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ZombiU |OT| Zombi Emergency! WiiU WiiU WiiU WiiU


Nailed the lukewarm review. I expect reviews all over the place, but from what I've seen thus far this is the game for me. Now someone make the negative 3.5 review.

"Zombie U by the company behind titles like the great Assasin's Creed 3 is a neat experiment that constantly interrupts its own atempts to entertain the gamer by introducing new controller gimmicks that never quite reach the purpose they set out to do. While its art direction and inventive use of filters create a surprisinly shorta good setting, it fails to create a real conection with the player with its evidently rushed backstory and lack of actual characterization, this disconnect is futher perpetuated by its graphics that compete with the likes of 360 games like Condemned and Call of Juarez, but fail to approach the vivid and visceral real life graphics of upcoming games like Star Wars 3101 and Ubisoft's own Watch_Dogs.

In short, Zombie U, like its rather uninspired title is an insipid effort that hopefully wont set the pace of WiiU's gameplay library, like its spiritual predecesor, Red Steel, did with the Wii.


I'm really excited about the one survivor mode here. Hopefully they do some sort of quick auto save as soon as you die to keep people (me) from exploiting the reset button as they are dying.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Even though Jim is Destructoid... Is Greg Miller really reviewing this? I thought he was always the PS guy.

Supposedly Greg asked for the ZombiU review because he is a big Zombie buff. I had no idea Jim was Destructoid, whoops. It seems as if he likes the WiiU so far though:

Jim Sterling said:
@ClevelandRock Understood! No, I have been working with the Wii U for a few days and am a firm believer in it so far.

Hopefully this tweet was aimed at ZombiU:

Jim Sterling said:
Games that make me go, "ohshitohshitohshit," are so rare. When I find a new one, it is a treasure.


Supposedly Greg asked for the ZombiU review because he is a big Zombie buff. I had no idea Jim was Destructoid, whoops. Seems like be likes the WiiU so far though:
Ah, well that's good. I had no idea. And, it's ok.

Well it's the launch of a new console. The three Nintendo guys cannot realistically review everything.

It's understandable, I just had no idea which guys were taking what titles.
Supposedly Greg asked for the ZombiU review because he is a big Zombie buff. I had no idea Jim was Destructoid, whoops. Seems like be likes the WiiU so far though:

Hopefully this tweet was aimed at ZombiU:

Whoa I find that bizarre coming from Sterling. I thought he was going to hate it.
Nailed the lukewarm review. I expect reviews all over the place, but from what I've seen thus far this is the game for me. Now someone make the negative 3.5 review.

What about the 10/10 review?

"Move over Mario. Nintendo's new systems signature game isn't the one you'd expect, as Ubisoft goes out of their way to prove that the WiiU and its gamepad are the ideal combo for true hardcore gamers. From top to bottom, ZombiU is an experience like no other with its visceral gameplay and innovative use of the WiiU pad. Never before has a game given players such intense feelings of dread and fear, but with ZombiU, you simply keep coming back for more. With graphics that prove that the WiiU has the chops to compete graphically both now and into next gen and gameplay mechanics unmatched by any other survival horror/Zombie experience, ZombiU is definitely a system seller."


What about the 10/10 review?

"Move over Mario. Nintendo's new systems signature game isn't the one you'd expect, as Ubisoft goes out of their way to prove that the WiiU and its gamepad are the ideal combo for true hardcore gamers. From top to bottom, ZombiU is an experience like no other with its visceral gameplay and innovative use of the WiiU pad. Never before has a game given players such intense feelings of dread and fear, but with ZombiU, you simply keep coming back for more. With graphics that prove that the WiiU has the chops to compete graphically both now and into next gen and gameplay mechanics unmatched by any other survival horror/Zombie experience, ZombiU is definitely a system seller."

This might work in the land of pixies and chocolate, but in the real world Nintendo games and consoles means mediocre at best as far as the gaming press is concerned. :)

Speaking of which, did you listen to the NintendoWorldReport telethon for child's play. They had a Wii U Hype Train segment and not one of them, including special guests (Brad from GiantBomb was one) was actually Hyped. The feeling was very tepid and quite depressing to listen to.


"ZombiU is a boring and tepid adventure that you will suffer nearly 20 hours to complete. While constant death through attrition was fun in games like Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, here it's annoying and feels cheap. Quite frankly, the poor use of the tablet controller to take your eyes off the main screen is a cheap way to instill fear in the player that ends up feeling like a completely disconnected experience. Being forced to use the tablet controller so much just gets frustrating in the midst of the poor gameplay, especially when you compare it to the intuitive capacitive multi-touch screen of Apple's iPad.

The audio is decent in this game, but honestly the atmospheric music that sets the tone is so poorly done, and there are no memorable tunes in this game at all. Graphically, this game doesn't look how we expect next-gen titles to look like and doesn't even rival efforts by other current-generation studios on other platforms, like Microsoft's recently released Halo 4 on the Xbox 360. In 2012, Nintendo's hardware comes across as feeling cheap, old, and just trodding over already trodden ground, and ZombiU is no different, doing little to separate itself from better zombie titles like Resident Evil 6 or Left for Dead 2.

Give me a gun next time, Ubisoft"



Nailed the lukewarm review. I expect reviews all over the place, but from what I've seen thus far this is the game for me. Now someone make the negative 3.5 review.
"Sometimes, when I play ZombiU, a cat sits outside my window.
It knows.
When will I be free of this torment? When will I be forgiven for my transgression, now atoned for time and time again? The feline demon chortles. “Never,” it says. Forgiveness is a privilege denied someone such as I.
I scrub at my palms with a desperate vigor, but no amount of soap will cleanse my spirit. The taint of my deeds pervades in a chorus of wrathful condemnation. I remain unclean.
The ticking wall clock chips away at the interminable aeons of existence, its cacophonous strikes resounding through my very soul. The beats of life, of others, echo from all around, so close to my prison and yet agonizingly out of reach. The patter of footsteps beyond my door. The laugh of a woman above my head. The rustle of movement outside my window.
The cat is back.

