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Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward |OT| -- More Hours, More Persons, More Doors

This is going to be amazing when you will reach new endings. I can't wait for your reactions.

... So THAT'S what you were feeling all along PurpleMaster/Jintor/TheBatman/others veterans ?... More. I want MORE.

Yep, you really do feed off of it. I played the game with my sister the first playthrough and the extra reaction and person to talk about things with right away was awesome. 999 and VLR have helped us bond which is cool.

End of game Spoiler, careful
Can't wait for part 3! let if have Snake ;__;

K's ending is just wut...so is he sigma's clone? I get the old lady is Akane, I suspected it from the beginning...

Mind freaked, aren't you?
Keep going!


No not yet (havent hit a character ending yet, 15 hours in) but I'm thinking....
He unsettles me and seems to know too much...
I'll go through the Blue Door with K as I want to find out more about his story, but then the Green Door is the Garden which I did already so it should be easier....

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
K's ending is just wut...so is he sigma's clone? I get the old lady is Akane, I suspected it from the beginning...

Man that is not at all what I thought when I got that ending. I had gotten a couple To Be Continueds that gave me some ideas about Sigma that were incorrect though.
Man that is not at all what I thought when I got that ending. I had gotten a couple To Be Continueds that gave me some ideas about Sigma that were incorrect though.

Yes, they throw a lot of information at you actually. It was interesting seeing what was leading to something and what the red herrings were.

No not yet (havent hit a character ending yet, 15 hours in) but I'm thinking....
He unsettles me and seems to know too much...
I'll go through the Blue Door with K as I want to find out more about his story, but then the Green Door is the Garden which I did already so it should be easier....

I love the
B.Rabbit (it's what I call the Garden. ha) Anyway, Don't sleep on Quark. Even if he's sleeping a lot, himself. Mind open. :)


I'm stuck on the
Gaulem Bay room :( Theres a robot man in the room, and I found a rusty key, a chevron shaped thing, a nametag with Harold written on it, and a flat battery, but cant find anything else to help me like a power cable or work the control panel?. I found the poster on the wall, maybe thats an anagram of some kind...?
Some of the dialogue is hilarious, eg Alice in the lounge - "Look at this soft skin and gorgeous face. You want to touch it don't you boy?" XD
I'm stuck on the
Gaulem Bay room :( Theres a robot man in the room, and I found a rusty key, a chevron shaped thing, a nametag with Harold written on it, and a flat battery, but cant find anything else to help me like a power cable or work the control panel?. I found the poster on the wall, maybe thats an anagram of some kind...?
Some of the dialogue is hilarious, eg Alice in the lounge - "Look at this soft skin and gorgeous face. You want to touch it don't you boy?" XD

There are some
drawers under the computer with the cable! People often miss them.


OK! I'll search a bit more :)
It wouldnt let me pick up anything on the shelves, didnt see any drawers, will search about.. do you mean under the control panel?
That room drove me crazy too, particularly the whole [GAULEM bay]
drawer under the computer thing
. I did the security office today and I completely overthought the [security office]
passwords for each spot. I was combining letters from two stairs by mixing colors like how you enter chromatic doors, and I was trying different letter orders, using anagram generators, all that stuff, until I gave up and looked up the answer online ...Whoops.
I reached the lock-but-not-technically on that path (holy shit everything that leads up to that!!) but couldn't clear it yet, though.

On to the path I really didn't want to take, [??? path, AB first round]
betraying Luna in the first round, she's so nice. :(


GAULEM Bay is driving me crazy. Sorry as this is a silly question, but what on earth is the password for the tablet? I've tried everything I can think relating to the 12 robots, their eyes being lit etc, but nothing works. Is the name tag even relevant? The poster doesnt help either as there are more than 12 characters on it, but then again....
Pleased I solved the voltage puzzle but it took me AGES and drove me mad :(
Any clues?
Have you paid attention to WHICH eye of each robot is lit? Isn't it also quite a coincidence that there are the same number of robots as pairs of letters?


Yeah, I looked closely at that... and tried entering stuff like ROBLLR etc - I thought R could stand for Right, O for Off, B for Both, but it doesnt work... could the pairs of letters on the poster be an anagram? I cant get them to make sense.

