Let's say this is the Hero of Time in the failed timeline... does that mean that throughout the whole of OOT the Sheikah technology existed (along with the four beasts) but were just dormant/hidden?
I mean, that's why I cannot see it taking place before any other game with Ganon.
Let's say this is the Hero of Time in the failed timeline... does that mean that throughout the whole of OOT the Sheikah technology existed (along with the four beasts) but were just dormant/hidden?
Why would they specifically designate it as Calamity Ganon if it wasn't a somewhat different entity than the standard Ganon.
I'm still in the camp that each new Zelda is its own thing and the timeline stuff is an afterthought to appease fans who like that kind of stuff.
I'm curious as to who Link and Zelda are. Link has some connection to 100 years prior, but is also right handed, which may hint that he's not OoT Link.
Zelda seems to know him prior to the game starting ("Wake up Link"). She also appears to be bathing in Skyview Spring, which could mean Hylia is returning.
I don't think his handedness should ever be taken as any indication of anything.
However, does anyone remember from E3 when Aonuma (or Miyamoto?) said that he is right handed in BotW because your right hand is closer to the attack button or something like that?
Do you think this might actually tie into HD rumble now? So that the right joycon feels sword strikes and the left feels shield hits? Or something along those lines?
Can I just chime in with this, Link being left or right handed doesn't mean anything - he was both left and right handed in Twilight Princess depending on which version you bought.
Can I just chime in with this, Link being left or right handed doesn't mean anything - he was both left and right handed in Twilight Princess depending on which version you bought. They flipped the entire world just to make it look better for right handed players to control a sword with their right hands. We can't really assume anything based on which hand is his sword hand when it can change in two versions of the same game.
Here's a thought: the failed hero timeline wasn't a branch off of was a branch off of Master Quest from OoT 3D. Link failed because it was too hard (hehe), and that's also why he's right handed, since Master Quest on 3DS is mirrored.
LOL, nice.
But I do think they'll go with a parallel universe explanation for the Downfall Timeline, and use Link's handedness as a 'visual indicator' of the failed Hero of Time.
I'm still in the camp that each new Zelda is its own thing and the timeline stuff is an afterthought to appease fans who like that kind of stuff.
Two things are making me doubt the idea that it's meant to be between OoT and LttP:
-Calamity Ganon's appearance was sudden and destructive. Ganondorf gained the King's trust slowly, then took over Hyrule for seven years, then supposedly defeated the Hero of Time Link in the final battle. "Final battle" is important, because it means that all of the stuff we saw as Adult Link in OoT happened, up until the final boss battle.
-The Temple of Time is in ruins on the Great Plateau, far away from Castle Town. If Ganondorf had been in power for seven years, and then as a destructive demon that destroyed the world for a century, who is rebuilding a Temple of Time miles away in a remote area and then it completely falling apart in 100 years?
-The flashback scene of the Guardians overrunning Castle Town. If Ganondorf had taken over, then why did the Sheikah wait so long to activate the Guardians? And more importantly, why is there even a Hyrule Castle and Castle Town for the Guardians to wreck? It should be Ganon's Castle built over the ruins of Hyrule Castle, and a ruined Castle Town, all shrouded in darkness. The Castle Town and Hyrule Castle we see being wrecked look perfectly fine, with living green trees and bushes.
There is a bit of info in the other thread that reveals a quest named: 'Complete the Hero of Time's destiny'
Considering that there are Fresh and Salt Water variants of Zora, is it possible that the Sea Zora's had stayed the same, while the River variant had evolved into the Rito in BOTW?
All the best Zelda games are in the Fallen Timeline.
Considering every canon incarnation of the Hero of Time is depicted as left-handed - even his ghost, the Hero's Shade - it's a weird detail to change for a game with no swordplay motion controls. I guess they can retcon it, but it bugs me. :/
Not like that's affected past Zelda games. Anyways, the HD rumble can still work with a left-handed Link by switching which motors are activated.
