It's hard to imagine the worst launch in terms of the first phase banner for the new update. It's like if they'd launched Nicole's banner instead of Ellen in 1.0. Oh well, I guess the thread is dead for the next 30 days.
I mean, Idk about anyone else in the thread, but I'm skipping absolutely everything pulls related (character, w-engines, bangboo) in the first Phase, as well as paid BP (still have 2 months worth of sub left so not buying that either). I've so much dannies, mats and and resources already, that it's literally pointless to buy BP, not to mention that by the time Evelyn will arive, I'll have probably double of what I already have which'll last me for the 6+ months at least since I only need to lvl up Evelyn and Lighter - poor Koleda, I feel bad for her promothing the store for the past 1,5 months farming fire mats, but that's okay, only one month left Sweet Pea, I promise

It's hard to care about past characters (especially if you have them already) and their stuff 6 months after release and waste polys and tapes on them. Like, I don't have 90% of sig W-Engines of the past characters and I don't care, their time has passed and there's no point anymore. New players? Sure. Me? Fuck no. Looking forward to Ellen's story though, hopefully it'll be interesting. Fishing and Fall Guys events look cool, hopefully it won't be time gated (I hate when they time gate stuff). Arcade games, endless tower, deadly assault and character costumes can fuck right off. New Lost Void 4 character challenge is crap in terms of rewards, plus I will never lvl up Billy beyond lvl 25 so I don't have to waste my time in this mode cuz of this reason alone.
Well, I guess the rant is over. That's what you get for releaseing Astra first, MHY