Over one year ahead of launch? Almost always.Yeah because faces shown in trailers are always changed for the better for the final build right?
Over one year ahead of launch? Almost always.Yeah because faces shown in trailers are always changed for the better for the final build right?
Over one year ahead of launch? Almost always.
To be honest, i think that's damage control.
But let's be honest here, Shenmue was THE most expensive game ever made during its time and now it's some kind of independant game. I'm sure it will feel cheap in a lot of places.... But i also think it's normal, i'm just happy to see that the story will be coming at an end because i'm confident the writing and the atmosphere will still be strong.
.... Or was I ? I'm concerned about the "this is not the end of story" part. Please AT LEAST have a good conclusion for this, i don't want to wait 15 years before the next Shenmue again !
To be Fair those are the high res models, those arent used on gameplay, not even in all cut scenes only in certain ones
But they indeed are Very beatiful
If you look at secondary characters they are kinda ugly for today
I can't shake the feeling that there is an agenda with a lot of people regarding Shenmue III in the gaming industry ever since the KS was announced especially on gaf people want this game to fail or be a complete shit piece for no other reason than "for the lulz".
It was so obvious that animations are incomplete and will be added properly when they are ready and for people saying it looks like a PS2 game I feel like I'm reading YouTube and gamefaqs comments I thought trolling and stating bullshit false opinions were frowned upon around gaf but the amount of dumb shit I read in every Shenmue thread is laughable.
Seriously some people need to engage their brains and use rationality before posting "looks trash, looks shit, looks like ps2 game"....
It's a mid budget game that isn't quite ready to show properly but Suzuki has had no choice due to fan and backer demand, let's judge the game next year when the game is nearer to completion rather than judging the book by its cover, Suzuki is an absolute wizard of a director and producer and I have rock solid faith that he and his team will make a great looking and playing game that we want.
Also to people who have said the environments are not that good in other threads please get your eyes checked out ASAP.
I can't shake the feeling that there is an agenda with a lot of people regarding Shenmue III in the gaming industry ever since the KS was announced especially on gaf people want this game to fail or be a complete shit piece for no other reason than "for the lulz".
It was so obvious that animations are incomplete and will be added properly when they are ready and for people saying it looks like a PS2 game I feel like I'm reading YouTube and gamefaqs comments I thought trolling and stating bullshit false opinions were frowned upon around gaf but the amount of dumb shit I read in every Shenmue thread is laughable.
Seriously some people need to engage their brains and use rationality before posting "looks trash, looks shit, looks like ps2 game"....
It's a mid budget game that isn't quite ready to show properly but Suzuki has had no choice due to fan and backer demand, let's judge the game next year when the game is nearer to completion rather than judging the book by its cover, Suzuki is an absolute wizard of a director and producer and I have rock solid faith that he and his team will make a great looking and playing game that we want.
Also to people who have said the environments are not that good in other threads please get your eyes checked out ASAP.
I can't shake the feeling that there is an agenda with a lot of people regarding Shenmue III in the gaming industry ever since the KS was announced especially on gaf people want this game to fail or be a complete shit piece for no other reason than "for the lulz".
It was so obvious that animations are incomplete and will be added properly when they are ready and for people saying it looks like a PS2 game I feel like I'm reading YouTube and gamefaqs comments I thought trolling and stating bullshit false opinions were frowned upon around gaf but the amount of dumb shit I read in every Shenmue thread is laughable.
Seriously some people need to engage their brains and use rationality before posting "looks trash, looks shit, looks like ps2 game"....
It's a mid budget game that isn't quite ready to show properly but Suzuki has had no choice due to fan and backer demand, let's judge the game next year when the game is nearer to completion rather than judging the book by its cover, Suzuki is an absolute wizard of a director and producer and I have rock solid faith that he and his team will make a great looking and playing game that we want.
Also to people who have said the environments are not that good in other threads please get your eyes checked out ASAP.
Then why make a teaser trailer then?
Maybe they deliberately showed very early footage so they can then show how far they've come with a more recent build. But even then, that sounds like throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks.WIP or otherwise, this really isn't a good shot to show the public, let alone before the title introduction. You don't just 'finish it later' if the aim of this teaser is to encourage positivity in backers and audience rather than benefit of the doubt.
Then why make a teaser trailer then?
I don't believe you.
A lot of people ate their share of crow simply because this game being in production. So even if they aren't doing it consciously, I don't doubt there's a degree of ill will towards the game. There's too much of "concern" trolling floating around for it to be justified or just coincidence.I can't shake the feeling that there is an agenda with a lot of people regarding Shenmue III in the gaming industry ever since the KS was announced especially on gaf people want this game to fail or be a complete shit piece for no other reason than "for the lulz".