It's a detail they've preserved with consistency. Twilight Princess HD has the left-handed Link since everything's button presses, all artwork has him left-handed, so that's his canon handedness.
Whatever, they can just say the Hero of Time's ambidextrous, or it's a parallel universe.
Edit: But I still dont understand why there are some references to the great sea, unless upon failling the gods also flooded hyrule just like before WW.
There is a bit of info in the other thread that reveals a quest named: 'Complete the Hero of Time's destiny'
Press button with right hand to swing sword, left hand rumbles - could be seen as odd and might feel wrong, due to that disconnect. You may argue what about the shield, but the shield is a much more passive interaction, as you hold up the shield and get hit, not hit with it (unless shield bashing is a thing)
Don't they say, in OoT, that he has the spitting image of the Hero of Time? Meaning that, perhaps it's simply a title given to all the various Link's throughout the ages?
There was an ancient sea mentioned even in Skyward Sword. Hell, you actually sail through it!
Is it confirmed that OoT Link is the one and only "Hero of Time?"
Don't they say, in OoT, that he has the spitting image of the Hero of Time? Meaning that, perhaps it's simply a title given to all the various Link's throughout the ages?
There was an ancient sea mentioned even in Skyward Sword. Hell, you actually sail through it!
Is it confirmed that OoT Link is the one and only "Hero of Time?"
Don't they say, in OoT, that he has the spitting image of the Hero of Time? Meaning that, perhaps it's simply a title given to all the various Link's throughout the ages?
I see what you mean, looks like as long as HD rumble is a thing, Link will be right-handed from this point on.
Hyrule Historia is pretty consistent with naming OoT/MM Link as the Hero of Time. The others have names like Hero of Men, Hero of Winds, of Twilight, etc.
Nah, Hero of Time is 100% Ocarina of Time link.
Oh right, I forgot about that sea and I played SS.
I dont remember that bit about the hero of time, but someone else could defeat ganon and 'Complete the Hero of Time's destiny', doesnt have to be the same Link
There's also absolutely nothing wrong with ignoring the greater timeline. Nintendo never makes understanding the story of specific games contingent on it.
I haven't ever played a full Legend of Zelda game so I'm a stranger to the story details, but I wandered into this thread because I find the timeline stuff fascinating. Reading about it has brought me to a question:
Is Link a singular character (with multiple timeline versions), or is there actually more than one Link? I find references to a Link meeting a previous Link and I'm like...wut. Is it a title or reincarnation or something? Or did I just take a wrong turn and misunderstand?
If he were the Hero of Time, would it not be "Complete Your Destiny?"
Unless my speculation that this Link is in fact a clone is correct. What is it you collect at the trial shrines again?
In Skyward Sword the big bad evil guy is called Demise, and right at the end he cursed Link, Zelda and himself to be reincarnated through the ages and fight again and again.
That being said, it seems like there are some outliers like WW Link posibly not being a reicarnation (given that the hero was removed from that timeline by OoT Zelda), and the hero's shade being able to interact with his "reincarnation".
Spirit Orbs, apparently they're used to trade for key-items, and also to recover memories.
As far as the right-handed link is concerned. I saw a video mention that he seems to have broken his left arm at some point in the trailer (in the part where he's running with Zelda) and would explain the use of his right arm?
The 100 years of rest should've fixed his broken left arm, I think this Link is just naturally right-handed or ambidextrous. Not like it still can't be the Hero of Time, they can use the parallel universe excuse, or this is a different Link entirely.
It might be set after OoT. Hero of Time falls, Ganon obtains godhood, Zelda seals him, time passes, kingdom rebuilt, Skyloft is moved, Calamity Ganon breaks free.That makes no sense. It's not a matter of placement, but existence. If this is supposed to be a direct sequel of OoT it just doesn't work without seriously retconning that game. If it is the Imprisoning War but taking place with a new Link and Zelda years after OoT it requires serious retconning to the now official timeline, which is quite possible, but messy.