I feel stupid :(
Try to think about what B, L, and R could each mean.

Edit: Oh, you're on the right track.
R does indeed mean right and B both.


Man that is not at all what I thought when I got that ending. I had gotten a couple To Be Continueds that gave me some ideas about Sigma that were incorrect though.
I think what the gaulem said has something to do with it...maybe he is in another person body? I noticed we don't ever see Sigma's face after the nonary game starts.


I'm wondering if
the Escape password (not the Gold file one which I just found which says Reminiscence) is a similar idea.. now what?


Completed the passwords now - phew!
What what WHAT
Now theres a cockney robot that speaks Japanese? I can see the option of having an English dub would be a benefit here - it just sounds weird hearing what is meant to be UK slang with a person speaking Japanese, but possibly even funnier xD


This game is fucking with my mind
I took the leftmost path and didn't find the old lady in the AB room but Sigma comments he was expecting someone to be there...

the same thing happened when:

I betrayed Jumpei once, Sigma got confused with the timelines and remembered that he betrayed him in the other timeline.


I thought that:
The Chinese Room thing was going to explain why the robot spoke British ( ;) ) - I mean, like the girl in the room, he may not really know what some expressions mean but somehow he learnt it, picked it up from somewhere - make sense? Maybe its your subconscious that just "learns" stuff?



Alice has been stabbed... poor Clover :( I have a crazy theory about Quark... maybe he IS Zero, or the soul of a mad person inside a kid's body... I remember in the infirmary he screamed he had to "Get out of this body..." :s
I like K and Luna, I hope they arent the killer.


(Left Path): So Tenmyouji and Dio claimed to make a deal with Zero eh? Not that I know who Zero is of course.
HOLY CRAP: THE AB Room was MOVED?!????
I dont want Luna to be the killer of Alice (one possibilty mentioned by Phi) but if we're going by 999 that fits the pattern of an Ace-like figure, trusting and friendly and then... I liked Luna :(
Would she really kill herself?
I dont like Phi very much, she seems a bit manipulative, IMO.


So I was motoring along, clearing story branches and getting endings and things. I had Dio's and Tenmyouji's endings along with a variety of Game Overs and some
unresolved To Be Continued's
. I had last saved just after completing the
Treatment Center
and had just finished voting in the AB Game thereafter when the game threw an error and booted me back to the 3DS menu.

Now when I try to load my save it goes black and locks up. That's 25 hours gone, and my options are to either a.)read the rest of the endings online or b.)wait a long time and try and forget most of the game before starting over. (Or, distantly, c.)hope for a patch)

Anyway it was fun while it lasted and I'm just sorry I didn't get more of my mind blown like some of the other folks here.


Go on, go on!
This is really just the beginning, my friend!

Its amazing, I'm 20+ hours in and feel like I just scratched the surface (not got 1 single character ending yet!) whereas in 999 I'd probably be reasonably close to the end of the game proper...
Now I got to:
the Security Room or something with Phi, with blank screens/monitors all sorts of foreshadowing - coloured steps - does this represent the order you go through doors? This feels like a "Final Boss" kind of room... reminds me of the Captain's Quarters in 999.
So I was motoring along, clearing story branches and getting endings and things. I had Dio's and Tenmyouji's endings along with a variety of Game Overs and some
unresolved To Be Continued's
. I had last saved just after completing the
Treatment Center
and had just finished voting in the AB Game thereafter when the game threw an error and booted me back to the 3DS menu.

Now when I try to load my save it goes black and locks up. That's 25 hours gone, and my options are to either a.)read the rest of the endings online or b.)wait a long time and try and forget most of the game before starting over. (Or, distantly, c.)hope for a patch)

Anyway it was fun while it lasted and I'm just sorry I didn't get more of my mind blown like some of the other folks here.

I feel really sorry for you... They should do something about this bug.
An advice... Let some time pass, then start the game again mashing A through it. Save only after endings and in the warehouse. You need to finish the game!

Heh, as you have seen, getting to a third room is somehow rare and you know you're going for some deep shit when you go on! sooner or later you'll get your character endings. For the time being, just check your locks from time to time and see if they turn green!


