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Zoe Quinn #meToo / Alec Holowka suicide -- Update: Article questions ZQ's account of events (link in OP)


A dozen people stood around and watched her get raped? No. They can corroborate things around that time and the setup. That's all.

Granted I should have been more specific, I'm not saying a dozen people watched the alleged assault. But if there are people close to this that witnessed related events unfold they would surely be chiming in around about now to add some credence to this.


No it's not common to her, but common for the reactions in this forum. Guess, what's the more concerning one...
Still can't dismiss the notion when looks can definitely contributes on convincing arguement/statement. Can't beat the law of nature, where looks are "everything".

Her history also doesn't help either, obviously.
The majority here are sensible posters that are casting doubt on her past actions. It's a select few who attack the looks and these are the repeat posters. This is actually a pattern that you've mistaken as common for the forum when it really isn't.
So, it's a... vocal minority?:unsure:

Still can't dismiss the notion when looks can definitely contributes on convincing arguement/statement. Can't beat the law of nature, where looks are "everything".

Her history also doesn't help either, obviously.
For real now?
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So why is the r word in the title OP? I’m just seeing “sexual assault” mentioned by her, which seems vague. Could be a date gone wrong could be he called her a bad name who lot of things file under it. Maybe I missed the r word but I didn’t actually see it in these latest posts

But the image she is painting, this 32 year old hiding in a bathroom from someone she lives with, then still writing him a “cordial email” afterwards - does she have zero self respect? She just hid in a room for a month waiting for the roommate to help her out? Who is this roommate, why are they cool with this situation?

None of this really makes any sense. The more u think about it the more it stinks
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My understanding is that it's much harder to demonstrate assault when it occurs in the context of an ongoing sexual relationship, to which Zoe openly admits. Moved in with him too. Whether the accusations are true, the deck's stacked against her.


So, it's a... vocal minority?:unsure:

For real now?

To be fair, she is a horrific looking woman.
So I can see why people would mention it.

She gives me flashbacks to my younger days.
Waking up and looking at the "beauty" beside you and thinking "oh jeez I need to sort my life out" as the memories of Mary from High School, the perfect one that got away, come flooding back. Then the unspeakable monster of the deep by your side stirs, the whiff of greasy old kippers hits your nose, and you feel like you just want to cry. You just hope that none of your buddies saw you with her (they did).

It's probably an even worse with ZQ as every guy who ever even went on a date with her now lives in a perpetual state of anxiety thinking "is today the day". Trembling as they log into Twitter.

Is that the kind of thing you were looking for? :)
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To be fair, she is a horrific looking woman, so I can see why people would mention it.

She gives me flashbacks to my younger days.
Waking up and looking at the "beauty" beside you and thinking "oh jeez I need to sort my life out" as the memories of Mary from High School, the perfect one that got away, come flooding back. Then the unspeakable monster of the deep by your side stirs, the whiff of greasy old kippers hits your nose, and you feel like you just want to cry. You just hope that none of your buddies saw you with her (they did).

It's probably an even worse with ZQ as every guy who ever even went on a date with her now lives in a perpetual state of anxiety thinking "is today the day". Trembling as they log into Twitter.

Is that the kind of thing you were looking for? :)
Not quite, but still... yeah, that is pretty shallow thinking, if I read that correct. :)


nah, it was purely an accident based on search results. And then I saw the replies.

maybe some people here need to take a step back and look from the outside. the reactions posted here are super alarming and disappointing. It’s quite unbelievable how far things have gone.

What's alarming about them? It strikes me that most people here are saying they're skeptical about the situation, not outright calling her a liar.
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One of the most important rules in life every teenager needs to learn: Never, under any circumstances, no matter how horny you are, no matter how long of a dry spell, never, ever, ever fuck crazy.

This wasn't true a few years ago, in fact it was the opposite. You should ALWAYS fuck crazy. Crazy chicks do fucked up things. Problem is nowadays they can accuse you of anything and you're boned if they do so yeah it's not worth it anymore. Back in the day? It was glorious!


Using social media to accuse anyone of a crime is an automatic red flag to me. It requires no proof and gets the majority of the public on your side. You can quickly ruin someone’s life and career, all without that pesky burden of proof.
Not to mention it can totally backfire, so why even take the risk? It's just not worth it at all.

Some people used the, "Well, I wouldn't know what to do and how to act on it" excuse, which, fair enough I suppose. A lot of people wouldn't know what to do in a scenario like that. But man, it's hard to not think that literally any other approach would be better than just airing out on social media.

Personal business should never be aired out on social media. It's no ones business other than yours and those involved. Airing it out on social media tends to empower the masses and makes them think it IS their business as well, when, well, it isn't. I just don't understand even putting that out there...