Skyloft would have been underground after SS. I think they mobilized it again to move the temple of time to a safer place.Using Skyloft? Could you elaborate? I am interested in what other people think about this.
In my eyes, the Great Plateau is the Isle of the Goddess or even Skyloft as a whole fallen to earth. At the same time, I feel like we aren't supposed to be making a big deal about "Old Castle Town vs New Castle Town." In the latest trailer, they show death and destruction raining down on Hyrule Castle Town with Hyrule Castle (the current one) looming over it. This tells me that the ruins of Hyrule Castle Town are right where they should be: right beside the castle.
The map doesn't say the Hero and Princess failed. It says they sealed Ganon. Although Link falls protecting her, Zelda does seal GanonAh I thought you were suggesting that it might be some precursor the the real Ganon/Ganondorf.
Yeah, it's clearly a different entity from Ganon but similar enough that it has the name Ganon. I think Zelda 2 AoL was all about preventing the resurrection of Ganon, but it might be possible that he came back in a different form after that. Who knows!
The translation of the map essentially says that the divine beasts and the guardians appeared to defeat Ganon after Link and Zelda failed. I don't know how to reconcile that with some of the cutscenes from the trailer though.
Zelda clearly goes to the Skyward Sword springs to seal Ganon the same way Demise was sealed. Zelda sealed demise for 100s of years with that seal.I'm curious as to who Link and Zelda are. Link has some connection to 100 years prior, but is also right handed, which may hint that he's not OoT Link.
Zelda seems to know him prior to the game starting ("Wake up Link"). She also appears to be bathing in Skyview Spring, which could mean Hylia is returning.
The map does not say the Sheikah were banished. It says they scattered. Zeltik's discord decided to say banished because they thought the pictures looked like the Sheikah were being banished but that's not what the text says.Salt Water Zoras are from Majora's Mask.
Majora's Mask!
So, I'm just gonna put my stuff into spoilers, as it has to do with the translation of the map.
Something that has always bugged me is something like the Sheikah, servants in secret to the royal family, not being many in number. This may be due to the lack of ability to properly show these hidden warriors in past game's technology. For all we know, perhaps there were many more Sheikah still present that helped to train Zelda during Ocarina of Time. The reason I bring this up, is because this piece of game merchandise directly references the Sheikah being many in number, but seems to take place after the establishment of Ganon as a force, which would mean it has to take place before OOT
It sounds like to me that the Sheikah were the ones to erect the 4 deities who sent a mechanical army out into the land. This frightened the king and the people, and thus he banished the Sheikah from the land, but the Sheikah have never been prominent in any of the games beyond Impa, which is why I posit that there have always been more we have not seen.
I imagine this has to take place in "hero falls" timeline, which means it either - takes place after OOT, Link is put to sleep (think about it, the hero of time, of course he is the one to be put in stasis for 100 years) and Sheikah have repelled the invasion from the Dark World, thus retconning the "Knights of Hyrule" maybe?
Or takes place after Zelda II... somehow *gives up*
The banishment of the Sheikah could also mean the beginning of the Twili, but it would take insane work to fit it into that timeline.
As a lefty, who looked up to Link and "played zelda" as a kid in his backyard partly because Link was left handed like him, it does matter. They don't give you the option to reverse it in the motion controlled games.
Press button with right hand to swing sword, left hand rumbles - could be seen as odd and might feel wrong, due to that disconnect. You may argue what about the shield, but the shield is a much more passive interaction, as you hold up the shield and get hit, not hit with it (unless shield bashing is a thing)
Gonna go on a limb and suggest that this is post Adventure of Link (at long last).
The appearance of what appears to be technological strides gives me pause, and makes me think that all of this went down in several eras after Z1/Z2 Link finally reunited the Triforce and Hyrule possibly enjoyed several ages of peace. We even see races like the Kokiri/Koroks, Sea Zora and Gorons reappear in this timeline, after being largely no shows from ALBW on down.
