dark monster in your hand already)
Upstart Goblin(Draw card, speeds up your deck by making it a 37 card deck instead of a 40 card deck, but, You need to use 3x or this card will not be worth running)
Bottomless Trap Hole(Stops a summon of a problem monster, and banishes it, so it cannot come back as easy it, only works on 1500 attack or higher monsters)
Torrential Tribute(Destroys all monsters on the field if a monster or monsters gets summons, basically it wipes the field of monsters, very good floodgate card)
Compulsory Evacution Device(The third of the Staples, Sends a monster on the field back to the player's hand or extra deck, bringing a monster back out from the hand is a lot harder to do then from the graveyard, basically makes your opponent have to resummon it again)
Vanity's Empiness(Stops ALL special summoning, this is one of the main floodgate cards of Yu-Gi-Oh, downside is that it is very easy to get rid of, your don't even need to to destroy it, you need to destroy either a monster or another spell, so any destruction is a free -2 for your opponent)
Solemn Warning(The last of the staples, for 2000 lifepoints, it STOPS any summoning of a monster or monsters from a effect, spell or trap card, or even Pendulum summon, it stops anything, and this card cannot be changed to, unless by another counter trap, your opponent needs to destroy it before summoning or have a monster not worth Warning at all, or you have less then 2k lifepoints)
Extra deck:
Gagaga Cowboy(Allows you burn for that last bit of damage you need to win the duel, or allows you to attack over a monster)
Number 101: Silent Honors Ark Knight(Allows you to take out a problem high attack monster or effect monster, WHILE being able to protect himself from destruction by removing a XYZ Materinal from himeself
Castel, The Skyblaster Musketeer(One of the best Rank 4 XYZ Monsters, allows you to basically get rid of a problem monster from the field, without the fear of a destruction effect, because his effect shuffles the monster back into the deck, which is the hardest way to bring back a monster in Yu-Gi-Oh)
Evilswarm Exciton Knight(Basically allows you to nuke the field if your opponent has more overall cards in his hand and field then you do, with the effect that your opponent cannot be damage for the rest of the turn. This monster is basically allows you to reset the field after you mess up or opponent had a bigger advanage over you, so you can make the field even again)
If you guys want me to talk about more cards that would help a lot of decks out, or certain decks out, I will happy to help out the best I can do, just let me know what you want to know.