Yes?Yeah because faces shown in trailers are always changed for the better for the final build right?
Don't do that defence force shit. It didn't work out for No Man's Sky it will not gonna work here.
If stuff are looking bad then accept it that people are telling their opinion and don't "wait".
Lmao for real?
You clearly don't know anything about game development.
If faces and a logo transition for a trailer of a game from an indie sized studio that isn't even in a pre-alpha state is enough to scare people away from a game, then clearly they weren't interested in the game to begin with and should save their breath. The rest of us with a functioning brain understand this game is in deep development and don't go on for multiple posts worried that they showed incomplete faces for less than a few seconds in a near 2 minute trailer.Yeah right, it doesn't matter. They surely cant make a mistake or take a wrong direction. This is why they changed the logo for exemple. And we surely cant say that the Kickstarter campaign was awfully managed by Awesome Japan.
I mean, look at the reactions ! Everything looks so amazing, they clearly know perfectly what they're doing.
More seriously, I don't mind that the facial animations aren't implemented yet. In fact, I prefer to hear they're not here yet rather than them being bad. But it raise the following question:
If your model doesn't have facial animation, why do you spend so much time showing faces in action segments ?
You realize this is why the trailer got so many criticism ? Because of the awkward faces poses.
And no, I don't think the logo transition is the only problem. I said it looks bad and coupled with the editing, make the entire thing really amateurish. And as I said, logo transition are a thing in most video editing softwares. This one looks bad and amateurish.
As for calling my criticism concerned trolling, you're right, I'm concerned. I backed the game, for a fairly high amount. I'm not saying this is doomed, since I still have trust in the project. I'm saying the showing felt amateurish because of some things. Things that could've been easily fixed. And no, not for money.
And in the end, a better showing brings more people in.
If faces and a logo transition for a trailer of a game from an indie sized studio that isn't even in a pre-alpha state is enough to scare people away from a game, then clearly they weren't interested in the game to begin with and should save their breath. The rest of us with a functioning brain understand this game is in deep development and don't go on for multiple posts worried that they showed incomplete faces for less than a few seconds in a near 2 minute trailer.
And I guaran-fucking-tee had they not shown faces, you or the bounty of other wonderful well informed armchair devs would be complaining that "they didn't show faces wtf!"
If faces and a logo transition for a trailer of a game from an indie sized studio that isn't even in a pre-alpha state is enough to scare people away from a game, then clearly they weren't interested in the game to begin with and should save their breath. The rest of us with a functioning brain understand this game is in deep development and don't go on for multiple posts worried that they showed incomplete faces for less than a few seconds in a near 2 minute trailer.
And I guaran-fucking-tee had they not shown faces, you or the bounty of other wonderful well informed armchair devs would be complaining that "they didn't show faces wtf!"
-Suzuki-san would like to continue the series in Shenmue IV if possible.
-Suzuki-san is not interested in forcing the Shenmue story to complete in Shenmue III.
Are you really against a creator having a vision and being unwilling to go again it?Not interested, huh? Would like to continue if possible, huh? Well, that's just great. Ugh.
Don't do that defence force shit. It didn't work out for No Man's Sky it will not gonna work here.
If stuff are looking bad then accept it that people are telling their opinion and don't "wait".
Things don't "look bad" when they ain't fucking present.
Engage your brain, there was no facial animation in the trailer.
A. There is never going to be facial animation beyond slow blinking, which would be out if character for Suzuki.
B. The facial animation isn't done yet/was removed for some reason to fix/polish/recreate.
Everyone talking about bad facial animation is a moron, when it's painfully obvious it's not there. At all.
It's a work in progress. They haven't even casted the VO yet.
When the animation is in place, then criticise to your heart's content.
Until then the only thing worth saying in it is the lack of animation gives the current models creepy doll like looks against nice backgrounds and lighting and some decent animation from the training sequence.
It's super hating and curious why thrybchose ton release that trailer at all.
But if you can see through an obvious issue, it looks great imo.
Not interested, huh? Would like to continue if possible, huh? Well, that's just great. Ugh.
That's because it is. It doesn't mean he's wrong, though.The majority of this post comes off as incredibly patronising
Yes they've already made huge strides with the environments and character models. As a reminder here was the original render compared to what we have now-
That's because it is. It doesn't mean he's wrong, though.
I'm glad to hear it, but maybe it would've been best to just wait until they had a vertical slice they could proudly present to the public and say "This is representative of what the final product is going to look like." Instead they've potentially done some damage to the perception of the game by releasing such a half-baked, shoddy looking trailer.
I can't shake the feeling that there is an agenda with a lot of people regarding Shenmue III in the gaming industry ever since the KS was announced especially on gaf people want this game to fail or be a complete shit piece for no other reason than "for the lulz".