Certainly by this point in the "Fallen" Timeline branch, it's established that Ganon is more demon than man, and a few incomplete resurrections here and there have been hinted to continuously ebb away at his sanity and sense of self. The idea that he's come back again as "Calamity Ganon", which is more a force of nature than anything else, is something that I could definitely see.
Plus, with the way that they've been making for all of the "Zelda 1" throwbacks, I can't help but feel like that much is on purpose. We may be going back to that Hyrule, several centuries after the fact.
He's this way because he got the complete triforce. His wish overwhelmed him with godlike power and he became a demon. He's called a calamity, which is the same term used to describe him in ALttP. ALttP also describes him in the backstory as an evil energy/gas, which is what he looks like in BotW.Gonna go on a limb and suggest that this is post Adventure of Link (at long last).
The appearance of what appears to be technological strides gives me pause, and makes me think that all of this went down in several eras after Z1/Z2 Link finally reunited the Triforce and Hyrule possibly enjoyed several ages of peace. We even see races like the Kokiri/Koroks, Sea Zora and Gorons reappear in this timeline, after being largely no shows from ALBW on down.
Certainly by this point in the "Fallen" Timeline branch, it's established that Ganon is more demon than man, and a few incomplete resurrections here and there have been hinted to continuously ebb away at his sanity and sense of self. The idea that he's come back again as "Calamity Ganon", which is more a force of nature than anything else, is something that I could definitely see.
Plus, with the way that they've been making for all of the "Zelda 1" throwbacks, I can't help but feel like that much is on purpose. We may be going back to that Hyrule, several centuries after the fact.
The map doesn't say the Hero and Princess failed. It says they sealed Ganon. Although Link falls protecting her, Zelda does seal Ganon
The map does not say the Sheikah were banished. It says they scattered. Zeltik's discord decided to say banished because they thought the pictures looked like the Sheikah were being banished but that's not what the text says.
I'm thinking this flows into Wind Waker timeline. Breath of the Wild, Hero of Wind
I'm thinking this flows into Wind Waker timeline. Breath of the Wild, Hero of Wind
I also like to think that BotW also takes place after Zelda 2, but the only thing hurting that theory in my head is that Ganon can only be resurrect by the blood of the hero. Come to think of it though, who's to say that a Link after Zelda 2 "died" and his blood was used to resurrect Ganon quickly while the Sheikahs grabbed that Link in placed him in stasis to heal for 100 years.
It might be set after OoT. Hero of Time falls, Ganon obtains godhood, Zelda seals him, time passes, kingdom rebuilt, Skyloft is moved, Calamity Ganon breaks free.
This Link doesn't need to be the Hero of Time to complete the Hero of Time's legacy.
The Calamity Ganon might be a botched resurrection, devoid of any cognition whatsoever, since they couldn't get Link's blood.
I don't see this is following Wind Waker, maybe parallel to it on another timeline, but there's not enough room in the Adult Timeline due to the New Hyrule business.
In Skyward Sword the big bad evil guy is called Demise, and right at the end he cursed Link, Zelda and himself to be reincarnated through the ages and fight again and again.
That being said, it seems like there are some outliers like WW Link posibly not being a reicarnation (given that the hero was removed from that timeline by OoT Zelda), and the hero's shade being able to interact with his "reincarnation".
It's not really reincarnation though. It's the Spirit of the Hero and bloodline of Hylia. So it's more of a vague embodiment of those two original characters rather than literal reincarnation of their souls. Same for Demises hatred, Ganondorf is his own character, but he has the same kind of hated as Demise, not that he literally is Demise reborn or anything.
Outside of the games though Link is Link, Zelda is Zelda, Ganondorf is Ganondorf. Differentiating between the various game versions is largely just differentiating between art styles and aesthetics. The series greater lore, narrative and history are all just there to justify the reuse of those characters, settings and framework of events.