Is that spoiler safe for me? I dont want to highlight it in case it reveals what I havent seen yet....
Edit: *Highlights box anyway* Ah, thanks!
I'm on the last part of the smaller branch (left one) on the bigger left branch!
And this is from earlier but:
The bit where Zero 3 pretends to be crying is priceless and cracked me up xD


I found the
computer passwords fairly easily (read under the steps when you turn the light off) - but I dont know how to solve the puzzles. I hate those "limited moves" sort of puzzles (the one where you make the same shapes/colours as the stained glass windows) but I havent any more sand hourglasses besides the ywllow and red one, so I cant do that puzzle yet :s
The light looked like a lion eating the sun - the ninth lion? Hmmmm!
Now I'm up to Clover, Tenmyoji, K, and Dio endings, and, well

jesus christ

So I know from the GAULEM bay that there are human-looking robots around, and from what Phi says in Dio's ending I'm assuming she's one of them. Dio's story about murdering the old woman to infiltrate the game now makes sense except WHAT THE HELL the bizarre cult stuff?? I'm guessing K/Sigma's research was involved with the Myrmidons, but if that's the case then I'm not even gonna bother trying to figure out the timeline for that just yet (though Phi seems to indicate that there's a bunch of timelines). Crazy cult obsessed with cleansing the human race seems to point the finger at them being responsible for the Radical-6 outbreak, but that might just be me ascribing too much to one ending when I haven't even seen half of them.

So the facility seems to be where K/Sigma grew up, which would then also be the home of the Myrmidons, so after Zero locked it down Dio was sent to regain control and/or see what was going on? Part of me wonders if the K face reveal was a red herring, like it was Sigma hallucinating. Or Sigma isn't actually Sigma.

I don't actually want any answers, obviously. :p Considering how these games go, though, I'm guessing the vets in this thread enjoy reading half-baked theories and musings.

Also: is it normal for the memo screen to lag like crazy if you have a puzzle/the archive/both open behind it? I'm playing the Vita version.


Its OK I've done it now!
OK I did use a guide to help me a bit ;)
I did the "words on the screen to make a sentence" puzzle easier but I havent found the gold file yet....?


Holy shit man...
In the Security Room, Its like... time has slowed down and Phi isspeakingreallyfastsoitshardtoreadwhatshe'ssaying.... WTF happened?

Where can I find some of your funny GIFs? :D


@grim-tales: Hehehe... The game is full of surprises. You should get more infos in some paths which will allow you to understand what happened (or leave you even more confused - this game is confusing as hell, knows it, and loves to confuse you).

Also, I guess I'll try Ever 17, as soon as I can get my hands on it (it's not going to be an easy task I fear... Oh well, it will surely worth it).


Also was wondering about...
K and Zero III and the 3 laws thing... maybe Zero III isnt subject to the 3 robot laws, possibly K was but he had to break them when he punches Sigma/Phi (when going through the 9 door..?


Holy shit....
I can't wrap my head round this at all....
Unless one of the team pretended to be dead a la Ace... WTF is going on?! Everyone is dying/dead! Who killed them? Who...? Who?
And I havent been in the Rec Room yet properly (to solve any puzzles) but did notice the giant Zero xD


I forgot to get the gold file in the
security room
, bugger :(
There are two kinds of people:
those who get the true ending and vomit a wall of text, and those who just need to sleep, red eyed, thinking if what they saw was the truth or it was all an incredible dream...


Oh God...
I did ALL this, thinking I was getting somewhere and I just got "To Be Continued!"
Got no idea where I might have seen the id and password for the Director's Office though, I tried "I Was You, Will Be Me" and stuff, nothing.
Maybe I need more information in another time line.
Did I mention I love this game?


I was reading in the spoiler thread that Kyle switched switched place with someone at the end? I don't remember seeing him when Sigma and Akane were about to go to the moon.


I was reading in the spoiler thread that Kyle switched switched place with someone at the end? I don't remember seeing him when Sigma and Akane were about to go to the moon.

Did you get all the gold files? There's a secret ending!
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