What do they mean by Rogue? Also, worth noting that people are having a hard time finding tellarknights in the game right now for whatever reason
Also the list you gave is different from the sites. You forgot nekroz at tier 1, and Burning abyss is tier 2, with everything else one tier lower as well
The list I posted was from the start of the banlist
The link I posted in my original post was the 2nd part where it was nearing towards the of the format. Sorry about that and rogue decks mean that its deck that does well in Tournaments.
The tiers are formed under these conditions:
YCS/Continental Win = 4 points
YCS/Continental Top = 3 Points
ARGCS/CCGCS Top = 2 Points
Regional/National/ARGMS Top* = 1 Point
65% or more of the meta - Tier 0
15-65% - Tier 1
5-15% - Tier 2
1-5% - Tier 3
Less than 1% - Rogue
Which means they are good enough decks to stand up against the meta but aren't really that popular enough to move up the tiers because of how much Tier 1/2 decks dominates the tournament scene.
Batterymen are good now? =O I've always wanted to make a Battery deck, so now's my chance!
batteryman was doing well at the start of the Jan 2015. I seen a handful of batteryman decks in my locals when I used to come for Vanguard Tournaments while watching YGO tournaments after. Although they were overshadowed by other decks mid-way through the format.