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Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward |OT| -- More Hours, More Persons, More Doors


3DS charged up, back to VLR for me!
Is there anything you can buy to extend battery life for a UK 3DSXL? As I recall, the normal DS/Lite seemed to last a lot longer (10-14 hours or something?)
Put 3D off and turn off the wireless!
This should give you more time to spend!
Using headphones may increase duration, but I can't really say, I'm not sure...
If you're playing a 3DS game you can turn it on and off whenever you like. If you're playing a DS game you can turn it off whenever you want, but you must exit the game to turn it back on!
It's simple as that! :D
There's a lever on the right side of the 3DS!
Ahh, nice advice about the wireless thing, I totally forgot that is on all the time. Dunno if I just haven't played my 3DS and am remembering wrongly, but this game seems real hungry for my battery. Perhaps it is just because I am playing it so much, heh.


So, I got the following endings so far :
- Dio's Ending.
- Tenji's Ending.
- Clover's Ending : ... Well, related video. Also,
Clover's powers are absorbed when someone stronger than her is present ?

I love this game so much.


Ah I never realised the Wireless (the green light on the side of the 3DS) is on all the time, doh! I turned it off now.
Anyway, my first door....
I chose the Cyan door with Luna and Alice. Reminds me of the surgery room puzzle in 999... I think. And what the blazes is Schrodinger's Cat? I found a couple of.. things, but I dont know what I'm meant to do! :(


Ok. There's something reaaaaaally fishy here. It's about the first AB game (reaction about the votes, after each Ally/Betray, with the following doors : Cyan, Yellow, Magenta - also, a bit about 999) :

When I choosed "Ally" against Tenji, he choosed "Betray". However, with the knowledge that he would choose "Betray", I chose "Betray" the second time around (and Sigma himself says that he "knows" that Tenji would choose "Betray"). However, Tenji chose "Ally" when I chose "Betray". And now, the exact same deal happened with Alice, with Sigma himself "knowing" that she "should have" chosen "Betray" (he even yells at her about this for God's sake !!!... And now I have a long explanation on the mind-screw, with Sigma not even trying to hide he can rewind time... WHAT ?! WHAT THE HECK ?! The Cyan path is going to be confusing like HELL). How come they suddenly changed their votes when they shouldn't have ?! The only one who's constant is Luna.

... I'm getting an headache. Ok, now I'm sure this game is screwing with me.

... Ok, Sigma is losing it. He realizes that he's talking about rewinding time. Oh boy, and I thought 999 was confusing. In 999, we knew how it worked (well, at some point we learn it). I'm not quite sure it's the same thing here...
Ok, I need a scapegoat. Who's the weirdest member of our group ? Phi. Thus, it must be Phi's fault. But, is she hijacking Sigma ?... AARARRARRARARARRRRRG I can't even think straight !

And Dio chose "Ally" with Luna in this round.
Ok, I've definitly fallen into Cuckoo-crazy land. I'm expecting a carebear to chop my head off with an axe at this point, while singing "Meet me in St Louis".
Nohar, having done Clover's ending, you unlocked
K's ending
Good luck surviving the revelations!

As for grim-tales: believe me, you'll have a lot of time to think about
Schrodinger's Cat!
It's really important to the plot!
Nohar, having done Clover's ending, you unlocked
K's ending
Good luck surviving the revelations!


That's my favourite ending!

The catharsis... So good.


Oh boy, you're making me excited ! I can't wait to see the new endings !

Though, I got a great mind blast during the following path : Cyan + Red door, second AB game (spoilers) :

Well, since it was pretty obvious that I would suffer a Game Over if I chose Betray, I decided to Betray Phi, just so I could fill up the Flow chart. The polls revealed she chose Ally.

She then fustigated me, spitting latin sentences at me, threatening me to make me pay, even if it was the last thing she would do. I was thinking the same thing as Sigma at that time : I chose Betray by curiosity, without real motive, and, well, I guess I got what I deserved on that path.

So, obviously, I rewind time in order to choose Ally this time.
... Except that this time, right before I could vote, Sigma has a flashback of Phi yelling at him, promising revenge on him. It felt so ominous, I couldn't help but feel a chill down my spine. At this point, I was beginning to think that I screwed up - like, really screwed up, and that the game was willing to go to great lenghts to make me pay for my foolishness.
So, I was half-excited, half-worried, when I chose Ally.

... Oh crap. Phi was decided to get her revenge. She remembered everything. Well, I kinda knew what she was capable of this, but I didn't really expect her to "Jump" (well, both "Jumps" - seriously, I'm actually beginning to think that my hypothesis of her being a robot-esper not being so far-stretched after that - or an enhanced human being). Oh God, I REALLY screwed up, and I was going to pay for it. At this point, I was thinking that I locked myself in a bad ending and made my save unwinnable. Hopefully Sigma remembered everything too, so I was able to convince her to stop...

