I don't know how people are possibly missing that it's a pig's head like Ganon always has. You can even see the yellow glow of the eye.
I'm pretty sure it is going to be both
I don't know how people are possibly missing that it's a pig's head like Ganon always has. You can even see the yellow glow of the eye.
This shot from the recent trailer made that even more clearly which is what confused me when I saw this fan art... how do people see it that way? It's clearly the shape of a pig head with a giant mouth that dissipates into the violent purple/red corruption cloud.I don't know how people are possibly missing that it's a pig's head like Ganon always has. You can even see the yellow glow of the eye.
I don't know how people are possibly missing that it's a pig's head like Ganon always has. You can even see the yellow glow of the eye.
I don't know about "pretty sure," but it would certainly be cool if it was a multi-form Ganon. Like Kefka's tower form from FFVI.I'm pretty sure it is going to be both
Let's go over this again.Wait why are you disagreeing with me? Was there an official LoZ timeline from Nintendo before that?
I have the distinct feeling that they're gonna try to tie this into the original LoZ somehow.
Currently guessing it'll either be before or after LoZ/AoL.
I've been trying to keep up with this; last I heard Aonuma confirmed that it's NOT in the Adult Child timeline, and shrugged off the Koroks being present as just a 'they look cool with the art style'.
But why are people saying it's after AoL? With the presence of the Deku Tree, the ToT, Hyrule Castle/Town ruins, wouldn't it make more sense to be higher up? Like in between LttP and OoT? Also, wasn't there a comment found that says something like "complete the hero of time's destiny"? I'm not seeing the logic behind it being tied to Zelda 2...which is almost a millennium after OoT.
And where does this Zelda fit on the series' timeline, in its chronology, split as that is into three separate yet connected branches?
I wouldn't say that it obviously fits into any one part of the timeline, but if you play the game, you'll be able to work out where it fits. As you probably saw in the trailer, the most recent trailer, there's a woman's voice, and she says: "The history of the royal family of Hyrule is also the history of the Calamity Ganon." And as you know, the Zelda series, up until now, is a history of repeated attacks by Ganon. So, there's food for thought there. I don't want to say anything more as I'd like players to work it out for themselves, to play the game and see what they think.
I've been trying to keep up with this; last I heard Aonuma confirmed that it's NOT in the Adult Child timeline, and shrugged off the Koroks being present as just a 'they look cool with the art style'.
But why are people saying it's after AoL? With the presence of the Deku Tree, the ToT, Hyrule Castle/Town ruins, wouldn't it make more sense to be higher up? Like in between LttP and OoT? Also, wasn't there a comment found that says something like "complete the hero of time's destiny"? I'm not seeing the logic behind it being tied to Zelda 2...which is almost a millennium after OoT.
I think ganon goes from flying pig form to more piglike standing man with horns in the scene where he is circling the castle
Being a lot like this firm from OT
Recent famitsu details seems to confirm or heavily imply some interesting points regarding characters. Has me more hyped
The bird people are Rito.Details?
Pretty sure its Adult Timeline now. The Koroks were already a major hint and now with the Rito, i can see this being set hundreds of years after ST
Occam's Razor would put it on the LttP timeline since that's the only one where there is a Hyrule decline (as opposed to complete destruction like in WW) and where we know a hero failed to stop Ganon.
Lazy question here: I haven't read the thread or anything else about this, is there any kind of consensus about what timeline it is?
IMO the downfall timeline needs some love.
I'm with you on this one Durock. It's either at the start or end of the downfall timeline and with Aunoma's comments I'd say end is likely. The fact we have a new race of birds that share their name with the race from WW suggests things sure, but the world, events and history we know so far suggest other things. We've also seen other races appear in other games or change apperance between games. Sure the Koroks and Rito are only in WW so far but if by the end of this game we learn that we are in the child timeline then I'll admit I was wrong and be a little disappointed.And three, it's inconsistent with Aunoma's comments where Ganon has been battled many times. He says it's easy to imagine where it takes place with that very hint, and that falls directly in line with a post-AoL where he has been fought many times.
