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Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward |OT| -- More Hours, More Persons, More Doors


Finally finished Ever17, though I think I have to take a while to gather the bits and pieces of my mind around before start VLR.

Pretty incredible story, eh? Now, help me convince these lazy bums to play Ever17.

Also, you may want to hold off on reading the safe archives in VLR, some were saying they can contain spoilers. I completely forgot to read them myself :p


Pretty incredible story, eh? Now, help me convince these lazy bums to play Ever17.

Also, you may want to hold off on reading the safe archives in VLR, some were saying they can contain spoilers. I completely forgot to read them myself :p

Hah, incredible doesn't even start describing it. It's a lengthy one and it really pays off in the last route so I can see it being pretty hard to get someone to read it.

Well I guess I shouldn't read them then. Half of the fun in revelations and plot twists is the way how the characters seem to have the same shocked reaction the player has.


Sigma loves Luna!
Sigma loves Luna!
Sigma loves Luna!

I admit I kind of expected this, but I don't want it to happen... reminds me too much of Zero=June from 999, and it was theorised nearer the start of the game too.
Besides if Luna comitted murder she'd be breaking the 3 laws.
Pretty tragic story though - I DIDN'T expect Sigma would forego a chance to escape! :eek:


Sigma loves Luna!
Sigma loves Luna!
Sigma loves Luna!

I admit I kind of expected this, but I don't want it to happen... reminds me too much of Zero=June from 999, and it was theorised nearer the start of the game too.
Besides if Luna comitted murder she'd be breaking the 3 laws.
Pretty tragic story though - I DIDN'T expect Sigma would forego a chance to escape! :eek:
Best ending of the game, I was crying the whole time ;_;


I havent quite got to the end yet, but it did remind me of 999/Astro Boy (Nuka's story) etc, a bit - eg the mastermind is a love interest... relieved to find out Luna didnt commit murder though.. but I think it shows me that whether you bond and trust with someone is more important in a relationship than whether the girl is hot.
OK.. it helps... ;p But losing that trust is the worst feeling in the world.. and when I've had to betray Luna, I felt like I'd stabbed in the heart :( So far Luna's ending is beautiful :(
The old woman is Akane/June, I'm sure of it... but I still don't know who Zero 3/Sr. are


Thought about Dio:

Didn't Dio say he made it look as if he was a 'participant' in the game to try and stop what Zero Sr. was doing? But wouldnt that mean he was really a good guy, and on my side? I mean, all of us want to stop Zero. But he seemed a crazy evil asshole TBH :s


Luna's ending was so sad! I was crying :( Beautiful *cries* I felt awful that she wanted to disobey and felt responsible for what happened (4 murders) but couldn't do anything.
When Luna hugs you, my heart melted :(
I felt so bad for her when she said she broke the 1st law (allowing a human to come to harm)

My opinion of him hasnt changed, he's a bastard, he has killed 4 people


Just had a thought about Luna:
She's a GAULEM right, and has white blood like Sigma I assume? But in the Clover ending she has red blood?!
And wouldnt Luna be the woman's voice on that recording the gang found from the Nevada site?


Just had a thought about Luna:
She's a GAULEM right, and has white blood like Sigma I assume? But in the Clover ending she has red blood?!
And wouldnt Luna be the woman's voice on that recording the gang found from the Nevada site?

Luna is covered in blood, but it doesn't have to be her own blood. ;)
And yes, it's Luna's voice in the recording. Or rather it's the voice of the human Robo-Luna is based on.


Why didnt the old lady realise that Luna's 'programming' would conflict with the 3 Laws? I think Luna wanted to be nice and she showed that, the writing in her ending was beautiful :( I didnt really guess she was a robot beforehand (though Sigma's ending got me thinking....)


Why didnt the old lady realise that Luna's 'programming' would conflict with the 3 Laws? I think Luna wanted to be nice and she showed that, the writing in her ending was beautiful :( I didnt really guess she was a robot beforehand (though Sigma's ending got me thinking....)

If you're familiar with Asimov's laws of robotics, you'll know that there's a 0th law (no direct relation to Zero Escape's "Zero"s) that takes precedence over the first three. This will be noted at some point in VLR as well.

FWIW, early on (when I first visited the Gaulem Bay) I knew one of the characters had to be a gaulem, but I really thought it would be Phi until I saw Sigma's ending (and then Luna's ending, of course). Phi's high jump introduction, coupled with her "I'm no man!" statements and her extra knowledge, as well as her resemblance to Santa, made her suspicious in my book.


Yeah I thought it might be Phi as well - she was suspicious to me because she knew stuff she shouldn't, could jump really high... I mean maybe she was just athletic but no one can jump THAT high...


Thanks! ^^

I completed
Luna's ending but havent unlocked Lock 10 yet (cant see it on the chart), mind you I have gone through Lock 9 yet even though I "unlocked" it, maybe thats it....

