It doesn't matter what you believe. They know how to utilize their time and money best when it comes to making the game, not you, because they know what they're doing and you don't have a single clue whatsoever what their priorities are.
And if you think a logo transition or whatever the fuck is going affect funding in anyway for a game whose production is a miracle regardless, you're being utterly ridiculous. This is concern trolling on another level.
Yeah right, it doesn't matter. They surely cant make a mistake or take a wrong direction. This is why they changed the logo for exemple. And we surely cant say that the Kickstarter campaign was awfully managed by Awesome Japan.
I mean, look at the reactions ! Everything looks so amazing, they clearly know perfectly what they're doing.
More seriously, I don't mind that the facial animations aren't implemented yet. In fact, I prefer to hear they're not here yet rather than them being bad. But it raise the following question:
If your model doesn't have facial animation, why do you spend so much time showing faces in action segments ?
You realize this is why the trailer got so many criticism ? Because of the awkward faces poses.
And no, I don't think the logo transition is the only problem. I said it looks bad and coupled with the editing, make the entire thing really amateurish. And as I said, logo transition are a thing in most video editing softwares. This one looks bad and amateurish.
As for calling my criticism concerned trolling, you're right, I'm concerned. I backed the game, for a fairly high amount. I'm not saying this is doomed, since I still have trust in the project. I'm saying the showing felt amateurish because of some things. Things that could've been easily fixed. And no, not for money.
And in the end, a better showing brings more people in.