This is what you were asking for, right?


why not make fake review thread? it'll be fun to read

Don't think we need another Wii thread for little to no information :p
So any idea if any games will be getting demos come launch day? aka has Nin outlined their DD plans .. other than just saying retail releases will be there on release date?


"Frustrating mechanics really drag this game down."

Let me preface this review by saying that I have never played Resident Evil games, so I will in no way be making comparisons to those.

First, I want to just briefly mention the audio and graphics. The graphics are good, but nothing special; they neither stand out nor bring the game down in anyway. The sound, or sometimes the lack of, is one of the better features. It really adds to the atmosphere which is probably the best quality of this game. I really do feel like I'm stuck in a dangerous, desolate world.

Now the mechanics are what really drags this game down. I've heard so many people say that this a truly difficult game and requires skill. This has not been my experience, it requires luck more than anything.

First of all, the controls are somewhat sluggish. I know the character isn't supposed to zip around like Dante, but the controls could be tighter. Several times I have died where I know I wouldn't have if the controls were better. However, they're usually passable so this is more of a minor a minor gripe.

The biggest thing which really drags this game down is the hit detection. It is absolute trash. There are so many instances where my weapons go through the enemy and do no damage whatsoever. This is exponentially so during a boss fight where you absolutely need your limited number of bullets and they get wasted due to the hit detection. Basically, boss fights come down to hoping they use their weaker attacks and hoping that your attacks actually connect when they should.

Another problem was the slowdown that occurs in a particular area of the game. It's so bad that there is no way the developers could have missed it and it just shows laziness that didn't fix it. It really is bad to the point where it can make the area more difficult than it otherwise would be.

Anyways, this is a difficult game, but mostly due the garbage hit detection that makes the game more difficult then it should be. I do want to end this review on a positive note. The game is addicting, the world and atmosphere are interesting enough that it will keep you playing despite the technical flaws.



"Frustrating mechanics really drag this game down."

Let me preface this review by saying that I have never played Resident Evil games, so I will in no way be making comparisons to those.

First, I want to just briefly mention the audio and graphics. The graphics are good, but nothing special; they neither stand out nor bring the game down in anyway. The sound, or sometimes the lack of, is one of the better features. It really adds to the atmosphere which is probably the best quality of this game. I really do feel like I'm stuck in a dangerous, desolate world.

Now the mechanics are what really drags this game down. I've heard so many people say that this a truly difficult game and requires skill. This has not been my experience, it requires luck more than anything.

First of all, the controls are somewhat sluggish. I know the character isn't supposed to zip around like Dante, but the controls could be tighter. Several times I have died where I know I wouldn't have if the controls were better. However, they're usually passable so this is more of a minor a minor gripe.

The biggest thing which really drags this game down is the hit detection. It is absolute trash. There are so many instances where my weapons go through the enemy and do no damage whatsoever. This is exponentially so during a boss fight where you absolutely need your limited number of bullets and they get wasted due to the hit detection. Basically, boss fights come down to hoping they use their weaker attacks and hoping that your attacks actually connect when they should.

Another problem was the slowdown that occurs in a particular area of the game. It's so bad that there is no way the developers could have missed it and it just shows laziness that didn't fix it. It really is bad to the point where it can make the area more difficult than it otherwise would be.

Anyways, this is a difficult game, but mostly due the garbage hit detection that makes the game more difficult then it should be. I do want to end this review on a positive note. The game is addicting, the world and atmosphere are interesting enough that it will keep you playing despite the technical flaws.




Don't think we need another Wii thread for little to no information :p
So any idea if any games will be getting demos come launch day? aka has Nin outlined their DD plans .. other than just saying retail releases will be there on release date?

Zero talk of any demos.
No, Sunday morning.

Oh...bummer. I don't know what to expect. For me, this is the game that made me want to buy a WiiU and if the reviews are bad, I dunno if I should keep my pre order. To bad Rayman Legends releases in 2013...was really looking forward to that game too.


Oh...bummer. I don't know what to expect. For me, this is the game that made me want to buy a WiiU and if the reviews are bad, I dunno if I should keep my pre order. To bad Rayman Legends releases in 2013...was really looking forward to that game too.

Why would it get bad reviews?
I think that most of you are downplaying the effect that the level design, art direction and lighting are going to have on reviewers' opinions on the graphics quality of the game. Most reviewers, imo, are going to give it the thumbs up.

I'm quite confident, going by hands-on impressions and tweets from some reviewers, that this game is going to end up being the most critically acclaimed launch title. It's going to end up with a Metascore of 90+ and will be a strong contender for a few GOTY Awards.

And I think this is going to be one of those select third party titles that Nintendo are going to match marketing dollars with too. It should do over a million in sales before Christmas imo.



*Starts crying*


This game is not fun. Between the cumbersome controls and stupid mechanics, it feels designed for people that hate themselves. I'm requesting the Ubisoft retrieve the review copy they sent to us as I'm concerned the game disc may animate and inflict further harm upon me.

That said, I feel like gamers will love it and they should buy it. It'll be a GOTY-contender for most gamers and considering zombies and their popularity, it's a must buy for every new Wii U owner. They'll enjoy the progressive mechanics, the absorbing atmosphere, and the value-adding gamepad implementation. In short, it may be the best of the bunch during launch. Zombies.


Game Informer
Well, some Wii U games are no longer under embargo, consdiering Game Rankings now has three reviews for Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge.
It still sucks, apparently.
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