Never has a post made more sense to me, this is great. We've actually never seen a full 3D game in the downfall timeline, the closest thing would be A Link Between Worlds. I also think the colouring and design of the Zora in BoTW may link to a split evolutionary path for then, one more blue and feathery and another more red and... what do fish have? Gills.In keeping with Occam's razor:
We've seen "100 years after OoT" games for Adult and Child timelines; we're due for one for the fallen timeline.
Just a easy as saying "Rito = WW timeline", is saying "Child timeline = Zoras remain", "Adult timeline = Rito", "Downfall timeline = both"
I've updated the OP with all current relevant information.
I don't remember but I don't believe there were any Zora in Wind Waker but if think about it, I guess a flooded Hyrule wouldn't effect them as much. So the Zora that went to the mountain top became Rito tribe and the ones that stayed underwater remained Zora.
He didn't definitively dismay it from the adult timeline but he did say that it takes place in a Hyrule that has been attacked many times by Ganon. He did 100% say that Korok's appear because he and the team thought they fit the art style perfectly and they decided to bring them over.I think Aonuma confirmed in an interview that this wasn't the adult timeline, and they just borrowed elements from TWW because they fit the art style.
"Champions Shirt" points to a post wind waker world.
that's quite a stretch. All it says is that it is a shirt given to those who have earned the respect of the royal family.
Is it really? We've only seen it in one game far I know. Seems fairly simple to me (which of course means I'm completely wrong). And all though there are signs to point to other timelines I'm riding with old Hyrule after the flood recedes.
OoT is pre timeline split so it being similar or having similar locarions and layouts would make sense. Downfall timeline post AoL is really the only place it could fit given the history of attacks from Ganon. Between OoT and ALttP would not have the history of attacks fro Ganon.I've advocated a post OoT pre ALTTP placement myself, but it's becoming pretty clear this has little relation to OoT and is very likely post-AoL. Aonuma has said as much with his comment about fighting Ganon "many times." None of the character bios reveal any connection to Ocarina either, although it has yet to be seen what additional backstory the game yields, of course.
The only thing that gets me is how much the map resembles that of OoT. We've seen them include landmarks from the original LoZ already, though, such as those twin mountains and Spectacle Rock. Maybe we'll see the 2 central lakes from LoZ in some fashion? But where were Deku Tree and everything else in the original 2 games? Will this game give a creative explanation to some of the discrepancies between the NES games and the 3D ones?
Adult timeline placement is awkward due to the whole New Hyrule and Spirit Tracks situation, not sure why they'd return to the Old Hyrule in ruins.
Whats bugs me with the post-AoL theory is that there are no more Koroks/Zoras/Rito/Gerudo species between OoT and ALTTP and it's all about Hylians. I find it hard to believe they come back. There are still some evidences to move the game between OoT and ALTTP (all the races are there, the Great Plateau contains remnants of OoT's ToT and market, castle has been moved in the center (like where it is in ALTTP), Master Sword being moved from ToT to Lost Woods by Zelda as seen in the trailer (like where it is in ALTTP), Ganon being a "spirit" that reincarnate in anyone's body (like all the games post-ALTTP), etc.). I know Aonuma spoke about a land attacked by Ganon multiple times, but he might wanted to stay vague to not tell any spoiler.
And if it is truly many centuries post-AoL, I think Nintendo wants to quit the Zelda Timeline and it's an easy way to do so.
This shot from the recent trailer made that even more clearly which is what confused me when I saw this fan art... how do people see it that way? It's clearly the shape of a pig head with a giant mouth that dissipates into the violent purple/red corruption cloud.
The shot of Link and Zelda with a Sheikah (defector?) laying on the ground is crazy. This game is gonna show us stuff we've never seen in Zelda before.