I wonder what would have happened if I did the reverse, Ally + Betray... Ironically, it seems that I unlocked a lock that way.

I love this game so very much.
I wonder what would have happened if I did the reverse, Ally + Betray... Ironically, it seems that I unlocked a lock that way.

I love this game so very much.

I can help you with that since it's what I've done! :D
I chose Ally, it was one of the first routes I did, mind. Phi chose Betray. I was yelling "BITCH!!!!!!", then she started saying that I chose Betray first and both me and Sigma were oblivious about what was going on. Then I hit the Lock...
I went back and chose Betray, seeing the scene that leads to the Game Over. Then, Sigma remembers and unlocks the Lock! Voilà!


Can anyone help me? I'm stuck! :( And I was doing so well not using a guide! :(

So I went through the Cyan door with Alice and Phi, there are 4 creepy rooms with phones in and some outlines of people on the bed (in one room theres a poster where you scratch the silver bits off a pin-up, I bet Sigma liked that xD ) - and hearing Zero 3 on one of the phones was pretty creepy :eek: But I havent got one of the passwords for the locker, does anyone know what the password for the locker in Room 1 is? I did that thing where you match up the patterns with the mirror but cant find any more clues :(

Thankyou! ^^
Can anyone help me? I'm stuck! :( And I was doing so well not using a guide! :(

So I went through the Cyan door with Alice and Phi, there are 4 creepy rooms with phones in and some outlines of people on the bed (in one room theres a poster where you scratch the silver bits off a pin-up, I bet Sigma liked that xD ) - and hearing Zero 3 on one of the phones was pretty creepy :eek: But I havent got one of the passwords for the locker, does anyone know what the password for the locker in Room 1 is? I did that thing where you match up the patterns with the mirror but cant find any more clues :(

Thankyou! ^^

The code for the number 1 locker is the numbers on the poster! If you tried to match them up and didn't work, maybe you should look at how the shapes are oriented... Hope this helps! :D


Thanks! Got that one now and found the Gold file, but now
the lockers locked again, WTF? :s Maybe I have to swap numbers around?
omg that gave me so many problems when I started the game. I thought the game was broken or something. lol

It turned into a continuing trend throughout the game, so keep that in mind for Gold files and such.


... Dear God. And I thought this game couldn't mess more with my mind.
Spoilers about the following endings : K, Dio, Tenji, Clover, Alice, Sigma :

White blood. At this point, plus the fact that I saw what happened during a Betray choice leading to a Game Over, I was convinced that my very first theory posted in this topic was spot-on : Sigma was a robot. K's ending didn't help in that regard, leading me to "WTF"ing like crazy.

And now, with Sigma's ending, I just discovered, that, no, Sigma is not a robot. Only his arms are. It's highly probable the "switch" occured during the time Sigma was asleep.

Well played Aksis, well played.

Sooooo... Who's K ? At this point, he's either a Robot, either a cloned version of Sigma (I mean, look at Dio...).

There's a very good chance Luna is a complete robot too... Somehow, I feel a lot of pity for her :-(

... And, well, either Phi is a robot too, either she had her legs replaced, just like Sigma had his arms replaced.

Also, Dio is still a dick.

Did I mention I love this game ?


I just got to a part where:

I have to play the 1st (?) AB Game and pick Ally or Betray, or something. Phi doesnt seem a very warm person, but I dont want to pick Betray, I'll choose Ally methinks.
Hahahaha, Nohar, if you think you got enough WTFs, be VERY prepared! ;)
You're only missing a few endings now!
It's really good to see someone appreciate this much the game!

grim-tales, I've seen that you've the tendency to get stuck in rooms. Please, don't save in the PEC room, don't do it!!!



I lost my jaw. For the last time. I'm not sure I will be able to find it ever again. All endings unlocked and watched (and I mean all endings, including that one. You know the one).

Incidentally, I'm pretty sure my brain doesn't work normally anymore.

I've become one of you. I'm now stuck on the same side as you. I can't go back. I can't replay VLR anymore. Because I know. Like you.

This game... Heh, can I still call it simply a "game" at this point ? This experiment changed me. I will never be the same.

I crave for the same thing as you. I've been infected. There's no cure... For now, at least. I must wait for it, just like you.

Tu fui, ego eris.
Wow, that sound terrifying and intriguing. I'm about 8 hours in and have only really just scratched the surface and unearthed more questions then answers at the moment. I'm very much enjoying it, but I can't seem to make any sense out of anything thus far.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Wow, that sound terrifying and intriguing. I'm about 8 hours in and have only really just scratched the surface and unearthed more questions then answers at the moment. I'm very much enjoying it, but I can't seem to make any sense out of anything thus far.

Did you play 999 yet?

If so, good.

If not, stop, go play 999.



I lost my jaw. For the last time. I'm not sure I will be able to find it ever again. All endings unlocked and watched (and I mean all endings, including that one. You know the one).

Incidentally, I'm pretty sure my brain doesn't work normally anymore.