I'll take a break for a bit and then start from
the red door
to perlong my experience a bit (final push) and get the Gold file in the
director's office


Ah shieet, tried to do the Tenmyouji ending first and apparently hit a story lock with
Dio being an asshole and Sigma dying, oh fuck oh fuck I hate that asshole

e: no wait that was Quark ending. I should be able to do Tenmyouji ending now.


Tenmyouji? Yeah, that's my first. Haven't had much time to play the past few days but I should have all day today.

Or rather, it will be. I still have an hour or two to go til I actually get the ending. Decided to do it first since someone told me as the most crashes occur in the PEC room.

As a side note, I really like the 3d models and environments. More VNs should adopt 3D graphics. Or at least 3D environments.


Ahah, I know the feeling when someone is just starting the game you've already played most or all of. It feels bad but also, at the same time, so great.

Anyway, I'm thinking I'll just finish the routes from left to right. So that would be
Luna, Dio, Clover, Alice, Sigma, K, Quark and finally, Phi.

(yes i did use a flow chart yadda yadda)

I really like the one song that reminds me of Max Payne

e: can't find it goddamn it


I was once just like you... :p I want to make my remaining endings last as long as I can, which seem to have come very fast....
I feel bad it may be a long wait for the third game :(


Yeah, I'm afraid of that too. On the other hand, I've waited 7 years already for Kingdom Hearts 3 so I guess I can take anything now :V

Oh ooh, just got to the lock at Ten's route, now I get the gist of it..
"I just knew it.." awesome!
I have a feeling the last routes are going to be a bit complicated lol

Oh hey grim, have you played Ever17?


I was once just like you... :p I want to make my remaining endings last as long as I can, which seem to have come very fast....
I feel bad it may be a long wait for the third game :(

Is that why you've been progressing painfully slowly through this game? lol, once I started getting character endings I pretty much played for 9 hours straight. You have more far more willpower than me.


Yeah, I'm afraid of that too. On the other hand, I've waited 7 years already for Kingdom Hearts 3 so I guess I can take anything now :V

Oh ooh, just got to the lock at Ten's route, now I get the gist of it..
"I just knew it.." awesome!
I have a feeling the last routes are going to be a bit complicated lol

Oh hey grim, have you played Ever17?

No I'm afraid not - I've love to though - I found a link somewhere but couldnt get it to work - but recently bought some more DVDs so may try again. I wouldnt spend $200 on it (current marketplace prices) :eek:


Is that why you've been progressing painfully slowly through this game? lol, once I started getting character endings I pretty much played for 9 hours straight. You have more far more willpower than me.

Yeah, thats probably it :) My fear is the whole experience coming to an end, emotional attatchments and all :( Mind you, I was like this when 999 ended, and then VLR came eventually, so hopefully the 3rd game will be worth the wait.
I don't see why it wouldnt come to EU, releasing the 2nd game over here (I guess RSG saw how many had imported 999) but not the 3rd wouldnt make sense, IMO.
Just realised I've been playing for 60 hours :eek:


No I'm afraid not - I've love to though - I found a link somewhere but couldnt get it to work - but recently bought some more DVDs so may try again. I wouldnt spend $200 on it (current marketplace prices) :eek:

Definitely play it if you get the chance. The routes needed to get to the true route are long and honestly, aside from the romances, not that interesting, but when you get to the true route the shit starts hitting the fan in a way you have never seen. It's like 999's story squared, there's just so much stuff going on it's goddamn crazy. You OWE yourself to play it if you liked 999 and VLR. You can read my impressions in the VN thread.


Ten and Quark you fucking scumbags!

Clover too
goddamn it (oh but good old root beer float)

e: ah yeah it would have been Quark's if I hadn't hit a story lock

Hah oh man those moments when the AB game results are given are thrilling

e2: aww yes morphogenetic sorrow, or a remix of it in the credits - she's a keeper!

anyway, got my first ending now, Ten's. Took me 7 hours, which is a.. Well, perfect length. Long enough to get me emotionally invested but short enough to not get boring. Nothing too outrageous yet,
the termite, radical-6 and 6 billion people dying were very intriguing though, so I'm expecting they are all major plot points.
Loving the game so far, the characters are so good - except for Dio. Fuck you Dio!

Going to start my next playthrough either later today or early tomorrow, whenever I can. Need to socialize here and there you know :V


Definitely play it if you get the chance. The routes needed to get to the true route are long and honestly, aside from the romances, not that interesting, but when you get to the true route the shit starts hitting the fan in a way you have never seen. It's like 999's story squared, there's just so much stuff going on it's goddamn crazy. You OWE yourself to play it if you liked 999 and VLR. You can read my impressions in the VN thread.

I heard there was a remake (?) on the 360 but its not as good as the PC version, maybe I could pick up a cheap 360 and try it, but will try the link again.. (not sure why it wont save on my computer...)
BTW I also hate
Dio - FUCK HIM, what a complete bastard :x I wish I'd gotten his ending later though as it pretty much reveals he is a villain, at least Ace kept it hidden...