As a result of these things happening there WILL be articles and it WILL still get attention, but even then it's nothing like social media waves which are full of trolls, radicals, elitists, etc.
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The people making fun of the accusations and discrediting her are no better than the people going with the guilty until proven innocent bullshit.


The people making fun of the accusations and discrediting her are no better than the people going with the guilty until proven innocent bullshit.

We are talking here about known hustler who have scam tattooed on her face. No one will believe anything she says.

If she was actually raped there is police and she can seek justice like every other human being.
Instead she seeks justice from tweeter.
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Innocent until proven guilty.
Listen to the victim is now due process, sorry.

We don't know, so I would hold off any comments until the law does its thing, or the accused admits guilt in some manner.

It wld be nice if those not involved would shut up until we know more, whatever really happened... And guys, you know why it's dangerous to be alone with some chick.

There may be some reason she is so damaged, her relationship with men or obviously not sane.
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Exactly. Something else to note is that those that are guilty will often play the "I did nothing wrong" card and will often go to court to make it look as if it's true. Well, and in their position, it makes sense, especially if they're some celebrity. But in the long run, at least at that point, it's up to the court to put together, and they will.

But just running on social media and airing it out there isn't the best form of... Anything really. It's something that our society has gotten WAY too comfortable with, and honestly, it's pretty gross. I've never been a fan. I understand emotions can get in the way sometimes, but good lord, compose yourself.
What she accuses him seems to be much more than rape, it's a pattern of manipulative control and violence over the course of their relationship, which can be pretty hard to evaluate if you don't know those involved a lot (even then, often that type of guy knows what they are doing and they are very nice to the rest of the world, which leads people to not believe the victims).

Now if the roommate knew it, and something was under going on, what kind of a spineless Peterson is this? My friends would not let me do that kind of things.

Xaero Gravity

I like how she just casually refers to yet another guy who raped her apart from the guy she's currently accusing. I guess she has that one on the backburner in case this one falls through without much action. A cunning move straight out of the Zoe Quinn play book.

Daily reminder that this is what she looks like:


Dr. Robotnik lookin ass
Meh, I'd hit it.

nah, it was purely an accident based on search results. And then I saw the replies.

maybe some people here need to take a step back and look from the outside. the reactions posted here are super alarming and disappointing. It’s quite unbelievable how far things have gone.
Oh please, just shut the fuck up.
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Now if the roommate knew it, and something was under going on, what kind of a spineless Peterson is this? My friends would not let me do that kind of things.
Seriously. They would be just as bad as him. It's just gross knowing that people like that DO exist. Ones that DO horrible things, and those that witness horrible things and act like nothing happened when they really should speak up.
Seriously. They would be just as bad as him. It's just gross knowing that people like that DO exist. Ones that DO horrible things, and those that witness horrible things and act like nothing happened when they really should speak up.
This is most people, it doesn't take much to stop a man from abusing a woman, just a strong look will do it most of the time - they are not looking for a fight. In cases where you are close to the perpetrator, just telling the guy you disagree, if your opinion has some weight, will dissuade the actions (at least in your presence).


Gold Member
the reactions posted here are super alarming and disappointing.

Christ alive, if there's one thing that absolutely boils my piss, it's the 'disappointing' shtick. You don't *get* to be disappointed in strangers' reactions. You're not fucking levitating above us like some amorphous moral panacea.

This broad is a fucking nutter. She's fleecing people for cash and makes her money out of manipulating simpletons on the internet.

I categorically refuse to accept that I have to neuter my sense of reason to accommodate this dickhead's flights of fancy.

She needs to get in the sea.


The people making fun of the accusations and discrediting her are no better than the people going with the guilty until proven innocent bullshit.
Whether U realize it or not this just admits yeah both sides are entitled to talking out of their ass since we only have very vague info to go on. Which makes hard staning any side kinda pointless. Only people concerned w tone policing are the ones who seem to have a holier than thou opinion. People doing dumb jokes are not demanding everyone else shut up
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Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Is it a full moon or something? Why does Anita need to have her say? Does she think she'll *literally* disappear if she goes a month without a holier-than-thou Twitter tirade?


I lol'ed reading the first "male" 's response in the replies "I believe you and I'm sorry"

This shit should not be breaking on Twitter.
Just a friendly reminder that Zoe Quinn once casually admitted to maybe, possibly, allegedly killing some guy....yet we're supposed to feel sorry that her BDSM role play went too far. Ha ha ha , get bent!


Holy cow the virtue signalling is coming out in full force for these people. I didn't realize it was that slow of a Tuesday.

Side thought: I listen to inside gaming all the time cause they are goofy and I know they will cover this story but I pray they have a neutral stance on this(not likely) rather than going the virtue signalling route.
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