If you have the stomach for it (more on that later) Scott Benson, Holowka's former collaborator on NITW has penned an excruciatingly lengthy piece on Medium, link is
here if you are interested in the gory details what a "monster" he was....
I must admit to nearly bursting a bloodvessel reading it, so I really ought to go back and check I'm not missing anything before I give a really considered opinion.
Gut reaction though is that Benson is a pretty despicable, pathetic, character. That's what stands out to me after reading, not Holowka's many failings.
The gist of it is him describing a 6 year relationship with Holowka over which: "He was, depending on when you asked, my friend, my collaborator, a nightmare, the origin of my PTSD, and the reason I was in therapy. Sometimes all of those at the same time."
I'm not going to recount more than that in terms of specifics, because the important stuff lies in what Benson doesn't say, do, or did. I'm just going to bullet-point it out, or I'll be hear all night.
* Most notably at no point does he take any responsibility for his own conduct, or the implicit bias of having his wife involved in the mix.
* In fact if you actually read carefully, he's not present to witness much in the way of misbehavior, because Holowka is in Montreal whereas Benson and his wife are in Pittsburgh.
* Despite by his own admission having minimal skills and experience going into game-dev, he talks about the project as if he's painting the sistine chapel. The stench of self-importance is absolutely choking especially if you've ever worked on a game. He talks as if he's trapped together with Holowka, when the obvious reality is that at any point he could simply minimize his involvement or simply step-away.
* The reason I suspect he didn't is simply down to the fact that (1) he lacked the skills to do anything else, (2) and was relying on Holowka to do the actual work of making the game. Of course this is twisted in his narrative to Holowka entrapping and exploiting him.
* It doesn't help when Benson frequently makes passive-aggressive comments about Holowka being wealthy, it reeks of envy.
* Let me stress this again: this guy is blaming a man who lives in another fucking country for giving him PTSD.
"I began going to therapy weekly. I got on anxiety meds. The therapist was shocked at how much responsibility for Alec’s moods and actions I’d taken. He hammered home over and over how I’m not responsible for what Alec did. I knew that. I did. But I still feel that I am responsible for all of what Alec did, I feel it somewhere, quietly, even now, as I write this. It’s absurd.
That’s one of the things abuse does to you. "
What. The. Fuck?
Hey Scott, here's a thought, what's really absurd is that you still aren't taking responsibity for your actions. You are still displacing it all onto a dead man.
This by the way is just referencing the first third of this narcissistic epic. And I'm done. Its just unbearable.