In Luna's ending
why didnt Sigma give her the antidote to the poison? Maybe I'll learn that later
The Ever17 remake on Xbox360 is only in japanese, you know? :)
It doesn't add that much to the experience, though! They even made a strange choice that somehow makes it easier to understand one of the core plot twists:
Tsugumi is dressed differently in 2017 and 2034


Ah OK I didnt know the remake was only Japanese.
I kept having problems trying to run Ever 17 it kept asking me for Disc 2 (I dont get why I couldnt just download the whole thing) and it didnt work..


BTW, I'm only guessing but I think ZE3 may come out in English in late 2014
999: Late 2010
VLR: October/November 2012
ZE3: 2014/15?.. that is, if we go by roughly a 2 year turnaround for each title. Perhaps some news is a few months away, as I first heard about VLR in August 2011, now, if we count 2 years from that....


Tsugumi is dressed differently in 2017 and 2034

You have got to be kidding me. Please tell me you are.

Ever17 SPOILERS don't goddamn click them

I mean holy shit, they intentionally tried to
lead us to believe Kid and Takeshi were clones of each other
and all that clever shit. I think I caught on in my fourth playthrough, which was Kid's
Sara route.. Till then I had believed that Coco dies in some ditch in Kid's routes, and Sara in Takeshi's routes and I felt like shit :V

oh yeah sorry ot lol
I got this for my birthday yesterday!

Just finished my first playthrough.

clover ending?..

Anyway, I haven't played any previous games in this series,

any tips/advice/suggestions as to how you're supposed to play this game?

I've noticed some buttons like flow that I haven't really used yet.



Dialogue and interactions CHANGE based on previous playthroughs?!
Hey, guy! You can use the flowchart to jump wherever you want, don't start from the beginning!
And yes,
sometimes dialogues may change... The player isn't the onlty oner to know things... :)
My 3DS just crashed and when I try to load my save game I just get a black screen... :(



Ah OK I didnt know the remake was only Japanese.
I kept having problems trying to run Ever 17 it kept asking me for Disc 2 (I dont get why I couldnt just download the whole thing) and it didnt work..

Sorry OT :)

BTW, I'm only guessing but I think ZE3 may come out in English in late 2014
999: Late 2010
VLR: October/November 2012
ZE3: 2014/15?.. that is, if we go by roughly a 2 year turnaround for each title. Perhaps some news is a few months away, as I first heard about VLR in August 2011, now, if we count 2 years from that....

FYI, you may want to remove that link. Not sure whether the english translation of E17 can be considered abandonware, or if the piracy policy applies...


Sadly there is a nasty bug in the 3DS version. :(
Try to avoid saving in any escape rooms (especially the PEC) and you shouldn't encounter the bug.


Ten and Quark you fucking scumbags!

Clover too
goddamn it (oh but good old root beer float)

e: ah yeah it would have been Quark's if I hadn't hit a story lock

This is exactly how I played my first time through,
Quark lock, then Tenmyouji
. Honestly, it revealed a metric ton of stuff to me. As goes for any attentive player.
Yo I just played the following route:

magenta door: ally Luna, ally luna

And I arrived at:

The computer in the director's room with the lions eating the sun

Am I supposed to know what to do here?
Yo I just played the following route:

magenta door: ally Luna, ally luna

And I arrived at:

The computer in the director's room with the lions eating the sun

Am I supposed to know what to do here?

Nope. You'll know when you have the required information to proceed past that part, but here's a hint for how to acquire said information:

K and Sigma endings.


I was scratching my head at that as well when I first got it..
Sigma says "I had seen that ID and password before" and I was like "WTF no I haven't! :D
I just reached the end for

General observations/remarks:

It's nice that there was at least 1 magenta line-end I could finish
without the need for passwords or to-be-continue'd things.

I'm also finally reaching the point where I feel like questions are being answered.

A random question I'm genuinly curious about: is it important to unlock the game overs as well? I tend to know what'll lead to a game-over, but I've been unlocking them anyway for the sake of completion. They don't really seem to add much to the story though. Am I seeing that the wrong way?


I just reached the end for

General observations/remarks:

It's nice that there was at least 1 magenta line-end I could finish
without the need for passwords or to-be-continue'd things.

I'm also finally reaching the point where I feel like questions are being answered.

A random question I'm genuinly curious about: is it important to unlock the game overs as well? I tend to know what'll lead to a game-over, but I've been unlocking them anyway for the sake of completion. They don't really seem to add much to the story though. Am I seeing that the wrong way?

Some of the game overs have some cool twists, but they don't ever have any information you wouldn't have known otherwise. I got them all, they only take an extra 5 or 10 minutes usually.


Oh snap, just got
ending and it
was actually pretty good! I was so sure he'd betray Sigma and Phi and do some asshole stunt. It was also a ton more interesting than Ten's, so much new information.

It's 0:24am so I probably shouldn't start a new playthrough right now :v
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