I've become one of you. I'm now stuck on the same side as you. I can't go back. I can't replay VLR anymore. Because I know. Like you.

This game... Heh, can I still call it simply a "game" at this point ? This experiment changed me. I will never be the same.

I crave for the same thing as you. I've been infected. There's no cure... For now, at least. I must wait for it, just like you.

Tu fui, ego eris.
Now go play Ever 17. You probably won't like it nearly as much at first, but don't you dare quit before the true end, you absolutely will not regret it.
Ok. There's something reaaaaaally fishy here. It's about the first AB game (reaction about the votes, after each Ally/Betray, with the following doors : Cyan, Yellow, Magenta - also, a bit about 999) :

When I choosed "Ally" against Tenji, he choosed "Betray". However, with the knowledge that he would choose "Betray", I chose "Betray" the second time around (and Sigma himself says that he "knows" that Tenji would choose "Betray"). However, Tenji chose "Ally" when I chose "Betray". And now, the exact same deal happened with Alice, with Sigma himself "knowing" that she "should have" chosen "Betray" (he even yells at her about this for God's sake !!!... And now I have a long explanation on the mind-screw, with Sigma not even trying to hide he can rewind time... WHAT ?! WHAT THE HECK ?! The Cyan path is going to be confusing like HELL). How come they suddenly changed their votes when they shouldn't have ?! The only one who's constant is Luna.

... I'm getting an headache. Ok, now I'm sure this game is screwing with me.

... Ok, Sigma is losing it. He realizes that he's talking about rewinding time. Oh boy, and I thought 999 was confusing. In 999, we knew how it worked (well, at some point we learn it). I'm not quite sure it's the same thing here...
Ok, I need a scapegoat. Who's the weirdest member of our group ? Phi. Thus, it must be Phi's fault. But, is she hijacking Sigma ?... AARARRARRARARARRRRRG I can't even think straight !

And Dio chose "Ally" with Luna in this round.
Ok, I've definitly fallen into Cuckoo-crazy land. I'm expecting a carebear to chop my head off with an axe at this point, while singing "Meet me in St Louis".

Order of the Stick fan, I take it?


I lost my jaw. For the last time. I'm not sure I will be able to find it ever again. All endings unlocked and watched (and I mean all endings, including that one. You know the one).

Incidentally, I'm pretty sure my brain doesn't work normally anymore.

I've become one of you. I'm now stuck on the same side as you. I can't go back. I can't replay VLR anymore. Because I know. Like you.

This game... Heh, can I still call it simply a "game" at this point ? This experiment changed me. I will never be the same.

I crave for the same thing as you. I've been infected. There's no cure... For now, at least. I must wait for it, just like you.

Tu fui, ego eris.

Can I quote you on this getting others "infected" by the Uchikoshi Goodness™, too?


I feel like I have hit a twist/revelation and my head is full of fuck.... now I dont know what to think....

First Phi says they have to choose Betray as theres no way of knowing whether Alice will pick Ally. That was the first WTF. I dont want to do that.
Then Sigma has a flashback (?) where he seems to have met Phi before and a bomb goes off, Phi hugs Sigma and says "Thankyou", maybe he had a memory erase? He's never experienced any of this before. Holy shit....
I think Phi knows more than shes letting on?


Order of the Stick fan, I take it?

Can I quote you on this getting others "infected" by the Uchikoshi Goodness™, too?

You are spot on ^^ I've been a big fan of OOTS for quite a while.
For the second part : sure :D

@PKrockin: If I manage to get it, sure :)

@grim-tales: Oh God, you have absolutly no idea of what's awaiting you... I envy you.


Hello GAF! Is there any way to skip all the puzzle sections? I read that the passwords work permanently, but all the passwords I found online were apparently false (or you can't skip the sections just with the passwords?).

I'm playing on Vita.
It's not that the passwords are false, but the passwords are randomly generated for each save file to prevent exactly what you're trying to do.


The camera seems fine for me - the controls seem easier than in 999 as you don't have to switch between the birds'eye map anymore.


Oh my...
Zero III pretending to cry is hilarious and sad at the same time xD The use of "sad" music aping 999's moving moments is brilliantly sarcastic xD
Next time I play I'll choose betray then... hmmm. I thought trusting Alice would help me :(


Can anyone help with:

The puzzle in the garden? I've made the lever thing that makes it nightime etc, but how do I enter the passwords? :s


Can anyone help with:

The puzzle in the garden? I've made the lever thing that makes it nightime etc, but how do I enter the passwords? :s

Turn the lights back on? Unless you mean getting the passwords then...

My memory sucks but I think it's order of stars you see and the other password is by size of stars.


Oh I get it! Thanks :)
The first time I did it I wasnt watching the scene closely enough so didnt notice the size, and could only see 4 of them when looking closer - doh! Also....
Just read about the return of Ice-9, wonder if Alice is the "Alice" from 999 then?
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