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Zelda Minish Cap: the map!


Check out (from one of the new videos from IGN), the map of Minish Cap!
It seems big enough to let us dream again!


I'm waiting for the Famitsu score. I hope for a score between 35~39.

Well, you can't really tell how big a Zelda game will be by just looking at a map, but it just looks like it's missing something. Like, Death Mountain or something. Maybe I'm just thinking that because I'm comparing it to the LttP map.
The map looks good. I can't wait to play this. BTW, what are those things to the left of the center, sheep?

Do The Mario said:
I think that’s a mountain or cliff faces in the top left?
I think your right. It looks like some kind of desert with cliffs.
Oni Link 666 said:
Well, you can't really tell how big a Zelda game will be by just looking at a map, but it just looks like it's missing something. Like, Death Mountain or something. Maybe I'm just thinking that because I'm comparing it to the LttP map.

Remember that you do shrink in this game. That makes parts of the map even bigger.
What I meant was that it looks like there should be more to the map on the top part. You can't even see the whole castle.

I wonder if they're going to do an Lttp or OOT type of quest with 3 dungeons at first and 7 or more later.
jarrod said:
I'm actually hoping they throw in Four Swords again as a bonus...

As long as they don't make you play it to unlock a dungeon again, I'm all for it. I played through the one in LttP twice and it's always hard getting people together to play it.
It should be the same Four Swords game... in the same way that the Mario Advance games have the same Mario Bros game. It increases the chances of finding a game...

that said.. it wouldn't hurt to have multipack Minish Cap Four Sword exclusive levels too.

I won't be surprised if there's no multiplayer at all.
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