It was so obvious that animations are incomplete and will be added properly when they are ready and for people saying it looks like a PS2 game I feel like I'm reading YouTube and gamefaqs comments I thought trolling and stating bullshit false opinions were frowned upon around gaf but the amount of dumb shit I read in every Shenmue thread is laughable.
30 hrs of gameplay is good news. A lot more than I thought.
You didn't bother to read anything in the OP.
Right, which raise the question again: if these elements wheren't present, why do the video focus on the face at the worst moment. At some moment of the video, namely the ones with slow movements, it's not a problem to not have facial expressions. But during combat or close ups, it's more problematic.
Q: Yesterday a teaser trailer for Shenmue 3 was released...
HM: Actually, we jumped the gun on it. [laughs]
YS: There's a huge uproar.
HM: It was really planned for today [the first day of Gamescom].
YS: Boy oh boy...
Q: Many of the Game*Spark readers have also viewed it. Among the comments was a concern about the character modeling.
YS: Shenhua, Ryo and the other characters are almost all provisional.
HM: Most of the characters [that appear in it] are provisional, so in that sense there's a risk that we've caused a misunderstanding there.
YS: We still have a lot of work to do on Shenhua. [While pointing at characters] Take this one, it's a character that's close to completion. This one's provisional. This is also provisional. This one too is provisional.
Q: There were quite a number of characters pending modification present in the trailer, weren't there.
HM: That's the case, yes. In a teaser you can't attach that kind of explanation to each and every character.
YS: [Continuing to point at characters] This one's also provisional. Oh, so is this one. We do have characters that have been completed to a pretty high quality level.
HM: But they weren't ready in time for this time's video. I think the showing of the teaser this time, even in a promotional sense, was a little premature of us.
For an extremely long time, since the project was launched in 2015, we hadn't released a video publicly. This time, since a publishing contract with Deep Silver had been reached, we wanted to make an announcement that encompassed a sense of "The project development is moving forward under a new structure; please be reassured, everybody." Discussing among ourselves, there was a general agreement that such an announcement wouldn't work without images, and so our decision came about to release a video this time.
It might sound a bit like making excuses, but even though there were parts that have a long way to go and that we're not fully satisfied with, it was a case of "we can't release nothing, so let's go ahead and release it".
I guess they have story boarded the cinematic camera angles and have them implemented already.
Try this Gif It has cinematic camera direction, and the animation is detailed.
(Just not in the face where it is lacking entirely)
Even when the camera does a small pull back, its not linear, it has a subtle natural motion effect, like a camera held in the hands would have.
Look at the End of the sequence, When Ryo and Johnny Big Lips clash and he goes forward on one leg, there is a subtle animation of momentum change as he moves forward, reaches the apex and moves backwards slightly.
The arm adjusts as a counterbalance.
You don't animate stuff like this, and keep lifeless doll heads.
Translated Famitsu Yu Suzuki interview:
GameSpark Interview
Yes for real. I watch a lot of trailers and often end up playing the final game, any massive leaps in improving facial animations and the general look have rarely happened. In fact I would argue the reverse is sometimes the case although clearly the faces in Shenmue will not get worse, that would almost be impossible.
Don't do that defence force shit. It didn't work out for No Man's Sky it will not gonna work here.
If stuff are looking bad then accept it that people are telling their opinion and don't "wait".
Seen this song and dance of "things will be improved!" with loads of other projects, Mighty No 9 included. Surprise! They come out and have often never improved those aspects and immediately start playing "Maybe in the sequel!!" game.
This trailer showed me the project is in trouble and, outside of environments, its beyond the current talent. Yu Suzuki can have the most amazing vision in mind, the fact is he is no longer backed by AM2 and some of the most talented people working in games. We're getting seemingly student project level hires here, and unless they have the balls to start firing and re-hiring, those 'provisional' models 2 years in are where they're at.
Then why make a teaser trailer then?
Seen this song and dance of "things will be improved!" with loads of other projects, Mighty No 9 included. Surprise! They come out and have often never improved those aspects and immediately start playing "Maybe in the sequel!!" game.
This trailer showed me the project is in trouble and, outside of environments, its beyond the current talent. Yu Suzuki can have the most amazing vision in mind, the fact is he is no longer backed by AM2 and some of the most talented people working in games. We're getting seemingly student project level hires here, and unless they have the balls to start firing and re-hiring, those 'provisional' models 2 years in are where they're at. Especially jarring when they're behind the Dreamcast games after 2 years in everything but environments which UE4 is greatly helping with.
are you jumping the gun on a project a year or more away
Then, much closer to release and with the game almost finished, do the full blown trailer:
(this trailer still gives me goosebumps everytime I see it)